[RPG] 4e Topaz Championship?

By locust shell, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Just what it says on the tin. I know I've seen a 4E conversion for the 3E Topaz Championship module... on AEG's L5R forum. Which is now inaccessible. :angry: I googled around and found this pdf. Is that the whole of it, though?


It looks like the NPCs aren't updated in this version--don't suppose they ever were?

For anyone who's run it, I'm also curious: about how many hours of gameplay did it take to do it justice?

When the news about the sale from AEG to FFG was going around, it emerged that I have this friend who's been interested in L5R for a while and yet never had the chance to get introduced to it, so naturally I offered to run something when next I'm in town, and I was thinking it might be fun to do the TC (obviously, hence this post). But I've never actually run or played in the module before. I'm keen to make whatever I run a smooth introduction to R&K for my friend and whomever else we round up who may also be unfamiliar with it, and I don't live in their town, so it would be nice to have something self-contained that can be tied off with a bow in one or at most two sessions. (We'll have at least one other experienced player on hand to help with character creation, or perhaps I'll try to get it done in advance to save face-time for gaming; anyway, plenty of time to figure that out beforehand.)


The contestants in the Topaz Championship are among the finest young bushi in the Empire, or at least that is the intention. In truth, some are there on their own merit, while others received the invitation as a result of political standing. Shugenja are relatively uncommon, but a few show up each year, intent on proving themselves. Three are in attendance this year, plus however many are present within the player characters.


Air: 2

Earth: 2 willpower 3

Fire: 3

Water: 2 Perception 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Hiruma bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5

Advantages: Crab Hands, Large

Disadvantages: Antisocial (2 Points), Compulsion (Drinking: 2 Points)

Kata: Striking as fire.

Skills: Athletics 1, Hunting 3, Kenjutsu (katana) 1, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Stealth (Sneaking) 3, lore : heraldy 1

Hiruma Do considers himself more experienced than most youths, having gone into the Shadowlands once to prove himself. In looking for a ‘trophy’ for his gempukku, Do was attacked and left for dead by his cowardly allies. Using the best of his Hiruma training he returned harrowed, having seen dark things. He has grown too willing to return, to prove his worth as a scout, but his family has sent him to the Topaz Championship to take his mind of what he has seen.


Air: 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 3

Water: 2 Perception 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Doji Magistrate 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 5.5

Advantages: sacred weapon (Mother’s Akodo Blade), Quick

Disadvantages: Fascination (Art), Disbeliever, Sworn Enemy (Bayushi Denbe: 2 Points)

Kata: Striking as fire.

Skills: Etiquette 1, Iaijutsu 3, Investigation (Notice) 1, Kenjutsu 2, jiujutsu 2, Lore: Heraldry 1, Lore: Law 1, defense 1, horsemanship 1, knives (jitte) 1, polearms 1.

The eldest son of the noble Doji Gozen, known in some circles the Crane Clan Fool. Despite his high status within the clan, Wakao struggles to overcome his father’s reputation as a boor in court. His mother is said to be a Lion general who married a Crane in secret, his only tie to her being the blade he wields. He is engaged to Kakita Akemi, the daughter of the Crane running the tournament and knows a Scorpion in the contest wants to win her affection. Wakao is quiet but has a strong presence in the room. Wakao stays apart from the other contestants, unless he can enlist their help in finding and revealing the Scorpion who wants to steal his fiancée.

<Begin Sidebar>

Doji Wakao is a member of the Doji Magistrate school. If you do not have Emerald Empire 4 th edition, consider him a member of the Daidoji Iron Crane school. <End Sidebar>


Air: 2 Reflexes 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 3

Water: 2

Void: 3

School/Rank: Kakita Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 6.5

Advantages: Benten’s Blessing, Sacred weapon (Kakita Blade)

Disadvantages: Overconfident, Failure of Bushido (courtesy).

Kata: Striking As Wind

Skills: Battle 2, Courtier 2, Etiquette 2, Iaijutsu (focus) 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 1, Kyujutsu 1, Sincerity 2, tea ceremony 1

An arrogant youth and rightly so as he is an expert duelist. While he poses and does his best to seem the stereotype of the arrogant Crane, he comes from a poor family and was sponsored by a wise noble. For him, this is more than just a game, to become the Topaz Champion would give him the connections he and his family need.


