The Annual Pigeon

By Squirrelsan, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


“…and the Lady Vincible has authorised us to open fire with the turbo lasers if you try anything like that again.”
As Jom lazily faked apologies to the droid from traffic control he saw Lok bringing the Wayfarer in to an adjacent docking bay carefully and slowly.

El and Jom descended the docking bay as an old B1 Battle Droid, without weapons, approached them. It had a sticker on its torso chassis with “Hello My Name Is” printed on it and “Welcome to the Vincible please ask me any questions” scrawled in by hand. After explaining the rules of the ship, namely that you own only what you bring with you, laws and contracts from the rest of the galaxy do not count aboard the ship and everyone on the ship is free, no slaves or bounty hunting, the droid asked them if they needed any information or directions. Notably it did not ask for any docking fees, nor had the traffic control mentioned anything, or tried to assign them specific landing slots.

Lok, approaching from the Wayfarer, asked the droid if there was any starship repairs, and the droid directed them to Pango’s Starship Repair at the extreme stern of the main landing bay. With no further questions the droid left them alone. El suggested a simple division of labour, Lok would stay and repair the Wayfarer and make her look as good as possible for resale, with Thoulyakk helping, and she would take Jom to find a buyer for the ore and the ship.

Checking the information panel near the exit from the docking bay for a list of cantinas where El hoped to find some contacts they noticed an entry for Universal Exports, a bulk cargo trading outfit. They immediately made this their first port of call. Located near to the port-side main docking ring Universal Exports was basically a huge warehouse. One corner has been walled off with some cheap seats added to form a small waiting room manned by an old red C3 protocol droid.

El quickly arranged to speak with the proprietor, Shapo Magit, a human male in a worn suit with a holographic tie that occasionally fizzled in and out of existence. He was interested in their cargo but offered only 5,000cr for it, which El and Lok agreed was too low for a cargo that they estimated to be worth around 10,000cr. They decided to hold onto it and see if they could get a better price on Junction or some other world, and rely on the ship sale to fund their repairs.

Politely declining his offer, they asked if he was interested in buying a freighter, or knew anyone else who was. He suggested they try Pango of Pango’s Starship Repairs. El asked if he knew Pango and Shapo suggested he did, that they often did business together but were not on the best terms because of their business rivalry, Pango having to buy a lot of his bulk materials through Shapo, but also having a strong influence on what shipping came to and from the Vincible and thus the trade Shapo received.

Heading back they located Pango, a large four armed Besalisk. He was interested in buying the ship, and asked to look it over. On the way they explained that they would also be looking for some repairs on their other ship and probably some upgrades. El introduced Lok to Pango as the greatest engineer in the galaxy, and explained that he had been keeping the ship in tip-top shape, but Pango simply laughed and pointed out that he’d already met a dozen “greatest engineers in the galaxy” this month. He was quick to spot the evidence of damage to the ship, but admitted that Lok had done good quality repairs to it.

Overall it was in good nick, damaged but well repaired, and the fact it was clearly stolen with “Offworld Mining Corporation” stencilled on the side didn’t matter to him at all. With no specific buyer lined up he could offer them 70,000cr in cash or 80,000cr in “store credit”. El tried to persuade him to give them a partial bonus for partial store credit but he wasn’t interested. Whilst the crew debated it he asked to start looking at their other ship to make them a repair estimate.

Thoulyakk greeted him as he boarded the Pigeon and expressed his hope that he would give them a good deal since they had no other money and desperately needed these repairs. El seethed and suggested Thoulyakk might need to go and move some heavy crates for the next hour or so, preferably somewhere else. Fortunately for the crew Pango was of the “simple but fair” school of business and simply suggested they might not wish to involve the Wookie in future business dealings because not everyone was as ethical as him. When he spotted the Azurite crates however he asked them if they were selling.

El said they were, and that Shapo had offered them 6,000cr (a lie, he had only been willing to pay 5,000cr) but they were keen to sell if he could offer them a decent price. Pango offered them 7,500cr on the condition that they did not try to start a bidding war between him and Shapo and the offer would be off the table if they started anything like that. Whilst attempting to appear hesitant, they readily agreed.

In the end the crew decided to go for the 70,000cr in cash but spend a lot of it on repairs and upgrades and split the rest for personal use. With some direction from Lok, Pango and his crew would spend the next few days working on the ship. First they would be rebuilding the damaged hull plating and external components. Whilst they repaired the rear emitters of the main drive they would be upgrading it with a higher thrust output. The shield generator would also be receiving a significant boost in an attempt to stop such damage from happening next time.

El firmly believed that the best defence was a good offense, and it didn’t take much to convince the others. The medium laser turrets would be removed and each one replaced with a twin linked heavy laser. A somewhat illegal modification would add a concussion missile launcher on the starboard side and a proton torpedo launcher on the port, the mechanism concealed underneath Thoulyakk’s and El’s bunks respectively. All of these upgrades to be wired into an upgraded targeting system illegally salvaged from a Sentinel Assault Boat. The Annual Pigeon would rise Phoenix-like from the ashes, faster, tougher and with significantly sharper talons.

With the Pigeon due for 3 days of 24/7 work, full of mechanics and noise, the crew packed their overnight bags and looked for some accommodation on the Vincible. Most of the crew were happy simply to have a bed to lay down on, and gravitated to The Barracks. The hotel had only be slightly modified from its days as the barracks for Clone Troopers and offered cheap bunks in shared rooms. El, however, went the other way. She decided that what she really needed was an en-suite hot tub and some pampering was happy to fork out 500cr a night to stay in The Bridge, the most swanky joint on the ship. With that the crew split up for some personal time and a spot of shopping.

After an ill-fated attempt to get into The Bridge, mostly due to his lack of knowledge of El’s room number or even her full name, Thoulyakk found himself wandering The Spine, the main access corridor that acted as the high street for the ship. Ignoring such petty distractions as the gambling joint The Ace of Coins or Habby’s Haven, a house of ill repute, Thoulyakk found himself drawn into the shops of nick-nacks, artefacts and old books.

Without ever meaning to he soon realised he was hunting for evidence of the lost Jedi Order. He had grown up simply knowing they existed, having lived through the war on Kashyyk and seen them leading the Clones, but the reaction of his new decades-younger comrades upon his discovery of the Lightsaber and their ignorance of what it symbolised had brought home to him how the Empire had not only destroyed them physically but destroyed the memory of them too.

Hours later, after much searching and many questions he found himself very far from the Spine, a long way from the busty and wealthy sections and as far as he could tell pretty close to the hull in a dead space between the lower shield projector and the main reactor. In a small and dusty compartment piled high with dusty data cards, old computers, broken droids and real bound books, an old hunched Duros shopkeeper was asking for 1,000cr for a simple grey bound book entitled The Jedi Path.

Up in The Bridge, El was preparing for some information gathering of her own. She had told her friends she was just looking for a bit of luxury and pampering, and laughed off their attempts to come and use her hot-tub, but in truth this trip was all business. As she zipped herself into a little black dress is felt no more or less like pulling on combat armour. Just the right equipment for the job at hand.

The next day Thoulyakk was shopping again, this time for more mundane items. He picked up some attachments he could add to his bowcaster, and Hotch Geelo, owner of the Hunter’s Lodge, advised him of a few extra tweaks he could make himself to get the maximum performance, although Thoulyakk privately planned to ask Lok to do the work for him, and then moved on to a business he had found a listing for called The Grapevine.

Run by a Bothan called Eluz, it specialized in information. He asked for a rundown on the planet Junction, which was straight forward and he received immediately for 100cr, and asked for the Bothan to try and find out what he could about the name Tarth Arlos. Eluz explained that it would cost 50cr up front for him to run the search with no guarantee of results, and to come back tomorrow. If he found anything it would cost Thoulyakk another 450cr for the information.


Feriae Junction

In addition to basic statistics about the world the report contained the following summary:
An uninteresting planet with nothing special to recommend it, the only reason for its modest wealth is that it lies upon the intersection between the major trade route the Hydian Way and the lesser trade route the Gordian Reach. In the wake of the destruction of the Death Star many Rebels passed through Junction when the Rebel Base at Yavin was abandoned. The strong Imperial presence that followed caused the collapse of the local Hutt controlled organised crime gangs which were unprepared for such sudden scrutiny. Since then the vacuum has been filled by the recently growing Azure Cabal organisation who are now the primary organised crime group on the planet.


Tarth Arlos. Human Male. His name is on an Imperial list of persons of interest, but there are no details on what he’s done and no specific bounty issued. No description or holo image available. There are also some traces of his name on rebel communication channels, but he’s not flagged as a known Rebel in any accessible Imperial databases. Nothing on him in the major corporate databases I can access, although that doesn’t tell us much in this day and age. He’s also not a registered ship owner with DASS although again that’s not telling us much. Can’t find him as a member of any major guilds either. Based on your other request I took it upon myself to check the name with a contact on Junction. Nothing reliable but a third hand suggestion that his name may have come up in relation to the Azure Cabal, that’s a criminal cartel you’ll see mentioned in your Junction report. Someone called Tormel may have dealt with him. It’s not much of a lead, and I don’t envy you following it up, but it’s something.


El had less direct success. About Vigo Brisgi she learned very little, only that he controlled all of the Black Sun activities in a nearby sector, but one particularly talkative and somewhat inebriated Deveronian, keen to impress her with his knowledge, had explained the structure of the higher echelons of Black Sun, that the Vigos were the chief lieutenants of the undisputed leader of Black Sun, Prince Xizor. She also found out that the sector they were in was controlled by Vigo Kamann, a female Deveronian who has a fierce rivalry with Vigo Brisgi.

She also learned, when discussing the power of Prince Xizor, that he was now probably the second most powerful person in the galaxy, after the Emperor, since Darth Vader, formerly number two, had fallen from favour after the Death Star’s destruction.

Lok, tired after a spending much of his time supervising the Pigeon’s upgrades did his best to assist Thoulyakk with the upgrades to his bowcaster, but having not been there when Thoulyakk had been buying the parts had only a partial understanding of what we being asked of him. He did manage to make some adjustments that would increase the muzzle velocity but the fine tuning was beyond him and the explanation about firing speed made no sense at all. Knowing his limits, Lok was at least smart enough to avoid making things worse and promised Thoulyakk that although it hadn’t worked this time he could go back to the dealer with him later and find out exactly what he needed to do to make it work.

Jom spent most of his time relaxing in some of the fine drinking establishments aboard the Vincible. Spacer’s Retreat was somewhat blue collar for his tastes, and whilst the dancing girls and laser ball playing on holopanels on the walls might appeal to the stereotype freighter pilot, it did not satisfy Jom. Hair of the Vornskrr was better, it had a nice atmosphere and he enjoyed overhearing two people talking about “that crazy pilot in the green dynamic doing a stunt flyby”, but in the end despite the higher prices he found himself gravitating to The Glass Act, a classy place with low lighting, leather sofas and most importantly a great taste in music with live acts in the evenings.

When the repairs were finally completed three days later, the crew left the Vincible richer, in a fully repaired and heavily upgraded ship and armed with more information, both for the group’s mission and some of their own personal interests.


Before leaving the Vincible the crew reconvened in the lounge of the Pigeon. Thoulyakk shared the information he had gained about the planet Junction and the individual known as Tarth Arlos. At the mention of the Azure Cabal, Lok excused himself and left the ship, returning shortly afterwards with one of the large shipping crates they had been using to transport the ore taken from the Offworld Mining Corporation and a pack of facepaints. Mentioning to El that there was a post Spirit Festival sale going on. He then proceeded to line his crate with his bedding, adding water bottles and rations. El, upon hearing the news about the post-Spirit Festival sale likewise rushed out and, much to Lok’s frustration, returned with an identical crate; this one filled with heavily discounted candy.

As Jom pulled away from the Vincible very carefully, trying to ignore the fact that half a dozen heavy Turbolaser batteries were tracking the ship’s movements, El settled back in the lounge with a handful of candy and turned to Lok.
“In all seriousness, ah feel like you are perhaps not telling us somzing? Maybe about the Azure Cabal?”
Lok considered the crewmates to whom he had entrusted his life many times over the last few weeks of drama and andrenalin, and with Jom listening in over the intercom, relayed his tale.

When he was younger, and with a rather overambitious belief in his own skills at computer hacking, he had joined up with the Azure Cabal. He has proposed and been funded for a cyber-attack on rival gang. Unfortunately for Lok, he had made some mistakes, and the hack had been traced back to him. The rival gang had caught him, and interrogated him, and he had spilled everything about the Azure Cabal. This started a long and bloody gang war that, unfortunately for Lok, the Azure Cabal won.

The Azure Cabal had then hunted Lok as a traitor most foul, and Lok had fled the system stowed aboard a freighter and had spend the last few years trying to keep his head down and out of trouble. The idea of returning to a planet controlled by the now considerably more powerful Azure Cabal terrified him. He suggested that it would be best if he stayed aboard the ship for the duration, and if necessary he had prepared a hiding place in case someone ended up aboard the ship. Absolutely worse case he had also a disguise kit so he could paint some tattoos on his face and hopefully not be immediately recognised as pretty much the only Zabrak in the galaxy with no face tattoos.

