By Jon_Kintela, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We got a question:

A Hero equiped with a Cloak and with a shield.

After a monster attacks the hero, the monster does 8 damage. OK, what' the correct:

1- I can use first the cloack and shield in second time.

2- I must use the shield first and cloak with the remaining wounds.

Example: A monster deals 8 damage to a hero, ok. Can a use Cloak Of Mist and use 8 power dice, cancel 3 wounds and after that use the Crytal Shield to cancel another 2, taking 5 damage...

Or i must use the shield first, leaving 6 damage and after that use the Cloak Of Mist using 6 power dice.

We just had this come up last weekend and could find nothing in the rules or erratta to point to one or the other. I ruled that the player gets to decide which item to use first. In most cases the cloak is chosen first as if you get really lucky with the dice, you won't have to use your shield and can save it for another monster. There is some precedent for this in the WOW board game and in Runebound, in both of those games I believe the player decides the order in which items are used.

Hope this helps

A player would _always_ want to use the cloak first before exhausting a shield.

And, yup, that's legal. It's used in the same way that armor is used prior to exhausting a shield.

There is no official rule that addresses this situation, but most people choose to extend the FAQ ruling that says that "start of turn" effects happen in any order the player chooses to apply to any question of timing where a single player has several effects with the same trigger.

Which would mean the hero chooses, which would mean that the hero would always roll the cloak first unless he wants to die, because the cloak gets to roll more dice the more wounds it's trying to cancel.