Building an anti-Psyker

By ColArana, in Dark Heresy

Without going into too much detail, in my current campaign my GM has made one of the major antagonists of the campaign a Primaris Psyker. This Psyker is extremely powerful (GM has commented out of game, that he's basically the equivalent of a mid-rank Ascension level Primaris), and he's managed to piss off the whole party, for a variety of reasons, all of them personal. My character is no exception.

Of course, the first chance, my character got, he ended up confronting the guy out of rage and the results were exactly what you'd expect from an unoptimized Rank 6 Savant Psyker vs a Rank 12ish Primaris Psyker.

It's gotten me thinking though that my own character's quest for vengeance on this particular Psyker is probably going to start pushing him into tailoring his abilities towards fighting him.

Only problem is I can't seem to figure out too many advances that can be taken that are particularly effective against a Psyker stronger than mine. About the only thing I can think of is Weaken Veil, and I did learn from the brief fight my character had with this guy, that the other guy at the very least has Favoured By the Warp, so increasing the chance of Phenomena probably isn't going to help me very much.


As an appendum. It's not that I'm trying to make my character be able to fight this guy solo-- but at the very least start working in a build that would allow my character to basically serve as a counter to opposing Psykers, since I can't seem to find a whole lot of talents or abilities that are particularly useful towards that end (especially since, due to an unfortunate turn of events, my character now has a -10 to resist Psychic Powers.... permanently).

Edited by ColArana

Maybe you should look at other, non-psyker adva nces?

Is there any chance of getting The Flash is Weak as Elite Advance? Immunity to mind-influencing pshychic effects is a good thing.

And different books provide a lot of anti-psyker equipment .

Sometimes head-on isn't the best approach. Try getting him at a distance where his powers are ineffective and shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle. Or get a null rod or something and lure him near it.

Edited by Utherix

Get a Null Rod.

Become an Untouchable (if the rules allow that you can probably burn your rulebook though ;) ) - if not, get some!

Can't you get a Culexus Assassin? I'm sure that an entire group can manage something... If only a bit of Rosette Abuse :)

Empyrean Brain Mines, Condemmnor Boltgun... The Ordo Hereticus really is a great source of anti-psyker gear!

Try to see if you can get a hold of Witch Bolts (from Deathwatch ) for any bolt weapons you have.

Every hit means -1 psychic rating for the target for 1d10 rounds, and it stacks for each hit. For maximum effect, throw a belt of them in a heavy bolter.

Other than that... look at Daemon Hunter for anti-psyker gear. Null Rods, Unguents of Warding, and Litany Micro-Beads come to mind.

Forbidden lore (psykers) and psyniscience along with high Intel and Perception. Without hard to come by and exspensive gear, directly countering psykers is hard for a PC (and probably not intended, seeing as being able to easily counter a common plot point of dark heresy would be pretty stupid) is pretty hard, so being able to find other advantages seems like the best method. Perception and Psyniscience allow you to easily sense him, and what he has been up to, and forbidden lore (psykers) and high intel allow you to generally have an Idea of what he may be plotting to do. Also if you know what kind of powers they may be using, you can boost other stats to give yourself an advantage. For example, vs a pyromancer having high agility lowers the chance of getting hit, and the chance of getting caught on fire a lot, where as if you are going up against a telepath, high willpower will be better.

There are few thing that can help.

1st- winning initiative - use auto-injector (IH) and ghostfire pollen extract and/or frenzon - you will get dobule initiative, immune to fear and fatigue

2nd - Storm Bolter with Psycannon Bolts - these ignore his telekinetic armor, he cannot catch them, and deal double damage and get +5 to critical. Even with ~30 hp, a good hit on full auto will drop him

If he is still alive then:

1st - Hexagrammatic wards on your armor - double armor vs psychic powers or normal armor vs those that ignore it completely (holocaust). If you get hit with psychic blade or firestorm, you are dead meat anyway, but will help against psychic barrage or simple bolts

2nd - DODGE!

3rd - another psyker with maxed psyniscience to reflexively dispel his overbleed. He'll do **** without it.

Sorcery powers

1 - transfix - unless he passes a very hard (-30) WP test (probably will still have around 40) he does nothing for an hour!

2 - flaming word - automatically set him on fire - which causes him to test WP every round (probably will fail every third round, unless he's fearless), cause some dmg, and fatigue. With regeneration power on (of course it will be on) it is minor inconvieniance, but still can cause him some discomfort

3 - disease - every round he loses 10 from all of his characteristics - if his toughness drops to 0, he dies. Last 1d10-TB rounds + 1 round per 5 overbleed. No saving throw. Even if he dispells your overbleed (psyniscience -30), on a good roll eg 8, he dies. Just watch him dissolve in a puddle.