Air: 2

Earth: 2 (stamina 3)

Fire: 3

Water: 2

Void: 3

School/Rank: Mirumoto Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5

Advantages: Clear Thinker, Sacred Weapon (Twin Sister Blades)

Disadvantages: Driven (Dueling), Haunted (by his grandfather).

Kata: Striking as void.

Skills: Defense 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 3, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shugenja 1, Meditation 2, Lore : Theology 1, Athletics 2, Iaijutsu 3

Mirumoto Otakan represents the legacy of a great duelist and will do whatever is necessary to uphold that heritage. This is what he’s been taught and he cannot forget it. His ancestor will not allow it. Since his aptitude with the blade became apparent, all within his family have come to expect great things of him. Many expect him to finally complete and perfect the style developed by his grandfather. Only he hears his most vocal supporter. The spirit of his grandfather is an ever-present voice driving him to his destiny. In his heart Otakan feels overburdened and uncertain that he can accomplish his ancestor’s demands. However, there is nothing more important than family and he will do as expected.


Air: 2

Earth: 3 Willpower 4

Fire: 2

Water: 2

Void: 2

School/Rank: Tamori Shugenja 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5

Advantages: Elemental blessing (Earth)

Disadvantages: Elemental Imbalance (Fire: 6 Points), Antisocial (2 Points)

Kata: None

Skills: Defense 3, Divination 2, Medicine 3, Meditation 2, Lore : Theology 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 3, Athletics 2, Calligraphy (cipher) 2, Spellcraft 1

Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, armor of earth, courage of the seven thunders, jade strike, Jurojin’s balm, katana of fire, fury of Osano-wo, extinguish, path to inner peace.

A samurai does all to bring honor and glory to her clan and family. Tamori Gojinka believes this with all her heart. However, she knows she cannot. Though a skilled shugenja, she has found that her communion with the kami can have unexpected consequences. It is as if the kami fight for her attention. Gojinka fears what may happen if she were to lose control of her spellcasting. She has resigned herself to remain quiet and unnoticed, so that she is not called upon to use her spiritual abilities, concentrating her focus on more physical training.


Air: 2

Earth: 2 Stamina 3

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Akodo Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 6.5

Advantages: Paragon (courage), Strength of the Earth.

Disadvantages: Brash, Can’t Lie, Fascination (History), Idealistic

Kata: none.

Skills: Athletics 2, Battle (Mass Combat) 1, Defense 1, Heavy Weapons 1, Jiujutsu 2, Kenjutsu 2, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: History 1, Meditation 1, sincerity 1.

Shotaka is a promising young student from the Akodo dojo at Shiro sano Ken Hayai, the Castle of the Swift Sword. He is an odd mixture of traits, bearing the Ikoma’s fascination for history and the Matsu’s quickness to act. His sensei believes that if he can learn to temper the two, he will become a great leader and hero. Time will tell if they are correct.


Air: 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 2 (intelligence 3)

Water: 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Kitsu Shugenja 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 6.5

Advantages: Friendly Kami (water)

Disadvantages: Phobia (Insects: 1 Point)

Kata: None

Skills: Calligraphy (cipher) 2, Heavy Weapons 2, Investigation 3, Lore: Ancestors (Lion Clan) 2, Lore: History 1, Meditation 1, Tea Ceremony 2, lore : Theology (Shintao) 1, battle 1.

Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, path to inner peace, stand against the waves, spirit of water, testubo of earth, tempest of air, blessed wind.

As a child, Konoko wanted to be a bushi. Her parents, horrified at the notion, sent her to train as a shugenja. Konoko was patient and learned to do as she was told, but still studies bushido and communicates with long-dead warriors. Her peaceful nature has been sorely tested in the past year when several of her family were slain in the fighting at the City of the Rich Frog. Any Unicorn who face Konoko in the Championship will find her a most determined opponent.


Air: 2

Earth: 3

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 3.5

Advantages: Absolute Direction, Dangerous Beauty

Disadvantages: Idealistic, Phobia (Enclosed Spaces: 1 Point)

Kata: Striking As Earth.