The crew were accepting of his tale, El in particular feeling somewhat smug about this reveal in light of his previously rather holier-than-though attitude towards her, and were happy to go along with his plans to avoid the Azure Cabal. This led to their next discussion about how connected Tarth Arlos was to the Azure Cabal. As a first order of business the group decided that just in case he was in deep with the gang they should at least know what was on the data chip they were supposed to deliver. Lok grabbed a datapad and disabled all connectivity so that if there were any harmful files or viruses on it they would be contained, and slotted the chip into the data port.

The data was encrypted, but Lok spent a while working on it and eventually had the information partially decoded. It was enough to tell that the files were test results and analyses of the prototype weapons they had given to Gil’Van. Almost certainly everything her group had managed to learn about the weapons before the Imperial raid. For now they decided they would at least try to meet with Tarth Arlos and check him out, but were not convinced they would hand over the chip if it seemed like a bad idea.


Landing at Bratton, a small spaceport town on Junction where they had been directed by Gil’Van, El, Thoulyakk and Jom left the ship. Lok stayed aboard but with an open communications channel to the group. He could hear everything they heard and speak directly into their ear without anyone else being able to hear him. Bratton was Junction’s attempt to replicate the famous Mos Eisley of Tatooine, only with more trees and less dessert; a local commercial hub for the residents on the under populated world and hotspot of casual criminality.

El, being familiar with the ways of criminals, headed to the first cantina she could see, a rundown building that had clearly been built for something else but was now converted into a drinking establishment and named the Weathered Spoon. After buying a drink for herself and Thoulyakk she tried to get some information about a man called Tormel from the barkeeper off the back of a 3cr tip. He asked for 50cr, she offered 10cr and threatened him with a Wookie and they settled on 12cr.

He relaxed when the money came out and said they clearly weren’t around here because a) everyone knew Tormel and b) she was female. He told them she was a Zabrak and that she could normally be found at the Blue Swoop, a drinking den at the far end of the main street.

The Blue Swoop, on closer examination, was a biker gang bar. A dozen highly tuned swoop bikes were parked outside the bar, and it wasn’t much of a leap to connect the Blue Swoop bar and the blue decorated gang swoops to the Azure Cabal, said to be the top criminal outfit on this world. This was both alarming but also promising. Inside they found a dimly lit bar with nearly a score of leather wearing toughs. The only female Zabrak inside was holding court at a booth at the far end, and by extrapolation was obviously Tormel. El approached the bar and asked what Tormel was drinking, a Jinant’onic, and ordered two, as well as a blue milk for Thoulyakk and a zero-g brewed whisky for Jom (after a somewhat lively debate about the definition of “space whiskey”).

They took their drinks, along with the drink for Tormel, over to Tormel’s table and introduced themselves, offering her the drink and asking her if she would be able to share some information with them. She smiled and offered them a seat. Getting down to business Tormel admitted she did know Tarth Arlos and could put them in touch with him, but for a price. As information was her business they could either tell her exactly why they, total strangers, wanted to meet him, or they could pay 500cr. The crew stepped aside to debate this amongst themselves.

The others were willing to pay the credits and maybe reclaim them from Tarth Arlos as “expenses” for getting him the data chip, but El seemed stubbornly unwilling to fork over money. El tried to negotiate her down to a better price but as they obviously needed Tormel far more than Tormel needed them it was unsuccessful. With El still unwilling to part with the money the group explained why they wanted Tarth. They told Tormel that they had been hired (they didn’t exactly know who by, someone on Bandomeer) to get the data chip (they lied and said they didn’t know what was on it, and stressed they did not have it on them right now) to someone called Tarth Arlos (they didn’t know who he was) for an unspecified fee that Thoulyakk guessed was maybe around 5,000cr.

During this discussion El got more and more angry with Tormel, who was polite but mildly condescending in her responses to their tale and their somewhat amateur approach to business and ignorance about their own situation. El could see that at times Tormel was actually having to resist laughing in their faces and was thoroughly enjoying herself at their expense. Afterwards Tormel said that she did not deal with Tarth directly but could put them in touch with him, and that she would go and make a call. The crew didn’t like the atmosphere in the tavern so they decided to wait outside. El decided to conspicuously clean her large sniper rifle in a manner that pointed the barrel directly towards the door of the Blue Swoop, but she was so wound up about Tormel that she didn’t pay attention to what she was doing until too late she realised she had actually rubbed dirt into the firing mechanism and rendered her gun unusable until she could take it completely apart and give it a real clean. Unsurprisingly this only made her more furious.

Jom decided that in order to lurk conspicuously he needed some cigarettes and headed back into the bar to buy some. There he spotted Tormel back at her table who waved at him and gestured him to bring the group back. Paranoia was running high amongst the crew and before the returned into the bar and a possible ambush they arranged with Lok to have the Pigeon running and ready to fly, and told him that if he didn’t hear the code-phrase “Applesauce” in the next ten minutes he should take off, fly over and level the Blue Swoop with their new Concussion Missile launcher. With that sorted, they headed back into the cantina.

El noticed that the drink she had bought for Tormel was still untouched when El had placed it on the table, the ice almost completely melted and the condensation dripping down the sides and forming a puddle on the table. Tormel smiled at the group and told them she had engaged the services of a guide who would take them to Tarth Arlos. They asked how they could contact this guide and she explained that he was on his way here right now. El suggested they would wait outside in the fresh air, and Tormel smirked, “I’m sure you will. Enjoy your “fresh air”. It’s been a genuine pleasure to do business with you. It’s really made my day.”

By this point in their association Jom and Thoulyakk had learned El’s body language fairly well, so when they grabbed El’s arms and walked her swiftly out of the bar Tormel never even knew how close El had been to punching her in the face, and all the chaos and blaster fire that would have ensured thereafter. On the way out they almost stopped dumbfounded when they saw a picture that was unmistakably a younger Lok, with the title “The Unmarked Devil” below it. They kept moving so as to not draw attention and thus were unable to get a good look at it but it was clear that they had seen some kind of unofficial wanted poster.

Jom, having returned to the bar yet again and this time finally acquired a packet of cigarettes and some matches, was trying to smoke inconspicuously but as a first time smoker was somewhat distracted trying not to cough his lungs up, and El was too wrapped up in her own anger to pay any attention, so it was Thoulyakk who first noticed the human walking down the street towards the bar. The crew eyed him warily but did not move to intercept him, on the basis that if he was Tormel’s man he would soon be sent their way. Fortunately at this point Thoulyakk also remembered to tell Lok the codeword Applesauce and prevented something of a disaster.

They guessed correctly and a few minutes later he emerged once more and headed over to them. He was a rough looking man, probably in his fourties, with thick mostly sandy coloured but occasionally grey hair somewhat unkempt and with a bushy beard. He wore rough outdoors clothes and carried a few guns and a large rucksack. The overall effect was a cross between a solder and a homeless person.

“You’d be the group looking to meet Tarth then?” he said. They cautiously introduced themselves and in turn he told them his name was Jec and that he worked for Tarth. He could take them to him, but that Tarth was currently on the planet Stithian.

The crew were reluctant to take anyone associated with the Azure Cabal back on their ship with Lok, but Lok was familiar with the planet and confirmed Jec’s explanation that is was an uninhabited forest planet and that they would never be able to locate someone on it on their own, so they cautiously agreed. As they headed back to the ship Lok bunged his lunch into his hiding crate and dived in after it, but as he listened to the com-link he could hear El telling Jec about their pilot, “Kol”, who was onboard the ship already. Cursing El, he climbed back out of the crate and grabbed his facepaints and sprinted for the fresher, lamenting that it had taken so little time to burn through plans A and B and were already onto plan C for not getting Lok discovered and thus murdered.

During the walk back the crew asked Jec more questions about his and Tarth’s relationship to the Azure Cabal, and Jec explained that Tarth was not particularly involved with them but sometimes found it necessary to do business with them, the galaxy being the way it was. He did not say that he was sure they understood the need to sometimes do business with unsavoury characters, but it was clear from the way he was looking at them and their weapons that he understood the line of business they were in. He explained that he sometimes worked for Tarth, in a fairly loose arrangement, including being a go between for dealing with the Azure Cabal.

This was probably good news as far as Lok’s safety was concerned, but only if it was true. Even if it was, anyone doing business with the Azure Cabal might be very happy to use Lok as leverage or to gain favour, so Lok was very much in danger from him. As such when they returned to the ship Lok hid himself in the engineering compartment under the pretext of some maintenance work.

El left the group to go and fix her rifle, and Jom led the way onto the bridge, offering Jec some caff, which he gratefully accepted. As Jom settled into the pilot’s seat, and Jec dropped into the vacant co-pilot’s seat. Watching Jom start up the ship and prepare for takeoff Jec asked where “Kol the pilot” was and Jom hurriedly explained that “Kol” was the OTHER pilot and he, Jom, was a pilot too. Jec looked a little bit confused but accepted this explanation.

Once they were in the air and heading for space Jom continued to probe Jec to assess how much danger he posed to Lok. Now there were off-world they were in less immediate danger as one man alone would have a hard time against the four of them, but it was still important to know if he was a risk. He asked what Jed did other than working for Tarth and Jec said that he was a bounty hunter, which caused Jom to spit his mouthful of caff all over the dashboard. Mopping it up with his shirt sleeves he explained that it had been too hot for him, but it was pretty clear Jec wasn’t buying it.

Later El, returning in a somewhat better mood, told Jec that there was a spare bunk in her cabin if she wanted it, but he politely declined on the basis that he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable and told her he had his own bedding with him and could sleep in the cargo hold if there was a bit of space.

In hyperspace as the crew prepared for bed, with Lok using the convoluted corridor arrangement of the old ship to stay out of sight, Jec caught Jom alone for a word.
“Look, I just want to explain that when I said I’m a bounty hunter I’m more of a wilderness tracker. I do specialised work, I don’t browse the current wanted lists and grab anyone I can find, it’s more sort of bespoke work. So, you know, if someone happened to have a bounty on them I wouldn’t know it, and even if I did I wouldn’t be inclined to do anything about it anyway.”
Jom nodded noncommittally and Jec, appearing to have nothing more to add, retired to the secondary cargo hold where he’d made his bunk.

I should have probably mentioned this in the last post but we're up to date so updates will be slower now, we aim to play every 2-3 weeks.


The next morning El found Jec in the galley, apparently having rummaged through the cupboards but, finding only re-heatable ration packs and coffee, was eating jerky from his own pack. The rest of the crew assembled as well and he briefed them on what they could expect. He would direct Jom to land in a small village of primitive natives and then it would be a 1-2 day hike through the forest as there is no-where closer to land.

The crew decided to leave Lok on the ship and have him prepare a rescue winch in case they needed a quick extraction. The rest of them would accompany Jec. As their comms would not work through dense forest they also agreed that Lok would fly over their estimated position in the evening and again in the morning so that he could check in with them as the communications should break through the canopy if he was close enough overhead. As a final backup Lok rigged the mini camera droid they had taken from the bounty hunters to be able to act as a comm. relay if they directed it up above the canopy.

Jec questioned the need for such precautions, having described the many day hike as a “short walk” it was clear he did not feel it was necessary, but El politely explained that this was a sensible precaution for an unknown alien world and, frankly, for all they know Jec could have dozens of men waiting in ambush for them out there. Jec explained that given that they had approached him it seemed impossible that he would have set up a plan to ambush them, but said that they were of course welcome to take whatever precautions they felt necessary.

With the plan sorted Jec directed Jom down to the village. It was located in a large clearing in the forest and consisted mostly of wooden huts. As they landed they saw the brightly coloured inhabitants watching them with curiosity but with no sign of “fear of the god chariot” they would have expected from primitive species who had never seen a space ship before. Jec had refereed to them as “Embers” and they were short furry bipedal mammals with a bright turquoise colouration and orange markings. They has nimble paws with claws and opposable digits for tool wielding and wore primitive clothes.


Thoulyakk was the first to step off the ship and was almost immediately surrounded by half a dozen inquisitive Embers, moving in short quick motions. At less than a meter high they were utterly dwarfed by the tall Wookie and yet appeared totally unconcerned. As the rest of the crew descended the ramp, a less brightly coloured Ember moved more slowly towards them, clearly an elder.
“Pic wacca pechik” it spoke to Thoulyakk
“Yes?” he replied after a pause.
“Wacca pejick noffal”
“Weeji wacca palo meeg”
“Fatta woozoo pagin, galic pang fallou pijit”
At that, all the Embers cheered.
“Thouyakk mah friend,” said El, “do you understand their language?”
“Well, there is a certain fellowship of forest peoples that grants a universal language of experience.”
“You ave no idea what zey’re saying, do you,” replied El sceptically.
“None at all.”

Jec came forward and said to the pair “I think they are welcoming us.” He knelt in front of the elder, getting a little closer to his height, and began speaking in the Ember’s language. He spoke hesitantly with only a basic grasp of the language. “This one seems to be the chief and they are pleased to welcome us.”

One of Embers who had been in the initial crowd to welcome them but had then run back to the village returned now with a small leather bag. It approached El, and pointed to the rifle on her back, then pulled several acorns from the pouch and a sharp flint rock and offered them to El. El realised the creature was looking to trade. She was unwilling to trade guns to primitive creatures, let alone her precious sniper rifle, but she found the creatures adorable and wanted to trade so she ran back into the ship. In her cabin she found some simple tools and turned to find the Ember had followed her into her cabin.

