WFRP 2nd edition races question

By kenobi87, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I am dming a game of WFRP 2nd edition on roll20 and I noticed on the character sheets int he races drop down choices there are skaven and ogres. Curious, I did not see any options in any of the second edition books I have, does anyone know what books they are in so i can get the rules and stats etc for it?

I know that there was an Imperial Ogres supplement produced by BI that can be found here:

There's probably something similar for Skaven but perhaps someone more knowledgeable and wiser than I (namely everyone ;) ) might be able to help.

You can also create ogres using the Realms of Sorcery sourcebook.

And for skaven there is a sourcebook, Children of The Horned Rat. But that doesn't exist...

Yeah yeah, give him the right answer why don't you. Git.

I remember Skaven in Children of the Horned Rat, but I don't recall Ogres anywhere in 2E... ?

I remember Skaven in Children of the Horned Rat, but I don't recall Ogres anywhere in 2E... ?

If you check my earlier post you'll find a link to the aforementioned Ogre Supplement for 2E