Frozen Reaches - GM Resources

By LanceND, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Hi all

I am currently running The Frozen Reaches and thought I should share some resources I have made. These are to help the players and myself organise the war and hope they are of use to others.

All links are to Skydrive and files can be download by clicking the 3-dot button on the top right of the screen.

Battlemap (GM)

This is a map of Damaris with a box for each area detailing its strength, AP value, special rules and units stationed there. This is so the GM can easily calculate the total strength in each area and reduce defenders strength as needed.
This is an A3 PDF. Use your favoured PDF viewer to print it over multiple sheets of A4 to make it a usuable size. You might have to lower the print scale slightly to make it fit 2 pages.

Battlemap (Player)
Same as above. But with data removed so that the players can not see the "mechanics" of the war.

Military Assets (GM)
Excel sheet with all available assets and their stats. My players got all the NPCs plus they brought their own toops. Add in any other assets your players have plus the additional resources from their spending PF such as space mines

Military Assets (Player)

Same as above. But with data removed so that the players can not see the "mechanics" of the war.


Thank you very much for sharing, I believe this will be the next endeavor my players will embark into.
(this or svard)

No problem at all. I will add anything else else from the mission as i work my way through it. Only preparing Act 2 at the moment.

But I just posed a thread with some plot notes to Whispers on the Storm if you are interested.

But I just posed a thread with some plot notes to Whispers on the Storm if you are interested.

Indeed I am! Can you share the link? :)

Are these GM resources archived anywhere?

I hope so; all I get in the new tab is a prompt to log in to Microsoft; ugh! No thanks! No Comment on how they do business, mismanage everything, and make it impossible to regain access to the account I DO HAVE in their network...

Anyone have these files and can repost them?