El offered the small brightly coloured creature the tool in an open hand and whilst it examined it form several angles and poked it, never actually held it or tried to remove it from El’s hand. It seemed totally disinterested in the tool and instead looked around the cabin, and when it spotted Els’ bunk dived on top of it, rolling on the soft bedding. It gestured at the pillow and once again offered the handful of acorns and a sharp flint. El simply handed the pillow to the cute critter but it was determined to offer the payment. El simply took a single acorn from its hands and in a flash it was gone from the ship. Outside the others saw the little furry creature run out of the ship and off into the village holding the pillow aloft triumphantly, with a dozen more Embers peeling off the group in pursuit.

After an abortive attempt to buy some rope from the Embers, since the crew were unwilling to trade guns with them and did not want to part with every pillow on the ship, they set off into the jungle leaving Lok aboard the Pigeon. He went inside and locked the door behind him and began building a winch out of spare parts.

The walk through the jungle was long and tiring, especially for Jom and El who were not used to such extended physical exercise nor being in such an untamed wilderness. Jec asked them about where they were from, and also about why they were looking for Tarth. Thoulyakk seemed ready to tell them everything, but El distracted the conversation with talk of bears, starting an argument about whether bears existed on this world, leading Jec to explain that Bears did not but Rancors did and then a whole new arguments about the dangers of Rancors that he should have mentioned before and whether or not El could have spotted one without Jec being aware of it.

Whilst she was very annoyed by it all she had distracted the conversation and stopped Thoulyakk from spilling the beans. In turn they asked Jec about his home and occupation and he explained that he came originally from Mandalore but didn’t fit in there in the very modern urban environment and now mostly found employment ad a findsman and bounty hunter in the wilderness. At the end of the day Jec showed Jom and El how to make a shelter out of the thermal blankets they’d taken from the Pigeon’s escape pods, a task they were both awful at, whilst Thoulyakk climbed the nearest tree and dozed in the canopy. Lok flew the Pigeon overhead and checked in with them as planned via the radio.

The next morning the crew started grumpily, the lack of coffee being a particular issue for El. As such it took them a long time to realise the Lok had not checked in. They quickly decided that they should return to see what had happened to him but when they asked Jec to lead them back he simply sat down on a nearby fallen tree.
“I can’t figure you guys out. You guys are so obviously spies it can’t be real, but likewise if you we genuine then you wouldn’t obviously be spies. I can’t tell if I’m being triple or quadruple bluffed.”
“Ah do not know what you are talking about Jec, but we need to go right now, our friend may be in danger” replied El.
“Oh he’ll be fine, he’s in no danger.”
El’s eyes narrowed, “And ow would you know that…”
“Because I asked the Embers not to hurt him when they captured him.”
With this admission the crew grew tense and wary, but Jec seemed relaxed and continues to chew on his breakfast jerky.
“He’ll be quite safe” Jec continued “whilst we work out if you are Imperial spies or not.”
“Why would you sink we are spies?”
“Oh come on. Wookies can’t speak basic, it’s not a question of intelligence it’s just biology, yet Thoulyakk here is the most eloquent member of your crew; all Zabrak have facial tattoos but yours has painted them on with face paint; Jom here has a fake eye-patch and you, El, have a chunk of your lekku missing, if you were a real twi’lek you’d have brain damage.”
With that El slapped Jec but he caught her wrist before she connected. She pulled her hand away and took several steps back, levelling her blaster at him. He calmly tucked his jerky into his belt and casually raised his hands in surrender.
“What is going on and what ‘ave you done wiz our friend?”
“I have done nothing to him. The Embers have captured him.”
“Why? Tell me what is going on and why I should not kill you in the next 10 seconds or you’re dead. 10… 9…”
“Well firstly because you’re unlikely to find your way back to your ship without me.”
“We’ll take that chance. 8… 7… 6…”
“I might have misled you slightly about the Rancors, whilst it’s true they do not go as far south as the Ember village we have been moving north. We’re in their territory now. Do you think you’ll get back alive without me?”
“5… 4… 3… 2…”
“Fine, fine ok.” He gestured a dismissal of the blaster, still remarkably calm in the face of a death threat, and lowered his hands to recommence eating his jerky. “I work for Tarth Arlos, and part of my job is to check out people who come searching for him. I brought you here to work out who you are. If I concluded you were Imperial spies I could slip away and abandon you, or you’d kill me in a confrontation like this, and either way you’d probably get eaten by Rancors and never reach Tarth. But I can’t figure you out, I feel like you are genuine but my eyes tell me you are fake. Jom’s the only one that actually appears to be a genuine member of his race and you have a tracking beacon on your ship.”
El absorbed this final revelation in silence, not letting on to Jec that they knew nothing of the tracking beacon.
“So when ah said ah was worried zis could be an ambush and you dismissed ze idea ah was actually right, zis is exactly an ambush!”
“Pff, no, I don’t have any men out here. It’s not like I’m giving orders to Rancors or anything!”
Clearly this semantic difference did not impress El, but Thoulyakk interjected.
“Perhaps this can be resolved without violence. Friend Jec, you can trust we are not imperials. I have here a lightsaber, a weapon of the Jedi, and I have found a book of their teachings. Clearly we are not Imperials.”
“Can… can I see it?” Jec asked, but did not reach out to touch the weapon that was presented, cautious of El’s rifle and twitchy trigger finger.
“And a book you say? Do you have it with you?”
“No, it is safe aboard our ship.”
“Where did you get this Thoulyakk, are you a Jedi?”
“No, it was from our Captain, killed by Imperials. We believe he was a Jedi.”
“What was his name?”
“Sauto Slex”
“I… ah, I want to believe you Thoulyakk, but the Jedi are no more and lightsabers outlawed. The only people who could have a lightsaber are the Empire who killed the Jedi and confiscated their weapons.”
El, annoyed by Thoulyakk telling yet more secrets to strangers, tried to bring the conversation back on track.
“So you ‘ave brought us ‘ere to entrap us, Tarth Arlos was never even here.”
“Not at all, Tarth is on Stithian. If you can just prove to me you are not spies you will meet him. In the meantime I suggest we don’t hang about.” Jec said and began to rise.
“You aren’t leaving until we’re…” El began to say until she was interrupted by a deafening and fearsome roar from the North. When she looked back Jec was already running south and shouting at them to run.
“Stop!” she shouted, but the rest of the crew were already running after Jec. Thoulyakk, not wishing to chance Jec abandoning them until everything else had been sorted out, picked Jec up bodily and tucked him under his arm and continued to run seemingly unhindered. El cursed, shouldered her blaster and started running.

Keep 'em coming! These are very entertaining, particularly this last one. Embers cute as, triumphant pillow acquisitions, instant poodu-pants when the rancor roars...excellent!


Lok awoke to the uncomfortable sensation of being poked in the back of the head by a blaster. Not a good start to the day. Having fallen asleep face down, he turned his head slowly and non-aggressively to see an Ember standing on his bunk poking a blaster carbine down at him. Half a dozen more Embers, all armed, were crowded into the rest of the cabin. As they led him at gunpoint out of the ship he noticed a small spider-like droid perched on the internal door controls, which at least explained how they had got aboard. As he came down the ramp it seemed half the village had turned out to witness and they cheered their brave heroes that had so bravely captured the unarmed sleeping computer geek.

He was taken to a wooden hut and shown inside. It was not a prison cell, just a regular hut with tiny wooden furniture. Lok poked his head out the window flap and could see armed Embers were stationed all around the hut. He could see the reflection of a large fire in the centre of the town and the sounds of a large gathering, but the gathering was dispersing and in time the light died out. He waited another hour or so, to see if the guards would get tired or bored, but when new guards came to relieve them he realised the Embers, though primitive, were not stupid. Finally he went to bed, although he was far too big for the bed and almost his entire legs were sticking out the bottom.


Thoulyakk had somehow managed to climb a tree, even with Jec still tucked firmly under his arm and protesting mildly, but Jom and El were not so capable, lacking the sharp and strong climbing claws of the Wookies. El had dived into a bush, and Jom had followed, but the Rancor had caught up with them and was sniffing the air and getting closer. Jom wracked his brains, trying to remember what he knew about Rancors.
“They only see movement!”
As the Rancor approached their position, El and Jom froze. The Rancor sniffed the air and moved closer, and the pair held still. It was now standing right over them, and it was far too late to run, so even as the Rancor casually ripped the bush away, leaving them in plain sight, they did not move. They stared up at its beady eyes, as it searched for them, first with one eye and then, turning its head, with the other.

By the time the Rancor moved off Jom was feeling very light headed and realised he had stopped breathing when the bush was torn away and had not started again since. With a gasp for air he collapsed on the ground, but El dragged him up again and over to the tree where Thoulyakk had climbed down to assist them up into the safety of its towering canopy.


In the morning Lok was awoken by a pair of Embers bringing fruit and water. They found him lying on the floor, having given up on the tiny bed and taken what little bedding existed down onto the ground where at least he could lie flat without breaking his legs. After he had eaten he found another Ember standing in the hut looking at him expectantly and holding a datapad.
“Hello?” he said.
“Hajjat woopoo manar” replied the small creature and offered the datapad to him.
“Hmm, still don’t understand Basic then? What have we got here? Well it’s not turning on, so you’ve very kindly given me a broken datapad. Thanks.” Looking up he saw a second Ember had dragged his tool belt in to the hut.
“Ah, I see…”
Within a minute he had fixed the loose wire he had found within the casing and switched the datapad on. At the startup sound the Embers cheered and the first Ember rushed up, took the datapad and handed Lok a shiny rock, a stone arrow head and a pink flower.
“Manar patooi!”
As the Ember left the hut, another Ember entered holding what was clearly a broken Fusion Lantern.


“You see our problem mah friend, Zoulyakk ‘ere ‘as told you too much about us, and if we cannot be trusted friends we can ‘ardly let you go. Plus it’s not like we can keep you prisoner forever so zere is not a lot of options we ‘ave.” said El to a captive and disarmed Jec at the top of the tree.
“How about this then, you’ve already told me too much, but you claim you are here in good faith. So if I know too much already then you can tell me the truth about who sent you and why you want to meet Tarth and maybe there is something there that will prove to me you are who you say you are. I appreciate you want to protect this information, after all you don’t know me, but if I know too much then you have nothing to lose.”
“That makes some sense to me.” Said Thoulyakk. And so the crew of the Annual Pigeon told Jec of all their adventures from when they landed on Bandomeer to when they met him on Junction, and even showed him the data file Gil’Van had given them and Lok had decrypted.

Jec took a minute to take it all in. “Well, it seems perhaps I have misjudged you and owe you an apology. Although in my defence this is exactly what Gil’Van knew would happen and although she didn’t tell you, it was her intent all along. People are sent to find Tarth Arlos because he knows how to put them in contact the Rebel Alliance. That’s who she was really sending the data to. My job is to assess people, if they’re okay, Tarth will introduce them to the Rebels, if not, well, worst case Tarth only knows how to contact them, even if Imperials were to arrest and interrogate him, he doesn’t have any current locations or useful secrets to give. For now though, perhaps we had best return to the Embers and rescue your friend Kol, although he should be perfectly safe.”

As the group started the long hike back El asked Jec, “So, now that we are all friends and everything, you ‘ave ‘assessed’ us as okay, when do we get to meet Tarz Arlos?”
“Oh, yes, sorry, I forgot. I am Tarth Arlos.” The shock stopped El in her tracks and Jec carried on a few steps before he noticed and also stopped. “Sorry, forgot to mention that. I wasn’t lying when I said he was on this planet.” El was still processing this information so Jec continued, “I guess maybe if I said he was here when we were back on Junction, because obviously he wasn’t then. I’m not saying I wasn’t trying to deceive you, that was my job after all, just maybe not as much as you think.” Still no response from El. “The Azure Cabal don’t know I’m Tarth by the way, they only know Jec who works for Tarth, they don’t know I’m Tarth as well.”
El still wasn’t saying anything but Jec had run out of things to say and just stared at her until she finally started talking.
“You mean you dragged us to zis stupid world, made us land in zat stupid village, trek for DAYS srough zis STUPID JUNGLE, sleep in A PILE OF ROCKS and nearly get EATEN by a RANCOR?!?! And YOU WERE TARZ ALL ALONG?!?!”
“Er, yes. Pretty much.” Jec replied, “Although I also kidnapped your friend and by extension kind of stole your ship. Temporarily. We’ll go and rescue him and get the ship back now.”
El, her usually blue complexion now tinted deeply into purple, simply walked away, leaving the rest of the group behind.
“Thoulyakk,” Jec said, “perhaps it would be better if you were the one to tell El that she is walking in the wrong direction…”

Some hours later, after tempers had had time to cool, Jec spoke to Thoulyakk. “Thoulyakk my venerable friend, forgive me if I am being rude but I must know, how is it that you speak basic? It is my understanding that this is biologically impossible for Wookies, and as such part of the cause for my mistake.”
Jom and El, walking behind, exchanged a glance. Being unfamiliar with Wookies they had not been aware that Thoulyakk speaking basic was in any way unusual. They drew closer to listen to Thoulyakk’s response.
“I have gained a great many reasons to hate the Empire during my captivity. This… change… is one of their lesser offenses against me and my kin.”
“Ah, I see. Say no more my friend.”

