Store Championships what does it take to actually partake... (rant incoming)

By Lancezh, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

We already got left behind on the Massing of Sullust, so we (- back then just a bigger gaming group- ) wanted at least to partake in the Store Championships so we can offer a bit more than just ordinary store credit and ship prices. But we keep getting denied by our Distributor (who merely just passes on the information, it's not their fault they are great) because we don't own a classical Brick & Mortar store (this is listed as a requirement).

So what happened was this, a couple months ago we tried really hard to get a Sullust Event going, the only Brick & Mortar Shop in Switzerland didn't want to. Not enough interest or not interested... They are also placed in the... well let's say upper price segment when it comes to their products. So we had to make a sullust event with... no wave 2 models. Well... yeah.

Problem is, we love Armada really much so we didn't want to give up. I founded a new company and opened an online store (not only for sullust obviously, but to further the hobby itself and have reasonable prices in our area finally) to do it better and we are now having good numbers when it comes to sold Armada products. We offer 12-16 hours each day where someone is ready and able to answer questions through our Chatsystem(which is being used and we met some awesome new players who are in it for the ride with us), we ship the same day from inventory in 2 languages etc. etc, around all game systems but more importantly we organize demogames and small mini tournaments (6-10 people) every month mainly for Star Wars Armada to spread the word in various locations.

We have 2 physical separate locations with room for up to 8 people each (more than most B&M stores) where we can and do organize games on the weekends. It's just not a rented store location that you can walk into in order to keep prices at a reasonable level (rent is very expensive here).

We even have Tournaments lined up as the only ones in Switzerland, we have also a trackrecord of about 7 midsized tournaments (up to 32 people) but we still get refused by FFG to get even a chance of receiving a tournament kit despite our efforts to try to document. I already offered to pay double the price for one of those kits and that we deliver proof that this is not some elaborate ruse from bobba fett, but to no avail.

I write this in hopes that SOMEONE hears my plea and can give me a tip to where i should turn to, we love this game but we receive almost no support from FFG to build the community in Switzerland and the rest of the crowd here doesn't seem to care at all or enough. (They focus on X-Wing / Warhammer) If you look at the time and sweat we kept investing into this for the past weeks there's no doubt that we're not into this for the money either, we are gamers at heart who care very much for this game, thats why this frustration is hitting me quite hard at the moment.

An extremely disappointed and sad storeowner hoping that the force is somewhere out there.

Edited by Lancezh