Tournament at Red Castle Games in Portland - 10/25

By Mikael Hasselstein, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Battle on the Overic Griplink

While the Mon Calamari have declared for the Rebellion, they are still in the process of mobilizing their forces. Meanwhile, the Empire is deploying their older vessels (Gladiator- and Victory-class Star Destroyers) to the Calamari front while their newer vessels are still en route from Kuat Drive Yards.


300 points, 3x 120-minute rounds, unless 'The Boat' has come in by then (unlikely), in which case the new stuff moves to the front, and we go 400 points and 3x 150 minutes.

$5 buy-in, with prizes from the Spring tournament kit.

Location: Red Castle Games

6406 SE Foster Road , Portland, OR

Time: High Noon.