With nothing to do but walk and talk, the group continued their discussions on and off for the rest of the journey. El admitted that Kol was really called Lok, and Jec admitted that he had been snooping on the ship and found Lok’s hiding crate and face paint. Someone raised the question of money, Gil’Van having promised that Tarth Arlos would pay them for the data they were carrying. “Oh, hah, no, I don’t have any money. The data’s not for me either, not really. I’ll put you in touch with the Rebels and they can worry about it.” At this El simply rolled her eyes, having used up her supply of outrage and been left with only sarcasm. They also asked about the tracking device and Jec explained that he knew nothing about it except that the Embers had detected its signal and informed him about it.

When the crew finally arrived at the village, the Embers spotted Jec walking peacefully amongst them and cheered. They quickly found Lok in the hut at the end of a large queue of Embers, all clutching broken technology. They could hear Lok’s voice floating out of the open doorway.
“Yes, well done, another broken datapad. You do know it’s not a club don’t you? Can’t understand a word I’m saying. Oh, what a surprise, upon opening the case we find you have replaced the battery with a rock. A flat rock. What is wrong with you stupid little monsters? Oh, good, you’re smiling at me. Well luckily for you we have a spare battery from the idiot who tried to use his datapad as a dinner plate. And I won’t ask why all your datapads are the exact same make and model. There you go you filthy beast. Oh, great, a handful of twigs and junk, thank you so very much. Next! Well what do you expect me to do with this? You’ve broken the bulb and there are no spares in this stupid jungle! Oh, El, Thoulyakk, please tell me you’re here to rescue me or to kill me.”
“Hello Lok, yes we’re ‘ere to rescue you. From Jec, as it turns out. Who knows you’re Lok by ze way. And ‘e’s actually Tarz Arlos. And zere’s a tracking device on our ship. And I need some caffeine. Grab your tools and your… treasure, and let’s go.” El said, gesturing at the pile of trinkets Lok had been “paid” by the Embers.

As they approached the Pigeon El told Lok of their theory that the tracking device must have been inserted during the repairs aboard the Vincible, however when an Ember approached at Jec’s request with a hand scanner and showed Lok the signal they had detected, they quickly traced it back to the major hull repair underneath the port dormitory, which had been made by the Black Sun after their near fatal escape from Taris and the resulting hull breach. Lok spent several hours trying to remove it in-tact, so they could use it to send a fake signal and misdirect their hidden opponent, however some internal failsafe caused the device to self destruct once removed from the ship’s power supply. At least the tracking was disabled, and a thorough scan revealed no further tracking devices.

Aboard the ship once more the crew, and Jec, gathered to plan their next move. The tracking device was clearly set by the Black Sun, possibly related to the fact that Jom was wanted by them, That would certainly explain how the bounty hunters found them, although it did not explain why Black Sun had not acted when they were still on the Black Sun station. It was also decided the ship needed more false IDs, partially to evade the Black Sun but also as their current ID was almost certainly blown during their escape from Bandomeer. To that end they elected to return to the Vincible.

In hyperspace Jec broached the question of Lok’s lack of facial tattoos with Lok, since it was a cultural tradition with Zabrak to have facial tattoos from a young age. Lok explained that he had been adopted by humans when he was very young, but given the recent history with the Azure Cabal and their hunt for the “Unmarked Zabrak”, and in general the ease by which he could be identified, he had decided he should get some facial tattoos when they landed at the Invincible.

The next morning Jom awoke with a terrible hangover. He remembered nothing of the evening before, but found Lok and Thoulyakk also asleep in their bunks and El passed out in a pile of clothing on the floor. As Lok sat up Jom could see that his face was sore and red around fresh and complex fresh tattoos. More shocking was seeing Thoulyakk stand up to reveal a large patch of fur on his back had been shaved off, and he too had a fresh tattoo. When Jom spotted that El was also sporting a fresh tattoo entirely covering her damaged lekku, it was with a sad sense of inevitability that he went to the mirror in the refresher, there to discover both his arms had been tattooed with full sleeves…

Okay, in this world, it takes years to do full sleeves. Years, and lots and lots of pain over that time period.


True, but hardly something I am going to argue with my players about. Who knows how tatoos are done in Star Wars? I think the full sleeve on a Lekku would probably be extermely painful.

Ok, it's been a long time coming so break yourselves for a bit of a mega-dump. Over the holidays whilst everyone was in the same part of the world for once we brought in a few extra players and did a special face to face all-day roleplay session.




The camera pans down to a green world of luscious vegetation, jungle but not too dense with large fertile plains. Scattered across those plains are small settlements of poorly built shacks.

The crew of the Annual Pigeon, along with their passengers Kaya and Sis along with the Rebel contact Jec, all awake to find themselves in individual cages of crudely welded scrap metal, within a larger blastcrete and sheet metal shack. Their heads hurt terribly and they have no memory of how they got here. They have been awoken by a Rodian standing in the middle of the room banging a heavy looking shock prod against the bars of a cage.

“Ee chuuta mopogo…” said the Rodian as he stared at the prisoners. El, quite ignoring the presence of their apparent captor, started shouting at their passengers and accusing them or betrayal. Sis Kero, stocky Nautolan bodyguard to the Pantoran diplomat Kaya Macawai, made the same accusations just as loudly right back at her. The Rodian stopped the argument by shocking El, the closer, with the shock prod he was carrying. El, took the pain with a grunt and told the Rodian in menacing terms to release her immediately or she would kill him with her bare hands. He shocked her again, the jolt flinging her to the back of the cell. From the floor, and slightly smoking, she looked up at him and uttered “Mah face will be ze last sing you ever see Rodian…”

The Rodian addressed the room in basic this time, “Enough of this. Time to get into your costumes and ready to be sold. Let’s see what we have.” With that the Rodian dragged a large trolley of assorted clothing into the centre of the room and started inspecting the inmates. “Hmm, you,” he said pointing at Sis, “not so pretty are we, but you look pretty tough, I guess the gladiator pits for you.” With that he hurled a pile of leather straps and armour plates down in front of her cell and turned next to Thoulyakk. “Hmm, well, a Wookie is a Wookie, not much point dressing you up.” Next he turned to Kaya. “You’re a pretty little thing though aren’t you,” and dropped a bundle outside her cage that turned out to be a bikini that someone had been stupid enough to make out of metal. The Rodian then continued to go around the room sizing up the captives and assigning them appropriate costumes to fit the type of slave he believed they could be sold as.

He finished with El, and sizing her up said “Hmm, more anger than smarts, and not pretty enough to dance, I guess you’ll be entertaining meat for the gladiator pits though…”. Before he’d finished speaking El was up against the bars and reaching for him, spitting and cursing, but he simply laughed and shocked her one more time. Her legs gave out and she collapsed on the floor, still cursing him faintly.

“I’m going to get your gruel for breakfast now. By the time I return either you will be changed into your new uniforms or I shall have my men flay your current clothes off your backs with their whips.” With that he left them alone.

Thoulyakk and Sis both immediately set to breaking out of their cells through feats of brute strength in what very quickly turned into a competitive display. Neither of them could bend the strong metal, but Thoulyakk got lucky and found a shoddy weld that started to give under his strength. Meanwhile El brandished a piece of wire concealed in her hand. She had spotted it on the shock prod the second time she was shocked by the Rodian, and deliberately got herself shocked the third time to give her a chance to grab it. She began working on the lock in the door.

Lok was already halfway changed into the dirty boiler suit he had been given when he noticed the rest of his compatriots were not obeying but attempting to escape. Sighing, he put it back down and started getting back into his original clothes. Kaya, examining the clothes she had been given, passed them through the pars to her neighbour Lok.
“You’re the ships mechanic aren’t you?” she asked in basic with a heavy Pantoran accent, “What can you make of this?”
Lok took the garment and held it up. “Well it looks like a Tatooine style slave garment, although if you look at the internal welding you can see it’s a cheap knockoff and not the sort of thing you’d see a real Hutt crime lord…” he trailed off as he saw her withering gaze. “I guess if I can break it apart along these shoddy welds using the prison bars as leverage I should get three or four pieces of metal with sharp points suitable for stabbing?”
Just as Lok had made the first break the door opened once more and everyone froze in their various attempts to escape. But rather than the Rodian, a new face appeared. An elderly Cerulean man with a large and overstuffed satchel entered the room and closed the door behind him.
“Good morning you poor souls, you can call me Doc.”
“Ey,” said El, “can you let us out?”
“Would that I could, but I am as much a prisoner in this place as you. In exchange for treating their injuries the pirates let me treat their captives and the few innocents who still live on this planet.”
“Maybe we can ‘elp each ozer, eef you ‘elp us escape we can get you off this world.”
“I’m sorry, no, even if I could help you my place is here doing what I can.”
“You ‘ave a funny definition of prisoner…” El muttered and turned away as Doc shined a small torch into her eyes.
“Pounding headache?” He asked. El nodded. “A bit of memory loss too I expect. That’s normal. I believe you are all suffering from mild hypoxia, I understand your ship lost life support when they captured you. Take two of these and the headache should go away. Normally I’d suggest you take them with water but it appears none have been provided, but they shouldn’t harm you if you can swallow them down.”
El, noticing Thoulyakk had redoubled his efforts to break open his cage, spoke to the doctor again.
“What else have you in that bag? Any sedatives?”
“Just painkillers I’m afraid, that’s what I’ve just given you, and some bandages and so forth. I don’t have any keys if that’s what you’re hoping.”
“Anything that could be injected straight into the bloodstream?”
“What?” he asked, shocked and misunderstanding her intent. He looked more closely at her face and mistook the pain of having been shocked repeatedly for more severe hypoxia. “Hmm, you seem to be particularly badly affected, maybe take another dose. Still orally though.”
With a roar, Thoulyakk finally burst free of confinement, winning himself a large metal bar in the process to use as a weapon or tool.
“Grab ‘im Soulyakk!” shouted El, and the towering Wookie quickly snatched up the aged medic.
“Now, what can you tell us about zese people who ‘ave captured us?”
“Honestly nothing I wouldn’t have told you anyway, I have no reason to lie to you about anything. They are a band of pirates who call themselves the Hydian Vagabonds. You were caught by mistake in a planned raid on some large cargo ship. They use a gravity well generator to pull ships out of hyperspace and lay out ion nets to fry their systems when they drop into real space. I’m pretty sure they plan to sell you as slaves. Please, I mean you no harm and I’m not one of the pirates, there’s no need to hurt me, I’m just doing my best to help people where I can.”
“Put ‘im down Soulyakk, we can shove ‘im in a cell.”
“Actually if you wouldn’t mind terribly knocking me out it would look better when they find me lat…”
The unconscious Doctor slipped to the floor after Thoulyakk’s carefully applied blow.

When the Rodian re-entered the room with a bucket of gruel it was to find Thoulyakk calmly prising the cells open with the iron bar he had broken free form his own cage, and his attention was immediately drawn by Jom shaking his cage door and screaming nonsense. As such he never saw El come out from behind the door, closing it behind him, and stab him in the neck with a sharpened piece of metal bikini. But as he breathed his last gasp El pulled his head around to face her and whispered “Ah told you ze last thing you saw would be mah face.”

With everyone freed the escapees headed out. They found themselves in a sort of shanty town of poorly made buildings that was mostly quiet, but off to one side was a landing strip with some small spacecraft and a lot of activity. The rest of the area was mostly surrounded by jungle. They decided to head into the jungle as a first stop but almost immediately ran into a group of pirates. Seven escaped slaved lead by an angry Wookie made short work of the pirates.

They did notice the only uniform clothing the pirates wore was an armband with an embroidered Kinrath on it, and quickly claimed them from the dead pirates. Investigating the nearby buildings they identified one with three sleeping pirates and El decided to go and get some more armbands. Kaya, the Pantoran diplomat, suggested this could be done peacefully, and El agreed to only hurt them if they attacked her first. With that, El entered the room silently.

Peering through the window Kaya could see El gesturing, apparently in conversation with the pirates, until El suddenly attacked them, stabbing two of them in the necks with metal bikini shards and finishing the third with a vibro-sword taken from the earlier pirates. In the aftermath the rest of the escapees rushed in to the cabin. “Ah’m sorry Kaya, I tried to reason wiz zem but zey said zey would kill me and I had to act quickly.” Kaya looked around the room at the three bodies that seemed to have died whilst still tucked in to their beds and not in any way reaching for nearby weapons, but simply replied “I see.”

With a temporary base established and a few blaster pistols and melee weapons between them, it was decided their best bet would be to investigate the landing strip to see if their ship was there, or any other suitable ship they could steal and escape. A group of seven was not very subtle, so El went alone to investigate. She reported back that the ships were all single cockpit “Ugly” fighters, a mix of mismatched parts bodged together into barely functional fighters. Further, they mostly appeared damaged and a lot of work was underway to repair them. Most interestingly El had spotted beyond the landing strip in the distance there were half a dozen more of these little settlements spread across the valley floor beyond.

