Bloody dagger question

By Vancheng, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Can player use Bloddy Dagger to suffer one heart and get bleeding condition while he have full stamina? ( )

It is stated in rule that hero can't voluntarily suffer stamina in excess of his capacity while using skills. But this is the item.

What do you think?

Items allow you to perform skills printed on them, in contrast to your class skills these are transferable by transfering the item to another player. Netherless they represent skills, so no, you can not suffer a damage to activate the Bloody Dagger skill.

While I think your conclusion is correct, Funkfried, I think there is a better justification.

The trigger for this ability, "during your turn, you may suffer 1 fatigue to..." is the exact same trigger as gaining additional MP, which we already know cannot be triggered if you are exhausted.

In general, if you are paying a fatigue directly as the trigger ("suffer a fatigue to..."), you must actually pay a fatigue, and cannot suffer it as damage. However, when the fatigue suffering is the result of another trigger, ("if you do X, you must suffed a fatigue...") then it can be done as a damage if necessary. For examples:

-Runic Knowledge: the trigger is spending a surge, not suffeding fatigue.
-Web: the trigger is moving out of a space.
-Freezing: moving into a space

So as not to be confusing, all skills, even if they are "exhaust this card to do X" or "when Y, exhaust this card to do X", are "suffer [cost] TO do X...", so it ends up requiring actual fatigue.

Edited by Zaltyre

Thank you for all the answers, it feels so good to get answers this fast. Thank you guys. This game is rather complicated and debates rise in my group every session