Skills: Athletics (Swimming) 3, Battle 1, Commerce 1, Sailing 1, Defense 2, Kenjutsu 2, Knives (Kama) 3, jiujutsu (improvised weapons) 1

Quiet and solemn, Yuriko is not big on socializing. She is a favorite of many higher-up scholars as she spends most of her time with them instead of the contestants. She is willing to make friends, but people have to meet her lofty ideals before she sees them as equals.


Air: 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 2 Intelligence 3

Water: 2 perception 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Isawa Shugenja 1 (Air Affinity)

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.5

Advantages: Benten’s Blessing, Quick

Disadvantages: Bitter Betrothal (Otomo Courtier), Greedy, Lechery.

Kata: None

Skills: Calligraphy (cipher) 2, Courtier 2, Hunting 2, Lore: Imperial Courts 2, Meditation 1, Medicine 2, Spellcraft (spell research) 2, Knives 1, Lore : Theology 2

Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, blessed wind, cloak of night, legacy of Kaze-no-kami, tempest of air (innate mastery), Benten’s touch, call upon the wind, Jurojin’s balm, extinguish, fury of Osano-wo, biting steel, bo of water, path to inner peace.

Agasha Hanori is a promising young shugenja and a darling of the courts. He has won over many people in the Imperial City with his eagerness to please and happy disposition, all apart from his fiancée. Otomo Umako, knowing his weaknesses for sake, women and the high life decided to volunteer Hanori into the Championship. Once here, he can prove himself as a worthy husband. Hanori, on the other hand, intends to gamble, drink and socialize with the youths of many clans, possibly competing somewhere in between those activities.


Air: 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 3

Water: 2 (perception 3)

Void: 2

School/Rank: Shiba Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 5.5

Advantages: Crafty, Precise Memory

Disadvantages: Driven (prove self to both clans), Gullible

Kata: None

Skills: Defense 3, Etiquette 1, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 2, Meditation (Void Recovery) 2, Craft : Poison 1, Lore : Theology 1, Spears 2

The daughter of a Phoenix & Bayushi Yojimbo. Takako was raised to be a Phoenix by her father after her mother’s death at the hands of the oni Fushin. Despite the difference in the clans, she was raised to acknowledge both their merits and wears her mother’s mask as a reminder of her heritage. She seems naïve, young and impressionable, but knows far more than she lets on. Her stake in the Topaz Championship is to prove herself to both clans and see who wants her more.


Air: 2 Reflexes 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 3

Water: 2

Void: 2

School/Rank: Bayushi Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 2.5

Advantages: Crafty, Dangerous Beauty, Voice

Disadvantages: Driven (Get Kakita Akemi back), Lost Love (Kakita Akemi), contrary.

Kata: Striking As Fire

Skills: Courtier (manipulation) 2, Defense 3, Etiquette 2, Iaijutsu 2, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 2, Kyujutsu 1, Iaijutsu 1, Sincerity 2.

Denbe is kind when he needs to be but able to change attitudes at a moments’ notice. Initially he acts a little shy to befriend the other contestants but is not against making them fight each other. His childhood sweetheart is the daughter of the tournament’s organizer. She has been arranged to marry another Crane, but Denbe will do whatever he can to impress Akemi and win her back.


Air: 2 Reflexes 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 2 Strength 4

Void: 2

School/Rank: Moto Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0Honor: 3.5

Advantages: Bishamon’s Blessing, Strength of the Earth

Disadvantages: Fascination (old texts), Insensitive, Wrath of the Kami (Fire)

Kata: none.

Skills: Athletics (Running) 2, Battle 1, Defense 2, Horsemanship 2, Jiujutsu 1, Kenjutsu (Scimitar) 2, Spears 1, Hunting 1.

Xuren is the elder of his family and their best hope of gaining power in the Moto family. He is not sure of his skills as his younger brother, Xao-Khun is superior, but their father only wants Xuren to succeed. Xuren is more capable than he thinks, but the constant attention of his family doesn’t help.