They decided more information was needed. Kaya suggested that they take a prisoner alive this time, and to ensure no mistakes she would accompany El and perform the interrogation herself. Sis insisted that Kaya would not go anywhere without her, and thus the three of them went together to find a hut with just one sleeping pirate and proceeded to interrogate him.

Between El’s threats and Kaya’s polite diplomacy they quickly got a complete story. The Hydian Vagabonds operated on a Feudal system. Rundo Torsin, the self-titled Pirate King, lived on an abandoned mining station in the planet’s asteroid ring. When he went on raids with his flagship, a modified Nebulon-B frigate called the Queen Amidala’s Revenge, he would summon short ranged fighters from the pirate clans on the planet below. Loot would generally be apportioned by the Pirate King at his leisure, but slaves were a special case, needing immediate attention. They did not normally spend more time than necessary blockading hyperspace routes as they might accidentally catch themselves and Imperial Star Destroyer which would destroy them utterly, but instead relied on leaked shipping information to perform targeted raids.

This raid had been aimed upon a huge Action VI transport carrying high value trade goods, and the Annual Pigeon had been caught by accident simply because they happened to be travelling along the same hyperspace route at the wrong time. The Kinrath clan had taken the most damage and casualties during the assault and as such had been awarded the slaves taken from the Annual Pigeon, however Rundo Torsin was currently working on ransoming the Action VI back to its owners and the Annual Pigeon was relatively unimportant and had been stored on the station until later. He also added that if they wanted to get to the station, they’d need the defence codes for the station as Rundo Torsin did not trust his minions and the station was heavily defended against the starfighters of the pirate clans on the planet below.

Kaya was keen to know who could give them the codes, but the lowly Weequay pirate did not know, he suggested that the clan boss, Boss Kinrath, a female human with brown hair and purple armour, was unlikely to know, however she might know who else did. With their information source exhausted El wanted to kill him, but Kaya insisted he be unharmed and they agreed to knock him out and tie him to the bed. Having learned that Boss Kinrath could normally be found in the village cantina, they headed out to regroup with the rest of their friends and go searching for her. Stepping out of the door, Sis discovered that she had come for them…

In the first moments of the street fight that instantly erupted El burned down a few of the armed pirates accompanying Boss Kinrath, only to be hit herself. Sis returned fire from the light cover of the doorway whilst Kaya dragged El back into cover. Despite the skill of Sis the escapees were badly outnumbered and the pirates started to swarm towards them until Thoulyakk, Jom, Lok and Jec arrived from the side, flanking the pirates. With several pirates cut down from the surprise attack, and a few more fleeing an enraged Wookie, Boss Kinrath saw the tide turning and ran. Jom, the only person free to see this chased after her, but the foot chase was ended abruptly when Thoulyakk, who had managed to get ahead of her, stepped out in front of Boss Kinrath and simply picked her up off her feet and shook the weapons out of her hands.

With Boss Kinrath captive, and El patched up using the medical supplies they had taken from Doc earlier, the escapees regrouped. With the casualties already taken by clan Kinrath in the last pirate raid, and those the escaped slaves had killed since their break out, about half of the clan were dead or injured, and Boss Kinrath, whose real name was Torc Bendal, was utterly demoralised and desired only to protect her clan from further losses. She was more than happy to surrender herself and her remaining troops if it would spare them from the skilled, angry and now well armed band running amuck through their village. When El proposed a deal whereby she assisted them in reclaiming their ship and escaping, and in exchange she would become the new Pirate King when they broke onto the station above and eliminated him, she was eager to oblige.


Jakar Mar-Shayal, more commonly known as Boss Hawk-Bat, a tall Pau’un of imposing bearing and fearsome reputation, stood outside his cantina and watched as a group of figures with Kinrath badges walked up the main street of Hawk-Bat village. As the most trusted Lieutenant of the Pirate King, he’d seen this scene numerous times before, and he smirked at the pirates standing beside him who also knew how this would play out and grinned back at him. As they drew up to talking distance he hailed them. “Let me guess, you’re looking to move up in the world? Sorry to disappoint you but we’re all full up. There’s no room in clan Hawk-bat for rats deserting a sinking ship.” With that he smirked, and his men laughed, but instead of being cowed the group stood unwavering and one, a blue twi’lek, stepped forward and spoke to him boldly.
“We ‘ave a deal for you, but ah suggest we speak about it in private.”
“We are clan Hawk-Bat, anything you wish to say to me you say to the clan.” Jakar announced, but underneath he was flustered by this unusual turn of events.
“It is not for our sake I suggest this, but for yours. But it’s your loss if you don’t want to hear it.”
“You boor me Kinrath, but very well, if you’re so insistent we can go into the bar, if only so I can get a drink and get out of this sun. My boys here,” indicating his top lieutenants standing close to him, “can keep us company.” It had sounded good in his head but as Boss Hawn-Bat led the visitors inside he knew it hadn’t come out as well as he’d hoped and could already imagine the rest of the clan muttering about it.

El and Kaya did not get on very well, there was a fundamental different in personality and ethics, but in the short time they’d been working together they had quickly found they were extremely effective when paired up as good cop bad cop. Within minutes they had him firmly on the back foot. The carrot was that they would make him Pirate King (although when making this plan they had assured Boss Kinrath that this was a lie and she would be Pirate King). When it came time to show the stick, El made a quick call to Jom. Flying an Ugly Z’Ceptor they’d “borrowed” from clan Kinrath, and tuned up by Lok, Jom flew down the main street at top speed, below roof level, shot up the street with the 6 laser cannons, and pulled up within meters of the cantina window from which Boss Hawk-Bat was watching in horror. El, un-phased, quietly pointed out that it could have been the airfield and that could have been his squadron being shot up rather than a street.


An hour after they had entered Hawk-Bat village the escaped slaves were lifting off towards the space station in a collection of ugly starfighters, with the station defence codes and an starfighter escort provided by clan Hawk-Bat. As they closed upon the station, base control ordered them to return to the planet, and whilst El tried her best to bluff them and stall for time, they quickly saw that fighters had been launched from the Queen Amidala’s Revenge to intercept them. The Nebulon-B frigate was some way away from the station, keeping a watchful eye on the Action VI transport, it was going to be a close thing. Running the calculations quickly Lok told the others that at top speed they would reach the station just seconds before the intercepting fighters would reach them, but that would not give enough time to decelerate for a safe landing. If it had been just Jom flying he’d have risked it, but with the group spread out amongst small one or two seat ships it was not a viable option. Instead the group decided to split up, with the better pilots moving to intercept the enemy fighters early and buy some time for the less skilled pilots to get into the hanger at a safe speed. Sis, Kaya, Thoulyakk and Lok headed towards the station, whilst Jom led El, Jec and clan Hawk-Bat into the fray.

Ugly starfighters are primarily designed to be cheap and dangerous, and the dangerous aspect applies to both pilot and enemy. In the first pass a third of the enemy starfighters had been destroyed, but at no small cost. Jec had been winged and forced to take cover in the asteroid belt, and El was EVA, having had her ship shot out from under her. Lok quickly broke formation to come and rescue her in his Ugly TYE-Wing.

El’s first experience of EVA was not a good time to discover that despite all her tendencies towards working alone she had a shocking degree of agoraphobia, at least when floating helpless in space was concerned. As Lok closed with her gently he talked her down from a panic and got her to concentrate on preparing her safety gear and getting ready to attach herself to the outside of his ship as soon as it came within reach. By the time he had got her onto his hull and then coaxed her inside, to curl awkwardly around the back of his pilot’s seat in a cockpit taken from an old TIE fighter that wasn’t really big enough for two, Jom and the Hawk-Bats had won the space battle and Jec had stabilised his damaged fighter. With El safely within the inertial compensator field Lok could follow them in and join Thoulyakk, Sis and Kaya in the hanger.

Inside the hanger the group was briefly assaulted by a handful of mechanics, and the group, in no mood to be trifled with, cut them down. The one-sided fight was over in an instant but Kaya managed to shout at Thoutlyakk to spare the last one. Running over she found he had indeed spared her, a green skinned twi’lek in greasy overalls. As the others gathered around Kaya asked Thoulyakk to disarm her, but let her up. With a dozen of them (including Boss Hawk-Bat and his pilots who had also debarked), all armed, one unarmed mechanic was no threat.
“Hi there, my name’s Kaya, perhaps we could help each other?”
“Let me guess, aye tell you everysing you want to know, and zen you murder me just like you slaughtered all of mah friends?” she asked, in an accent very similar to El’s.
“They attacked us first, we defended ourselves.”
“We were ordered to repel borders on pain of deas, and an ‘andfull of workers tried to ‘it you wiz tools, and a dozen of you gun zem down wiz blasters. Poor you. Very stressful I’m sure.”
“I’m sorry for your loss, we didn’t realise how few people were attacking us, but we have been captured by pirates so I’m sure you understand our pressing desire to defend ourselves. What’s done is done, I’m sorry, I can’t undo that, but if you want to get back at the person who ordered you to your deaths then help us find the Pirate King.”
“Oh, what a choice you offer, ‘elp you and be killed by ze Pirate King, or don’t ‘elp you and be killed be escaped slaves. Choices choices.”
“You’re a twi’lek, you can hardly be ignorant of the horrors of slavery. El here is a sister twi’lek, help her escape and…”
“Sister? She is a Rutian, ‘ardly ah sister. What’s ze matter ‘sister’, Rundo doesn’t want a flat-chested blue like you for ‘is ‘arem so you got jealous?”
El moved to attack the prisoner, but Kaya immediately moved between them. Mastering her emotions, El moved away from the group to diffuse the situation. Instead she went over the Lok who had pried the cover of a control panel near the door and had connected his datapad to the exposed wiring and was busy raiding the data network of the station.

A few minutes later, the group had assembled. Kaya explained that the Pirate King would likely be either in the control room at the top of the station, or his personal suite next door. She also took pains to explain, making eye contact with El, that the mechanic was helping them and they would be taking her with them when they left. Lok showed everyone the plans of the station and some security camera footage of pirates in the corridor outside the control room taking cover in doorways facing the only access, a pair of lifts. He had also found a small arms locker on the floor they were on, and the location of the Annual Pigeon, in a hanger on the same floor but the far side of the station. Quickly they formed a plan. Lok would find a place to hide near the hanger with the Annual Pigeon, with KT for assistance and Jec for protection, and the others would storm the control room.

The lift doors opened on the side of the corridor, so the pirates guarding the control centre could not see directly in from their positions hiding in doorways. Leading with freshly looted frag grenades and cleverly manipulating clan Hawk-Bat to provide a human shield, the escaped slaves made quick work of the guards. Finding the control room doors locked, but the doors to what was clearly the Pirate King’s living quarters wide opened they explored that first. The place was richly decorated with a huge bed in the middle, but it appeared deserted. Taking a quick look around Sis found a large picture on the floor that had clearly once concealed a large safe in the wall that was now wide open. It was mostly empty, but right at the back she found a small metal sphere. On closer inspection she realised it was a thermal detonator. Just as the assault team were realising the implications of an open and empty safe, they got a call from Lok over the comm.-links they had stolen earlier.
“I’ve found him; he’s in the hanger with the Annual Pigeon, loading up another ship with crates and women in chains and stuff. There’re plenty of pirate goons with him too.”

Karaak the Trandoshan Hawk-Bat pilot had not been able to fit into the first wave going up in the lifts, and had waited alone to take a second lift. Just as he finally arrived on the top floor and exited the lift he was pulled aside as the first wave bundled back into the lifts and headed down again. Suddenly he was all alone in a still smoking corridor full of bodies, with an ominous unopened blast door leading to the control room. Suddenly the small sidearm that was chosen more for its ability to fit into a cockpit nicely than it’s stopping power seemed somewhat less impressive than before.

As the assault party remerged onto the hanger floor where they had started Lok, Jec and KT met them.
“I’ve locked the blast door closed so they cannot escape, but we have another concern. It looks like there’s a self destruct set on the station. It’s not part of the network, so I can’t access it directly, but there are warning messages in the system. There’s probably a separate system wired into the control centre, or maybe in the main generator since unless this place is laced with explosives it’s probably an overload that will blow the station.”

By the time a somewhat shaken Karaak arrived once again on the second wave of lifts, he was just in time to once again be pushed aside by El heading into the lift he was vacating. This time El, Thoulyakk, Lok and KT took a lift back up to the control room, whilst Jom, pausing to grab Karaak, took the Hawk-Bats down to the main generator at the bottom of the station. Sis, Kaya and Jec were tasked with distracting the Pirate King before he could escape. In the lift up Lok pulled out his datapad and plugged it into the control circuit of the lift. “They’ve got someone on their side working to undo my code blocks and release the hanger door. I’m shutting down the magnetic field, now if they open the door they’ll vent their atmosphere, that should at least slow them down and buy us a few more minutes. If we can stop them from leaving they’ll have no choice but to disable the self destruct, or at the very least they’ll want to help us disable it.”