Other powers

- holocaust - drop psyker from orbit on his posision, use corpus conversion, and burn him!

Edited by Amaimon

There are few thing that can help.

1st- winning initiative - use auto-injector (IH) and ghostfire pollen extract and/or frenzon - you will get dobule initiative, immune to fear and fatigue

2nd - Storm Bolter with Psycannon Bolts - these ignore his telekinetic armor, he cannot catch them, and deal double damage and get +5 to critical. Even with ~30 hp, a good hit on full auto will drop him

If he is still alive then:

1st - Hexagrammatic wards on your armor - double armor vs psychic powers or normal armor vs those that ignore it completely (holocaust). If you get hit with psychic blade or firestorm, you are dead meat anyway, but will help against psychic barrage or simple bolts

2nd - DODGE!

3rd - another psyker with maxed psyniscience to reflexively dispel his overbleed. He'll do **** without it.

Sorcery powers

1 - transfix - unless he passes a very hard (-30) WP test (probably will still have around 40) he does nothing for an hour!

2 - flaming word - automatically set him on fire - which causes him to test WP every round (probably will fail every third round, unless he's fearless), cause some dmg, and fatigue. With regeneration power on (of course it will be on) it is minor inconvieniance, but still can cause him some discomfort

3 - disease - every round he loses 10 from all of his characteristics - if his toughness drops to 0, he dies. Last 1d10-TB rounds + 1 round per 5 overbleed. No saving throw. Even if he dispells your overbleed (psyniscience -30), on a good roll eg 8, he dies. Just watch him dissolve in a puddle.

Other powers

- holocaust - drop psyker from orbit on his posision, use corpus conversion, and burn him!

Some of these are nice ideas-- I especially like the idea of using psyniscience (Although I thought it was invocation) to counter his powers. Only a few things, based on the intel my character got from his encounter with the guy (it was a curbstomp but it was a dramatic curbstomp where I did manage to get quite a bit of intel on the guy).

He's clearly versed in telekinesis (blew through one of my character's Fate Points with Psychic Crush, and countered my Psyker's Push with one of his own), telepathy (demonstrated Beastmaster earlier in the campaign and mind-raped an NPC), and Pyromancy (used Wall of Flames to block my character from approaching him).

He at the very least has Mental Fortress (my character nearly got blasted into Critical just for attempting Inflict Pain on him), and Favoured by the Warp. And his Willpower is probably in excess of 60 (as my characters WP is currently 50, and the GM has implied his Willpower is likely higher even without factoring in Unnatural Willpower, which he almost certainly has, based on the damage he dealt with Psychic Crush).

The psybolts and any expensive anti-psyker gear is probably off the table right now. Our cell is broke a/f minus the party Guardsman who has been hiding a small fortune, and our Inquisitor is not in a position to be helping us out at the moment due to.... reasons.

Hexagrammic Wards could be useful, although I don't know what the requirements would be to make them. Would Forbidden Lore: Psykers help? Or would it be Forbidden Lore: Daemonology (which although as a Savant I can't normally learn, my character's started to do some in-depth studying of Chaos lately, so the GM has been implying I will be able to take it as an Elite Advance soon).

Edited by ColArana

Normally hexagrammatic wards are bought as an upgrade for 2,500 tg. To make them, you'll have to have FL: Warp and probably trade:armourer. The rule for crafting are in the back of IH. Daemonology is used to make Pentagrammatic wards (anti deamons).

Seems to me, he was playing with you, using those powers. (mind ****** PC, making some walls), when he could simply annihilate all of you with one firestorm.

If you are broke, you can use some of the cheap methods like: flame weapons - cant block them with catch projectiles (if he can use burning body, then you are ******, but then he'll burn his clothes and gear. Long las - cant catch it, long range and stuff. Buy some blessed ammo or blessed charge packs, so his telekinetic armor won't work. You'll need 2-3 shots with accurate weapon to drop him.

If he's not wearing filtration plugs or gas mask, use halucinogen grenades - they are awesome and hillarius (nobody can see me!)

Inject yourself with frenzon (ghostfire pollen is expensive as hell) and be immune to fatigue, fear and have a +10 bonus to willpower so that will help against psychic shriek or terrify or fearfull aura.

A cool tactic we used when we fought adult mara strain psychoneuin - we had melta bombs or demo charges with timer. When they charged us, we teleported one-two floors up/down/sideways using Space slip minor power (DotDG) (super awesome). And let them detonate.

You can also use Time fade and disappear for one-two rounds and appear in smoking crater.