Air: 3 Reflexes 4

Earth: 2

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 2

Void: 2

School/Rank: Usagi Bushi 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: 4.0

Advantages: Daredevil, Quick

Disadvantages: Brash, Haunted (1 Point), Contrary.

Kata: Striking As Air.

Skills: Athletics (Running) 2, Defense 2, Jiujutsu 1, Kenjutsu 3, Lore: Kolat 1, Lore : Maho 2, hunting 1

A spring of energy and swordplay, Kamahime cannot stop moving. Even between contests or when relaxing, she shakes her leg nervously and has been seen arguing with thin air. Kamahime is haunted by her very critical father who sees her as a disappointment, rather than noticing her skill with weaponry and acrobatics. She cannot avoid joining in arguments and giving her opinion on every topic.


Air: 2 Reflexes 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 2

Void: 2

School/Rank: Disciples of Sun Tao 1

Glory: 1.0 Status: N/A Honor: 4.5

Advantages: Quick

Disadvantages: Bad Fortune (Evil Eye), Disbeliever.

Kata: None

Skills: Athletics 1, Iaijutsu 2, Defense 1, Hunting 1, Investigation 1, Kenjutsu (Katana) 2, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shadowlands 1

Hazu's entire existence is one of tragic isolation. Born ronin and viewed little better than a bandit, he must also bear the scars of his lineage. His father died defending the heart of the Empire and his family during the fall of Otosan Uchi and the destruction of the Yotsu Dojo. Hazu survived, rushed from the corrupted city in his mother's arms. But, there were stories, whispers and rumors. Many believed the child had been touched by the Shadowlands. Still, his mother was always there, to watch over him and guide him. Then the Rain came. He watched the Blood wash over his mother. He saw the madness overcome her as she struck down those who tried to rescue her. Then, she left and he was alone. Hazu has nothing. He has no home, no family, and few possessions. He does however, have his sword. It's all he needs.


Air: 2

Earth: 3

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 2 Strength 3

Void: 2

School/Rank: Daigotsu Bushi 1

Glory: 0.0 Status: 0.0 (ronin) Honor: 1.5

Advantages: hands of stone, heart of vengeance (Crane)

Disadvantages: disbeliever, disturbing countenance.

Kata: None

Skills: hunting 1, intimidation 3, jiujutsu 2, kenjutsu (katana) 2, kyujutsu 1, lore : Shadowlands 1, iaijutsu (focus) 3.

(Depending on your era, Karitsu will be a ronin or an official member of the Spider clan). Karitsu Isn’t really here by choice. He was the only available untainted young samourai of the Spider clan to be sent. Born of a Crane samourai who raped a geisha, he hates his father’s clan and that what the Spider wants. He has been sent to stir troubles among the young samourais, but not to the level of ending with lethal duels or threats of executions.


As the Empire’s most prestigious gempukku ceremony, the Topaz Championship is attended by numerous important personages. Typically, there are a large number of Crane in attendance, as might be expected, but also representatives from other Great Clans as well. In particular, the contest is of interest to those who have served or continue to serve as sensei. This year, the following important individuals are in attendance.

Kakita Noritoshi [Kakita Bushi 5 / Kenshinzen 2] As the Kakita family daimyo and master sensei of the Kakita Dueling Academy, the Topaz Championship falls directly under Kakita Noritoshi’s authority. Although Noritoshi is somewhat anti-social, his legendary skill as a duelist and sensei ensures that the Championship’s host is treated with nothing short of respect and awe.

Miya Shoin, Imperial Herald [Miya Herald 5] The Imperial Herald is the Emperor’s personal messenger, and responsible for the Emperor’s decrees reaching even the most distant of his subjects. While young, Shoin is extremely devoted to his duties and widely respected throughout the Empire. As is customary, Shoin serves as the Master of Ceremonies for the Championship, ensuring that absolute impartiality is shown to all contestants.

Akodo Shigetoshi [Akodo Bushi 5 / Akodo tactical master 1] The Akodo provinces are a short distance from Crane lands and the Akodo family daimyo typically attends to oversee the Lion’s entrants in the competition. Shigetoshi is a reclusive daimyo, unknown to virtually everyone outside the Lion Clan. His presence at the contest attracts attention, but he is largely unconcerned with anything beyond the Lion contestants’ performance.