Breaking down the door to the control room, Thoulyakk ran straight into the fire of a pair of security droids that had been left there on guard and was badly hurt. El calmly shot them down, before immediately going to the aid of Thoulyakk and trying to patch him up. Lok, conscious of the time pressure, rushed into the control room alone and headed straight for the large throne-like control chair in the middle. His instinct was proved correct when he found an open panel in the arm rest containing a button marked “self destruct”. He radioed to Jom that they had found the target and he should rejoin Sis, Kaya and Jec. Unfortunately his survival instincts proved less effective as he completely failed to notice two more security droids emerging from a cupboard off to one side.

Karaak had followed the duros pilot Jom down to the reactor level, excited to finally be in the first wave along with his fellow Hawk-Bat pilots, and had just stepped out of the lift when Jom paused, held a hand to the comm-link in his ear, and then turned around and shoved them all back into the lift, telling them the plans had changed.

A high pitched wail, followed swiftly by blaster fire pulled El away from tending to Thoulyakk and she looked inside to see Lok pinned behind t eh central command chair as two more security droids blasted at him. She took her time to calmly shoot one down but as she went to move onto the next she was shocked to see Thoulyakk charge into view totally unarmed. He leapt upon the droid, his weight bearing it to the ground and started pulling off limbs and armour plates. Finally it ceased trying to struggle when he ripped it’s head off.

Lok had got back to work on the command chair as soon as the droids had stopped shooting, pulling up the cover and getting to the wiring below.
“Bad news El, this is a one way control, sending a go signal but not having any further connectivity, there’s nothing I can do here to shut it down. We have to get to the Pigeon. You take Thoulyakk and join the others; we need to get to our ship. I’ll take KT and have a quick look in the reactor bay just in case but its long odds.”

This was Karaak’s time. So far he’d taken four rides in the lift up and down the station and never got more than a few steps out before having to turn around. This time it was going to be different. As he ran down the corridor towards the sound of blaster fire he knew this was the moment when everything would change for him. He’d proved himself as a pilot, but now he would prove he had the chops for a firefight as well, and best of all would be right there when Boss Hawk-Bat became Pirate King, he was pretty much guaranteed the become a Lieutenant. When the group arrived at the doorway to the hanger he was the others were clustered around using the doorframe for cover. The big butch Nautolan female, the older bearded human, the small blue alien in fancy clothing and for some reason a green twi’lek mechanic who was possibly a prisoner or maybe not. Jom told the Hawk-Bats to wait, and Karaak was frustrated, but the Boss was content to wait a moment so he would too.

As Jom approached Sis turned to him and asked, “How’s your throwing arm?”
“Well, ok I guess, part of being a pilot is a good sense of special awareness.”
“Ok, well mine’s lousy, take this Thermal Detonator and see if you can get the Pirate King and his bunch of goons. He’s huge four armed guy with a heavy repeater behind some crates over by the big green ship. Oh, and try not to hit the hanger door or we’ll all be breathing vacuum.”
Jom looked at her face to see if she was serious.
“No pressure!” she added and grinned at him as she handed him the silver sphere.

Jom took a quick peek first, and ducked back. On the left was the main hanger door. In front was an open space with a few piles of crates, apparently the pirates had been interrupted whilst loading. Behind the open space Jom identified a blocky green Citadel class transport on the left, and the familiar lines of the Annual Pigeon on the right. Various pirates were taking cover behind the crates and near the Citadel, and a group of bodies lay where a number of pirates had been caught in the open when the battle began. From Sis’ description the Pirate King was the large Besalisk he’d seen on the extreme left hiding behind what appeared, at first glance at least, to be some kind of sculpture of a female figure emerging from a large slab of rock or dark metal. He mentally reviewed the distances involved, worked out the best place to drop the weapon to cover as many pirates as possible, then stepped into the doorway and threw it, diving immediately back into cover. For a moment everything went quiet, then a moment more, then they heard a loud “Hah” from the hanger and fire resumed. It was a dud.

Karaak followed these events with impatience. So the grenade or whatever was a dud. Who needs it, clan Hawk-Bat was the best clan the Hydian Vagabonds had and it was high time they took their rightful place. He watched as another whispered conversation, Jom nodding in the direction of the Hawk-Bats and the Nautolan looking troubled. Understandable, she’d want the glory for herself but it good old Jom was fighting their corner. Finally Jom turned to Boss Hawk-Bat.
“The Pirate King is on the left, we’ve taken out most of his men, but we need the, er, skill,” he said looking questioningly at Sis, “of you and your men to finish this. Take out Rundo Torsin and you are the new Pirate King.”
Karaak cheered with the others as Boss Hawk-Bat led them to glory.

When El arrived she found the rest of the escaped slaves, along with the twi’lek mechanic, taking cover. Kaya quickly got her up to speed. Sis and Jec had eliminated a group of pirates early on, but the rest were pretty well dug into cover. Sis had been wounded trying to advance into the room and they’d had to retreat. They’d tried the thermal detonator but it hadn’t gone off, either Jom hadn’t primed it correctly or it was a dud. They’d sent in the Hawk-Bats as cannon fodder and whilst they were being gunned down Sis and Jec had picked off a few more pirates, but now they were out of ideas and disposable resources. They had precious little time to get to the ship, so it was time for some aggressive and risky action.

El and Sis provided covering fire from the doorway whilst Jec and Kaya charged forward into cover behind some crates in the middle of the hanger and Thoulyakk charged the Pirate King directly with a liberated vibro-axe. Rundo, stepping back, drew his vibro sword and engaged him. Where most beings were easily overrun by the mighty Wookie Rundo was equally powerful and the battle was well matched. Whilst the two duelled and the others began picking off other pirates a well dressed pirate Lieutenant saw the changing odds and ran up the ramp into the Pigeon. Jom, spotting this from the doorway and charged recklessly across the entire hanger to pursue him.

Thoulyakk’s battle was wearing upon him, on top of his existing injuries, and Rundo, seeing a moment of weakness, used his vibro sword to flick Thoulyakk’s axe out of his grip. Disarmed, Thoulyakk dived away and looked about for anything to use as a weapon, his eyes falling upon the thermal detonator lying innocently on the floor.

Sis had been thinking about the failure of the thermal detonator. If she was clearing out her belongings and fleeing a self destruct, she wouldn’t leave an expensive weapon lying about. Unless she knew it to be faulty and unreliable. As she saw Thoulyakk pick up the silver sphere a horrible realisation dawned upon her, and she began running for Kaya.

El saw it all in slow motion. Thoulyakk ducking behind a crate to avoid the Pirate King’s pistol shots and pressing a button on the thermal detonator. Sis running out of cover in the doorway and diving towards Kaya. Jec sticking his head up over the crate he was ducking behind to take a shot at the pirates. Kaya, less experienced at gun fights, exposing most of her body to so the same.
The detonator had barely left Thoulyakk’s hand when it went off. Thoulyakk’s exposed arm was reduced to a red paste. Heavy metal crate sheltering most of his body saved his life in that instant, but he probably broke a dozen bones as he and the crate were propelled back across the hanger. Sis got to Kaya in time and curled around her protectively before the force of the blast smashed into them both. Jec took the blast full to the face and dropped. The other side had not escaped unscathed. In the clearing smoke El saw the only creature left moving was the Pirate King. No, not the only creature moving, El heard footsteps behind her as she belatedly realised she was alone in the corridor except for the twi-lek mechanic, upon whom El had foolishly turned her back.

Diving to one side, the wrench didn’t quite crack her skull open, but skimmed the side of her head, catching the root of her left lekku, leaving El dazed and with a horrible sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach. But the pirate mechanic was no fighter. Even in her weakened state El used the barrel fo her blaster to catch the next blow, then the countered with the butt and knocked the mechanic to the ground. As she looked down upon the fallen twi’lek, El spoke in an upper class accent that none of her friends would recognise, with none of the Ryloth commoner lilt that so strongly coloured her usual speech. “I should have expected that from peasant scum like you.” Then she brought the butt of her riffle down once more.

Rundo Torsin the Pirate King stared around the hanger. The blast had cleared and revealed total devastation. He was wounded but victorious. “Hah! Haha! I win again!” he shouted into the emptiness. One of the bodies stirred, and from underneath the burly Nautolan a slender blue arm appeared, blaster pistol in hand pointing directly at him, and a female voice rang out, “Not yet…”


When Thoulyakk woke up he was lying on a bed in what was clearly a medical room. Lok was there waiting for him. He told the Wookie that he was safely back on the Vincible, and began catching him up with the news. Thoulyakk had been in bacta for days, longer than anyone else. He’d broken many bones and taken organ damage, but the bacta has cured all that. The only remaining evidence of his trauma was most of his fur being burnt off the front of his body, which would re-grow in time, and his missing arm, which would not. A shiny metal prosthetic now replaced his right arm all the way up to the shoulder. Everyone else has sustained some degree of injury, but Sis and Jec had also required deep therapy requiring full submersion in the bacta tank. Sis would make a full recovery, but Jec has lost his eyes completely and had required cybernetic replacements.

Lok explained how he had managed to delay the overloading reactor, but could not stop it. In the time that he bought them they had managed to load all their injured onto the Pigeon and escape. The surviving pirates that had surrendered were allowed to board escape pods, and El has piloted the Citadel out of the station along with the Pirate King’s harem. It turned out the “sculpture” the King had been sheltering behind was in fact another member of the harem frozen into carbonite, and later Lok had managed to defrost her safely. They had escaped the station just before it blew and then jumped to hyperspace as fast as they could to avoid the Nebulon-B Frigate bearing down upon them. They never bothered to contact Boss Kinrath or try and hold up their end of the bargain to make her the new Pirate King, but with the previous King dead at Kaya’s hands, and the previous favourite Lieutenant also dead, she had a pretty good shot at it and they felt they’d more than done their part.

They sold the Citadel, along with all the loot and weapons they’d found aboard it. From all that money they first of all fully paid for all the medical treatment of everyone injured, as well as top of the line cybernetic replacements for Thoulyakk and Jec. They then gave the seven members of the harem 2,000 credits each to give them a chance at a fresh start. The remainder they had split evenly amongst them all, including Jec, Sis and Kaya. Jec had, once he woke up and came to terms with his situation, sent a message to his Rebel contact, explaining why they missed the meeting and setting up a new one in a few days time. They still had a contract to transport Sis and Kaya as well. In the meantime Thoulyakk should rest and recover.

Awesome story, I can't wait to read more!

One of my players (not Thoulyakk) so enjoyed the story of Thoulyakk's injury he retold it on a thread on Reddit and received this:


The observant may notice some changes in this episode. We have swapped GMs, with no prior warnign to the other players, from the moment the ship dropped out of hyperspace, El's player seamlessly took over GMing and I took on Tarth as my PC. The other players didn't even realise it for a while. At some point in the future I'll be taking over GM duties again, but I shall continue to chronicle the adventure regardless.


The trip core-ward down the Hydian way to Arakania was a long one. This time without the unwelcome intrusion of pirate interdiction, and taking the longest jumps with the fewest stops possible to make up lost time, the cabin fever started to get to everyone. The ship was over-capacity with the four crew and the two passengers taking up all six bunks and Tarth sleeping in the secondary cargo hold. Little things started to get on people’s nerves. Top of that list for most people was Tarth’s habit of wondering around without his cybernetic eyes in unless absolutely necessary, feeling his way around the bulkheads and occasionally tripping over anything left lying around.

One morning near the end of the trip Thoulyakk approached him in the kitchen and asked him about it. Earlier in the trip Thoulyakk had made a heartfelt apology to Tarth for the incident with the thermal detonator, but Tarth had quickly assured him that he did not consider Thoulyakk to blame for it. Their friendship secure Tarth was happy to explain to Thoulyakk that he was training himself to do without them should it become necessary. In the wilds, where he made his living, one could not depend upon technology, especially sophisticated technology, since there is no way to get a quick repair or fresh batteries when you’re 6 days hike from the nearest village. As Tarth descended into a long story about forest adventures, likening it back to Thoulyakk’s forest homeworld of Kashyyyk, Thoulyakk quietly crept away, unseen.

Some minutes later El entered the kitchen in search of coffee, to find Tarth talking apparently to himself. She poured herself a cup of coffee as quietly as she could, then crept away again and headed up to the cockpit to talk to Jom. Some minutes later they heard Tarth leaving the kitchen, shortly followed by a crash and the increasingly familiar sound of an astromech droid annoyed at being tripped over.

When the ship’s navicomputer alerted Jom to the impending reversion to real space, he called the crew, and Tarth, into the cockpit to prepare. He was pleased to see this time Tarth had his eyes in. Tarth ran quickly through the plan as a last minute refresher. Once in near orbit they would transmit their ship’s ID on a certain frequency. Once that was done an innocent seeming transmission would be directed at them. Running the transmission through a code Tarth had would turn it into more detailed information on meeting with his contact, a human female named Fane Reroon. They would head to the surface, drop off their passengers, and head to the meeting.

As Jom pulled the lever to revert to real space, the familiar blue swirls of hyperspace faded to star lines which quickly shrank to stars. In front of them was revealed a single white marble, the moonless ice-world of Arakania. What they had not been expecting was not just one but two Imperial class Star Destroyers. Whilst the Pigeon had once run rings around an Imperial Gozanti class transport, Star Destroyers were ten times as big and ten times as deadly.

