I have been a fan of the L5R RPG for some time, but rarely have I had any interaction with the card game. I often felt that some of the history of the setting seemed a bit odd. I normally assumed that somebody won at Gen con and got a weird story award and then others had to write around it. One specific thing that I am really curious about, how did the Crab align with the Shadowlands early on in the Clan Wars. Thanks to the great 20 years of memory thread by AFrede I started looking around and it looks like the very first cards to come out in Pre-Imerial edition were already detailing the corruption of the Crab clan.
Does anyone have more perspective on this? All I have found are in universe explanations that basically say, Kuni Yori was corrupt and tried to convince Kisada to ally with the Shadowlands once and failed...but then evidently succeeded the second time. Does anyone know why the story team decided to start this way; and is there any good in universe explanation that helps show why Kisada thought that opening the gates at the wall and marching on the capital leading a Shadowlands army with the murdered corpse of his son nailed to a banner of Fu Leng was a good idea?