Isawa Sachi [isawa Shugenja (Isawa Tensai : Earth) / Elemental Guard 2] The Elemental Master of Earth is among the Phoenix Clan’s most celebrated sensei. Sachi teaches many skills beyond those associated with his School, and finds the competition of tremendous interest. He will gladly speak with any guests or competitors, but politely refuses to speak to any representative from the Mantis Clan.

Mirumoto Rosanjin [Mirumoto Bushi 4 / Mirumoto Taoist Swordman 2 / Mirumoto master sensei 1] Before he was a general and the Mirumoto family daimyo, Mirumoto Rosanjin was a sense at Iron Mountain Dojo, the most illustrious dojo the Mirumoto family maintains. Rosanjin is well known for his outgoing nature and his pleasant disposition, and is the most approachable guest attending the competition.


While the characters will certainly compete against the other contestants, perhaps even in a hostile manner, they will almost certainly come up against Juriken and his cohorts. Although his ronin companions should be equally matched with the characters, Juriken himself is an extremely dangerous adversary and should only be engaged with caution. Facing him at any sort of disadvantage may well result in one or more deaths among the characters.

Juriken, Disavowed Harrier

Air: 2 Reflexes 3

Earth: 2

Fire: 3

Water: 2

Void: 3

School/Rank : Daidoji Scout 1 / Tengoku’s justice 1

Infamy : 2,0 Status: 0.0 (ronin) Honor: 1.2

Advantages: Heart of Vengeance (Crane), Quick

Disadvantages: Black Sheep, Driven (Humiliate Crane)

Kata: Striking as Fire, Striking as Void.

Skills: Athletics 3, Battle 1, Sincerity (Deceit) 3, Defense 3, Hunting (traps) 3, Iaijutsu 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 3, Knives 2, Kyujutsu (yumi) 2, Craft : Poison 2, Stealth (Ambush, Sneaking) 3, Traps 3, Lore : Underworld 2, Horsemanship 1.

Daidoji Juriken was a student at Shiro Giji, the hidden dojo where the Daidoji Harriers are trained. His skill was so impressive that his sensei broke a long-standing tradition and allowed him to compete at the Topaz Championship. Juriken not only concealed the rather questionable nature of his training, but competed and won the contest, becoming the Topaz Champion four years ago.

Juriken went on to serve the Daidoji well, but two years after his appointment, he was captured during a mission. He was immediately disavowed by the Crane and cast out, accused of working on his own against the Scorpion. Juriken would have been executed, but escaped. He has harbored a terrible resentment of the Crane ever since, aghast that they would have discarded him so easily. Now he plans to sabotage the Topaz Championship to give the Crane the disgrace they so neatly avoided by casting him to the wolves.

<Begin Sidebar>

Juriken is a member of the Daidoji Scout school. If you do not have Great Clans, consider that his technique grants him + 1k0 to all stealth and hunting rolls. <End Sidebar>

Kota , Jin, & Taka, Ronin Accomplices

Air: 2

Earth: 2

Fire: 2 Agility 3

Water: 2 Strength 3

Void: 3

School/Rank: Ronin Bushi 1

Glory: 0.0 Status: 0.0 (ronin) Honor: 1.5

Advantages: Bland, Quick Healer

Disadvantages: Failure of Bushido (courtesy), Greedy

Kata: None

Skills: Athletics 1, Defense 2, Jiujutsu 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 2, Kyujutsu 1, Stealth 2, Lore : Underworld 1

Although never affiliated with the Crane Clan, these three ruffians have had difficult lives and are eager to make someone, anyone, suffer for it. Juriken’s skill and passion has been enough to ignite their own need for vengeance, and they will do anything to help him achieve it. If close to death, however, their conviction will likely waver, and they may attempt to barter for their lives.

Thank you, thank you! I was so hoping this survived on a hard drive somewhere.

I'd still love to hear how long this has run in others' experiences...

I've played it a few times and it has been a nice slow introduction to the game, but a bit too dicey. I didn't posted the rest of the scenario because it was too long.