As the crew stood stunned the incoming message light started blinking on the main console. The xenophobic attitude of the Empire was well known, and it was quickly decided that, as a human, Tarth should be the one to speak with the Imperials. Nervously he lent forward over the co-pilot seat where Lok was seated, glancing quickly at the note pinned to the console that indicated the current ID was the Moonlit Jaunt, and flicked on the com.
“This is the Moonlit Jaunt, receiving.”
A crisp Imperial accent replied, “Freighter Moonlit Jaunt, this is the Imperial Star Destroyer Incisor, shut down your engines and prepare for inspection.”
Tarth raised his eyebrows but quickly replied, “Wilco Incisor. Moonlit Jaunt out.”

Jom brought the Pigeon to a stop, but kept the engines running. Glancing at the console to check Tarth had closed the call, he said to the others, “So do we run, or do we submit?”
“What’s the situation in orbit, are there any TIEs or assault boats out here?” asked Tarth
“The scope’s clear, whatever is going on they’ve shut down all traffic, not even a freighter in sight. Imperial wise it’s just the Star Destroyers, no TIEs visible. The nearest is turning towards us now, so I guess they want to meet us in person. We’ve got time to turn and run for hyperspace, but if we’re going to we have to do it soon.”
At that moment Kaya burst into the cockpit, pushing past the large hairy form of Thoulyakk in the doorway.
“Is that… are those Star Destroyers?” she demanded.
“Yes.” Tarth replied. “When you said you wanted to avoid Imperial attention, how badly did you mean? Because they want to inspect us.”
“No way, they cannot find me here. You were paid to avoid the Imperials.”
“Well, they were the ones… anyway, we have time, we can turn and run and ditch this ID, but we won’t be getting to Arakania in a while. But that would mean...”
“No, I must get down to the surface. We’re already a week late and can delay no further.”
“Well,” Tarth said looking at the crew, “You said you had smuggling compartments right? We don’t really have anything to hide, except, you know, the things we could hide.”

As Thoulyakk put the lightsaber back into R2-KT’s secret compartment, Lok helped Kaya get comfortable in the smuggling compartment in the secondary cargo hold, where they had first found a crate of glitterstim several extremely eventful weeks ago. It had been agreed that Sis could be seen by the Empire with little risk. From the main cargo hold Lok could hear Tarth and El in conversation.
“Are you crazy?! This is Stormtrooper armour! Why do you even have these?!” shouted Tarth.

Kaya had just got comfortable on a donated cushion when a heap of white plastoid shapes were dumped on top of her. She dimly heard the words “And why do you have so many blasters? We’re supposed to be traders not a private army…” followed by more thumps on the pile above her. She dimly heard Lok saying “Carful, Kaya is down there.” She missed the muttered response from Tarth but heard El shouting “Hey that’s mine” from the man cargo hold before more footsteps approached and a rain of wrapped candy filtered down through the larger items piled atop her, and Tarth yelled down “Here Kaya, we don’t know how long this will take and you might get hungry.” Then everything went dark as the panel closed above her.

Edited by Squirrelsan


Lieutenant Smithe of the Imperial Navy was unimpressed by this latest ship. Battered and ancient, of some obscure design he’d had to look up, the Moonlit Jaunt as it identified itself had clearly been repaired several times and the owner hadn’t even bothered to repaint it. It was a tragedy the Empire permitted such dangerous wreckage-in-waiting to keep flying. Earlier in the day he’d taken great pleasure in watching the faces of the crews filing off their ships and seeing him standing proudly in front of his squad of Stormtroopers, but he was bored of this assignment now. He looked them over as they arranged themselves in front of him. At least there was a single human amongst them, but the rest were all aliens, including a great brute of a Wookie.
“Who is the Captain?” he asked.
“I am sir.” Answered the human. A blessing at least.
“Your name?”
“Jec, sir.”
“Just Jec?”
“Jec son of Wat sir.” Polite at least. Lieutenant Smithe moved along the line to a Duros.
“Traveler Jom Makaan” He noted it down and moved on. Bypassing the Wookie he moved to a Zabrak.
“What is this thing called?” he asked, gesturing at the Wookie.
“Er… Thoul… yakk?” replied the Zabrak
“Thoul Yakk. Is this correct Wookie?”
“He’s mute sir,” interrupted the Captain, “Thoulyakk show the Lieutenant your neck scars.”
The Wookie parted the fur on his neck but Smithe turned back to the Zabrak disinterested.
“And you?” He moved down the line taking the names of the rest of the crew and recording them, then returned to the Captain.
“What is your purpose for coming to Arkania?”
“Well we don’t have any cargo at the moment; we were ambushed by pirates further out on the Hydian Way...”
“Did you report this crime?”
“It was in the Outer Rim sir.”
“But did you report it?”
“Ah, no.”
“I see,” he said, making a note, “and why are you here now?”
“Well we’re hoping to pick up some cargo.”
“I see.” Lieutenant Smithe considered the situation. Their story was plausible, but then again there were a lot of aliens in this crew and something about the Captain seemed slightly off. He decided they weren’t worth the effort of a formal interrogation and settled for ordering a tracking device for the ship.

After the Imperial officer finished asking them questions, he left the party in silence for a long time whilst he made notes on his datapad. Tarth spent a very uncomfortable time watching the impassive faces of the ten Stormtroopers arrayed in front of them and concentrating on not breaking out into a sweat. Eventually the situation was relieved when a technician arrived and reported to the officer. “Ah, good, install a class B tracking device on the hull and then they’re free to go,” he said, then turned away without further comment. Tarth approached the technician and asked him “Excuse me sir, how long do we have to keep this on for?”
“Not sir, I’m just a technician.”
“Sorry sir, technician sir.”
The technician sighed, “It’s an Imperial tracking device. You keep it on forever.”
“Oh. I see, very good.”
Lok, having followed the technician to watch what he was doing to his precious Pigeon, asked “Have you been installing these on every ship that passes through?”
“No, maybe half of them? Not counting the ones that tried to run or the ones caught breaking the law of course. Maybe half the ships we released.”

Tarth waited outside for permission to leave, whilst the others returned to the ship and prepared to depart, but were surprised to find an inspection crew of technicians had entered the ship behind them at some point and were roughly going through the lockers. Jom headed to the bridge but Lok lingered, wanting to ensure that they didn’t break the ship, or at least spotting it so he could fix any damage afterwards. Thoulyakk headed to the secondary hold and tried to assume a casual attitude whilst standing directly on top of the smuggling compartment to block it.

When the inspection crew entered the room, they looked suspiciously at Thoulyakk, and down at the floor panel he was standing on. In a moment of panic he forgot his role as a mute in his desire to deflect attention.
“Hello,” he said in clear basic. The technicians looked at him surprised. One turned to the other and commented “Did you ever here of a Wookie that could speak basic?”
“Perhaps we should report it to the Lieutenant.”
“It’s something of an embarrassment to me, perhaps I could pay you some money not to mention it to anyone?”
“How much?”
“Two… thousand?”
The technicians looked at each other surprised, having expected perhaps a few hundred.
“Each?” added Thoulyakk, nervously.

With permission to leave, and Tarth back on board the ship, the Pigeon departed the Star Destroyer, with Jom forgoing his usual fast and showy flying for a more careful and sedate manoeuvre. Tarth turned to Lok, “Can you tell what that tracking device does? Can it listen to us or monitor our systems?” Lok set to work. A few minutes of uncomfortable silence later and Lok informed them that the device was sending out their location, direction and speed to Imperials within the current system, but it wasn’t monitoring anything more complex, such as the navcomputer, the comm or eavesdropping on their conversation inside. “Ok, good, well, Jom take it slowly whilst we work this out. Step one let’s make contact. We need to broadcast our ID on this frequency.” Lok glanced at the datapad Tarth was holding and punched in the necessary commands. “We’re now receiving a looping weather broadcast.” Lok reported, and set it to ply over the cockpit’s speakers.
“Ok, and now KT can you run the broadcast through this decryption?” R2-KT plugged her scomp connector into the Pigeon. Suddenly the weather report changed to a new voice, one Tarth recognised as belonging to Fane Reroon. “Please, if anyone sympathetic to the rebellion can help us, we need immediate assistance. Our coordinates are attached to this broadcast.” The message looped, KT confirmed she had the coordinates and Lok shut it off.
KT beep-whistled in Astromech and the translation came up on a screen; I HAVE ANOTHER MESSAGE.
“Another message? Can you play it KT?” asked Tarth.
“This is Captain Sauto Slex,” Thoulyakk and Tarth looked to the original crew members of the Pigeon who nodded their silent confirmation that this was indeed his voice as the message continued, “I have been captured by the Empire and am being held on Coruscant.”
“KT, where did you get this message?”
KT explained, via the screen readout, that Captain Slex had set up a message drop. As per her directive if he ever left her, she checked it whenever she could access the holonet, as she had done just now. This message appeared to be a week old. The crew pondered this new revelation in silence, until they were interrupted by a feint thump. Tarth glanced back down the corridor towards the rest of the ship. “Did anyone remember to let Kaya out…?


