Extended Aiming

By Cymbel, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Well, rulebook:

"A Full Action requires a character’s complete attention to accomplish. "

"A Half Action is fairly simple; it requires some effort or concentration, but not so much that it consumes a character’s entire turn. "

Not time, but attention or concentration.

Turn described through actions, and round described through turns; also we have rough assessment for round as "something about 5 secs" ("Each round represents roughly five seconds, regardless of how many characters are involved.", if you want exact wording).

That's exactly my point.

Then why the disagreement? :D

That's exactly my point.

Then why the disagreement? :D

Can't take any idea. :) In my opinion, when we agree that round isn't really fixed time-based frame with time-limited tasks but attention/concentration frame, Aim issue looks quite simple for me.

Edited by Aenno

I will be honest, until I read this I didn't know u couldn't spilt Aim over 2 turns

This is a really bizarre position to take that at first I thought was a language barrier issue but I now believe is actually a complete disagreement in how to interpret structured time in combat. I don't know that there's much more to discuss until someone works up the effort to email the devs.

I thought we already agreed that regardless of what they say, we'd just houserule it to be allowed.

Not allowing fulls as extended is a pointless waste of time that will result in players taking much longer to take their turn as they calculate the optimal use of their actions for each turn.

Allowing characters to half move around a corner and start charging at an enemy is allowing them to have their cake and eat it too. It's just plain more fun to play that way.

Compare it to P1 - "I want to turn the corner and charge at the nearest enemy"

GM - "hurr durr you can't because it's a full action to charge"

P1 - "I ummm...................................................................................."

P2 - "Dude, just make an action, I want to go!"

P1 - "Uh okay, I uh just looked at my sheet and I have enough movement to make it in one charge action"

PRulesLawyer - "Page x says you have to see your target to be able to charge so you can't do that"

P1 - "Okay, fine. I just do a full run right up to the enemy"

GM - "Okay the enemy goes next, He melee attacks you with an aimed swift attack since you're already close to him, gaining a bonus because you ran last turn. HAHA! He cuts your arm off."

P1 - "Ugh... that's not really what I was trying to do but the rules pidgeonholed me into making that run action... I should have made the much less obvious option of walking to the corner and awkwardly wasting the half turn so the enemy couldn't swift attack me with a bonus. Next time I'm going to spend like 10 minutes thinking of all these edge cases before I make an action"

Edited by Utherix

Not allowing fulls as extended is a pointless waste of time that will result in players taking much longer to take their turn as they calculate the optimal use of their actions for each turn.

Allowing characters to half move around a corner and start charging at an enemy is allowing them to have their cake and eat it too. It's just plain more fun to play that way.

Compare it to P1 - "I want to turn the corner and charge at the nearest enemy"

GM - "hurr durr you can't because it's a full action to charge"

P1 - "I ummm...................................................................................."

P2 - "Dude, just make an action, I want to go!"

P1 - "Uh okay, I uh just looked at my sheet and I have enough movement to make it in one charge action"

PRulesLawyer - "Page x says you have to see your target to be able to charge so you can't do that"

P1 - "Okay, fine. I just do a full run right up to the enemy"

GM - "Okay the enemy goes next, He melee attacks you with an aimed swift attack since you're already close to him, gaining a bonus because you ran last turn. HAHA! He cuts your arm off."

P1 - "Ugh... that's not really what I was trying to do but the rules pidgeonholed me into making that run action... I should have made the much less obvious option of walking to the corner and awkwardly wasting the half turn so the enemy couldn't swift attack me with a bonus. Next time I'm going to spend like 10 minutes thinking of all these edge cases before I make an action"

That example doesn't really work out, unless you're talking about them moving further than there maximum Move rates. Charge allows you to move up to your Charge rate - the second highest Move Action you can make - with two caveats.

1. They must be at least 4 metres away, and within the Charge range.

2. The last 4 metres of the Charge must be in a straight line.

Unless that's one huge corner, or a really slow character, there is nothing in your example that isn't covered by the Charge Action.