Chaps, I've been toying with the idea of a proper discipline of psychic technique to do with the manipulation of time and control of. Essentially it's an expansion from the Divination tree with elements from biomancy with some overlap or other useful abilities concerning the effects of manipulation. Many of the ideas are intended to be high power and perhaps rather than be bought by experience alone, require discipline, training and focus to unlock.
Time is intended to be a difficult thing to control or manage and therefore every action from this tree will generate an amount of "Temporal Instability" which is rolled and tracked privately with the GM. Small abilities will generate little to no instability as their consequences on the continuum are intended as negligible however more powerful effects will cause a lot of problems if left to manifest. As this rises it will cause greater levels of unpleasantness as the passage of time eventually tries to rewrite and amend itself
I'm still working on the stat line and details but the basic overview for theoretical powers currently stands as:
Past/Future Sight - Allow the psyker to look forward or backwards in time for an amount of hours to see the events in the same place of what has happened or what will happen (latter is GM discretion and can of course be averted)
Speed/Slow Body- Allow the psyker to speed up the passage of time in a particular area. Such effects can be used to say speed up their regenerative processes for recovery or delay the effect of a poison to keep someone alive.
Speed/Slow Target - More intense, target a figure to say affect their movement or agility as they are slightly out of step with the passage of time. Attack or move slower/faster, better initiative...that sort of thing
<More pending>
Paradox - Top tier ability. Practically akin to a Wish spell from dnd, allows the psyker to make drastic changes (within reason) to the state of play. At GM discretion may be used to say rewrite an encounter which has occured. Say bring someone back from the dead by having that shot miss instead or remove a low tier enemy from existence in the fight somehow. Needless to say though that such events will have MASSIVE consequences even if successful so again the GM needs to be clear on controlling this.
The theory is still very much WIP though so brainstorming for initial ideas. Suggestions thus far? Havent written much though, on a brief break.