As the Annual Pigeon headed sedately down to Arkania, as slowly as they could without drawing suspicion, the crew played Capitan Slex’s message again. “This is Captain Sauto Slex, I have been captured by the Empire and am being held on Courescant. They’re torturing me. I don’t have long, I've reached a comm device but they’re coming back for me. Please help me.”
Lok broke the silence first, “We have to rescue him.”
Tarth responded, “I don’t disagree with you Lok, but right now we are being tracked by the Empire, we have to at least land and keep up appearances or we won’t be rescuing anyone. And Fane and her Rebels need our help too.” He didn’t add “The message is a week old, he may be dead already” but he didn’t have to.
As they entered atmosphere Jom scanned the coordinates Fane had provided. They indicated a spot in the mountains with no obvious settlement a few hundred kilometres outside the city they were heading towards. He pointed this out to the others and explained that it would be extremely risky to land a ship there. They agreed the best option would be to land at the city as planned and from there rent whatever ground or hover vehicle the locals used to move around outside the protection of the enclosed cities. But step one would be to get suitable clothing to allow them to survive for even short periods of time outdoors.
At the crew prepared to land Thoulyakk approached the well travelled Tarth on the bridge and asked him, “What is cold like?”
“Thoulyakk, have you never been cold before?”
“I have not.”
“Well Kashyyk is relatively temperate by galactic standards, but I suppose… come with me a moment.”
Jom heard them retreating back down the corridor to the main ship, but then turn left into the galley. He heard the distinctive noise of the food preserver opening.
“Now Thoulyakk, just stick your head in this ice box and stay there for 10 minutes and you’ll start to get an idea…”
Upon landing Kaya and Sis thanked the crew for the trip and, somewhat grudgingly, handed Thoulyakk a credit chip for the balance of their payment. As they left the crew eyed their fairly expensive warm clothing with some small amount of jealousy, all except Tarth who was already pulling on his own thermal cloak.
“Where did El go?” he asked.
“Ah’m not coming,” she said form behind, “It’s way too cold out zere, it’s ridiculous. Ryloth is a dessert world, there’s no way ah’m going out there if I don’t have to. Lok, you can get me some clothes.”
“What about your lekku, you’ll want to keep them covered up especially.”
“An ‘at. A really big warm ‘at.” And with that she stomped off back towards her cabin.
Hurrying across the frigid landing pad into the shelter of the corridors of the enclosed city, the crew found a very helpful dock worker who gave them the low down on the Imperial Occupation, warned them in subtle terms not to try any smuggling under such tight scrutiny and gave them good advice on where to buy warm clothing, directing them to search for an obese Gran named Flax who had a good stall in the central market. Tarth gave him a generous tip and they headed towards the market.
They reached a large round room, and found themselves on the upper balcony that ringed the main market on the floor below. 8 corridors led off this level, including the one they had arrived from, leading to different landing pads. Several pairs of Stormtroopers were stationed on this level, spaced out around the circumference but it was otherwise mostly quiet with most of the activity in the market below. Tarth, already possessing suitable gear for the climate, left the others to their quest for clothing as he went to explore the exotic marketplace. The others took advantage of the balcony to survey the hubbub below and trying to spot Flax.
Thoulyakk found his eyes drawn to a large stall that seemed to be full of caged livestock. He dismissed it as irrelevant and moved on but something niggled him and he looked back at it. There, between caged packed with what was clearly several kinds of food animals, was a far too small cage containing the unmistakable forms of four Wookie children.
Lok was almost knocked over the railing as Thoulyakk pushed past him heading towards the nearest stairs, and hurried to catch up with the Wookie as his whole bearing had changed and something was clearly wrong. Jom tagged along behind. With Thoulyakk’s long legs and rapid stride he quickly caught up with Tarth, already heading down to the market.
“Come Tarth, I need you.”
Tarth hurried to keep up with the striding Wookie. “What is it Thouylakk,” he said keeping his voice low, “have the Empire taken an interest in us?”
Thoulyakk said nothing as he roughly pushed his way through the crowd towards the stall, and it wasn’t until they were nearly there that Tarth managed to see their destination, and when he did he paled. As they arrived at the stall Thoulyakk pushed Tarth towards the stall owner, already engaged in conversation with an adult Ortolan who seemed to be negotiating for the release of a smaller Ortolan in a cage.
“Right, deal with him. Ok.”
The livestock trader, slave trader perhaps, paused in his conversation with the Ortolan as he saw Thouylakk approach the cage and approached him saying, “Hey!” Tarth intercepted him. “How much for these?” “Twenty thousand each.” he said to Tarth and turned to Thoulyakk, “No messing with the merchandise until you’ve paid!” That was far higher than Tarth had expected, and he did some rapid calculations. They’d each received seven thousand credits after the pirate incident, but whilst Tarth still had all of his, Jom had bought a new heavy blaster pistol with upgrades, Lok had bought parts to improve the shield generator on the Pigeon and Thoulyakk had given away four thousand credits in a hasty and poorly planned bribe aboard the Star Destroyer. At a guess they had about fifteen thousand credits between them, maybe twenty if they were lucky. Bargaining was not Tarth’s strong point, and trying to get a trader down to a quarter of the asking price was going to be tough.
He never got a chance to try. Thoulyakk grabbed the bars of the cage and started pulling them apart, and the trader pushed past Tarth and confronted Thoulyakk. Thoulyakk, casually backhanded the man without much thought, concentrating on the cage, but Tarth and Jom standing nearby could clearly see the cybernetic fist, much more powerful than Thoulyakk was used to, caving in the man’s face. The trader dropped, his life snuffed out, but Thoulyakk did not appear to have noticed.
Unfortunately three armed guards that the crew had failed to spot, did notice and immediately grabbed for their blasters. Tarth was quicker, his years adventuring in the wilderness combined with a blaster sling that he had carefully customised meant he was quick off the draw, and he had two of the guard down with stun shots before they had their own guns raised. Thoulyakk, calmly flicked the credit chip Kaya had given him earlier, containing one thousand credits, at the last guard. “Your master is already fallen, but I have no wish to harm you this day.” With that he turned away from the guard and to the cage. Jom, somewhat more sensibly having already taken cover, watched the guard think about it, then begin to raise his blaster towards Thoulyakk, so he opened fire with his new Heavy Blaster pistol, dropping the third and final guard with a stun shot of his own.
When Lok, following Tarth and Thoulyakk, had realised where they were headed, he had immediately turned around and started heading back up the stairs to where the Stormtroopers were, rapidly thinking up a plan around getting the Stormtroopers to inspect the stall owner for a slaving licence and hoping that if necessary he could work some computer magic in the background to snarl up the paperwork and get the Wookies released. His plan was cut short by the sound of blaster fire, but fortunately he was in the perfect position to intercept the two Stormtroopers who were coming to the balcony to investigate the blaster fire that could be heard but not seen from where the Stormtroopers on the top level were stationed. He engaged them in a hasty conversation about slavery laws, learning that some convicted criminals were sold into slavery rather than incarcerated by the Empire, and crucially buying the others some time before hurrying back down to rejoin them.
Thoulyakk calmly set his mighty thews to task and ripped the door of the cage from its frame. His backswing accidentally breaking open a less sturdy wooden and wire cage holding dozens of small mammals . The Fox-Squirrels burst out of their cage and spread out into the market like an orangey borwn wave of fur, eliciting screams, panic and general chaos across the market that had a moment before been stilled and silenced by the outbreak of gunfire. The 4 Wookie cubs latched onto Thoulyakk and began climbing him like a wroshyr tree.
Jom had found some tarpaulins in the stall and draped one over the fallen trader, whilst passing Thoulyakk another to use as an improvised cloak. The Ortolan was taking this opportunity to try and break open the cage containing his younger kin, but lacking Thoulyakk’s great strength was having no luck. Lok, catching up with the group, pushed him aside and pulled out a tool, muttering about impatient Wookies and magnetic locks, and had the cage open in moments. The Ortolan hugged him, grabbed the smaller Ortolan, gabbled something in a language Lok did not understand, and rushed away.
“I think that guy had the right idea, we should probably get going.” Lok pointed back to the stairs where a pair of Stormtroopers were trying to push through the crowd towards them. As they watched a Fox-Squirrel jumped from an awning onto the helmet of one of the Stormtroopers and made to leap onto the stall on the other side but was grabbed in mid air by the white armoured soldier. The Stormtrooper crushed the small animal it his fist, then hurled it away like a rag doll.
As the crew of the Pigeon headed away to lose themselves in the crowd, Lok split from them, telling them that as he had been speaking to the Stormtroopers he would be recognised and would only draw attention to them. As Thoulyakk strode towards the nearest exit on this level, Jom made a minor detour to grab up the credit chip Thoulyakk had thrown at the guard. Tarth, made his own detour and picked up the fallen Fox-Squirrel, holding it delicately in his hands. When the tiny creature breathed Tarth smiled, and tucked it carefully into an inside pocket.
Tarth looked around, saw that Thoulyakk had made it out of the market, but saw a Stormtrooper pointing to Jom. He also made eye contact with Tarth, but did not appear to be interested in him. Maybe Imperial racism, maybe because Jom was more recognisable, but it was clear that they were not interested in Tarth. He stayed behind as Jom slipped out of the market into the surrounding corridors and contrived to fall into them as they passed by him in pursuit of Jom.
“I’m so sorry sirs, it’s those **** Fox-Squirrels. Whoever’s selling them should be prosecuted, letting them wreck the market like this.”
“Do you know who’s selling them citizen?”
“No sir.”
The impassive face of the Stormtrooper’s skull like helmet observed him stoically. “Are you sure you don’t know who’s selling them citizen?”
“Well…” said Tarth, caught in a lie, “the livestock merchant is over that way, it’s probably him.”
The Stormtroopers, forgetting their pursuit of Jom, headed towards the stall and Tarth slipped away before they uncovered the poorly hidden body.
Tarth and Lok, being able to take the quick route back to the Pigeon past the Stormtroopers, arrived back much sooner than Jo and Thoulyakk who took a long roundabout route back. By the time they got back Lok and Tarth had told El what had happened and sent her out to buy some cold weather clothing for the crew and get a sense of the situation out in the city. Tarth, with Lok’s help, had determined that the Wookie cubs had been arrested for “loitering” at the spaceport, apparently a crime severe enough to warrant their enslavement, and that they almost certainly were not from this city. Lok meanwhile was preparing to remove the Imperial tracking device on the basis that they would probably need to be leaving this city very soon once the authorities sorted out what had happened in the market.
When Thoulyakk arrived with the cubs he brought them into the common room where Tarth helped him do a basic medical assessment. They were badly malnourished but otherwise unharmed. Thoulyakk fetched them some protein bars from the galley, but they were discarded half-eaten when Tarth dragged the remains of El’s candy crate into the common room. “Oh good,” commented Lok dryly as the cubs dived into the crate head first, “hyperglycaemic Wookies.” Tarth just smiled, as the Fox-Squirrel climbed up out of his inner pocket to perch on his shoulder, it’s bright green eyes surveying the room, and passed it up an opened piece of chocolate.


Whilst Lok prepared to remove the Imperial tracking device, Jom was prepping the Pigeon for the flight and El was still out in the city buying cold weather gear, Tarth approached Thoulyakk in the lounge.
“Thoulyakk, may we speak a moment?”
Tarth headed into the secondary hold and seats himself on the decking floor, indicating Thoulyakk should sit opposite him. As Thoulyakk sat, KT entered the hold. “Thank you KT” said Tarth. KT handed Thoulyakk the lightsaber concealed within her, then left as Tarth continued.
“Please, listen well to what I have to say, and think carefully before you respond. Thoulyakk, you have spoken of your desire to honour that weapon and the Jedi who once owned it. I wish to speak of what just happened, whilst it is fresh in both our minds. First I should say that you did the right thing, and I will always support you in such endeavours. You may always rely on my support.
You and I are old enough to remember the Jedi as they really were, not just what the Empire says they were. I know you have a book of their ways, and you have been learning to use a lightsaber from it, but have you read much of their philosophy?
The Jedi did not simply believe in doing the right thing, but also in doing it the right way. I’m sure the Jedi Path will tell you something very trite about trusting in the force, but we are simple practical people so let me put it another way. There is a forest in front of you, and you wish to get to the other side.
If you are focused purely on your goal, you will walk a straight line through the trees. You will find obstacles and obstructions. You may get to the other side, and you may do it quickly, but along the way you will damage the forest, you will hurt yourself, and you may get lost and never find the other side. This is the way of the Dark side.
Instead you could follow the path. Instead of focussing on the destination you focus instead on walking the correct path. Your journey will be peaceful and prosperous and in the fullness of time you will reach the other side. This is the path of the Light side.
The Empire claim to be bringing peace to the galaxy. That is a good goal. But they are not doing it the right way and all they have achieved is suffering, misery and death. Instead of focussing too much on achieving the right result, focus on doing the right thing. By doing the right thing, the right result will follow.
This is not meant as a rebuke, I am not in any position to criticise anyone. I rejoice with you in the liberation of your kin and simply offer something to reflect upon for the future. You have a pure heart Thoulyakk. I am happy to discuss this further with you, or leave you to consider my words.”
Thoulyakk turned the lightsaber over slowly in his hands and examined it minutely, observing the care that had gone into its construction and the wear it had accumulated in its lifetime. After a moment of consideration, he replied, still starring at the Lightsaber.
“I do not fully understand. It is well that I did not have this weapon with me just now, or I would certainly have used it. In that moment I had little thought for anything except what I was doing. I did not even notice taking a life. Without your aid I would very likely now be suffering alongside these children, instead of setting them free.”
But to see that- my kin - in a cage, as I was held for so long- it could not be borne. I thank you. Another time I will think on your words, and will try to act with less haste and more forethought. Forests and trees, yes. This I understand.
You seem to know much of these subjects, Tarth. Will you help me?”
From the doorway a crash disturbed their peace, and four adorable furry missiles zoomed over and climbed up Thoulyakk.
“Tibbi! Bibbi! Zibbi! Bartholemew! Be careful!” Thoulyakk said, sternly but with an undertone delight.
“Tarth, we need some sort of translation device. I can no longer speak their tongue, and they cannot speak yours. Although Bibbi seems to be something of a scholar.”
One of the furballs detached and made an excitable Wookie cry.
“Good boy” said Thoulyakk.
Tarth smiled widely. “Of course I will help you Thoulyakk. Lok might be able to make a translation device of some kind if he could get the language programmes of a protocol droid, or we could buy a protocol droid next time we reach a safe place to go shopping, it might be useful as a babysitter, although I confess I don't know how expensive they are. Right now however my instinct says the right thing to do it so make up some beds for the little ones. Do you think El will mind sharing her cabin? I feel like it might be useful to be able to shut them in during an emergency, it would be dangerous to have them underfoot when we're manning the laser cannons or under Lok's feet if he's repairing the engines.”
Once they had settled the Wookie cubs into the cabin Thoulyakk went to see if he could assist Lok whilst Tarth called El. He checked everything was ok with her and pointed out that they were in something of a hurry. She assured him she’d be back in 15 minutes and he went to inform the others. Upon exiting the ship he noticed it was somewhat warmer than before and Thoulyakk pointed out that a dome had enclosed the landing area and whilst the environment wasn’t heated, it had made a large difference simply by cutting off the wind-chill. Whilst ti did make the hanger comfortable, it did not bode well for a quick exit.
With Lok’s work complete they returned to the common room and brought in Jom to make their plans. Lok laid out the various possibilities. In the short term there were a few options. He could destroy the transmitter. He could trigger a reboot that would give enough time to remove it from the ship and attach it to a different ship and it would never know anything had happened. Or he could rig up a device to drop it off the hull at a moment of their choosing. If he could spend a few hours doing it, he could rig up something more sophisticated and modify the data it was sending out to whatever they wanted.
It was generally agreed that they didn’t have hours to spare and needed to be leaving as soon as possible. Whilst sticking the tracking device on another ship seemed like a good idea in principle, and maybe under the Old Republic it would have been, but none of them trusted the indiscriminate “justice” of the Empire and feared what might happen to the innocent ship. Instead they went with Thoulyakk’s suggestion of flying away and then faking a crash and ditching the tracking device. Tarth’s suggestion of escaping the landing pad by lasting the dome with the upgraded dorsal lasers was relegated to plan B when Lok suggested he could probably just hack the station control system to let them out peacefully.
By the time all this was decided, El returned with a huge mound of winter clothing which she unceremoniously dumped in the common room. She was talking through what she had found to the others when she noticed the now-empty crate that had previously held her candy.
“Is zat mah crate? Where did ze candy go, did you move it?”
Thoulyakk, caught out by dint of being the closest to El stammered, unsure of what to say. Tarth quickly excused himself, explaining that he already had suitable cold weather clothing anyway and slipped away on the pretence that he needed check his gear. As he left Jom and Lok likewise made excuses, leaving the unlucky Thoulyakk to face El alone. From the relative safety of the secondary hold behind hastily closed doors he could not hear exactly what was said, but it definitely involved some shouting.
When everything was ready the crew took their places. El was in the dorsal turret, ready to enact plan B should they require it, and return fire if things went really wrong. Lok was at the main computer console in the common room, with KT assisting him. Jom was at the helm as usual, everything ready but the engines not yet started to avoid suspicion. Thoulyakk had been directed to wait outside near the umbilical cable that was connecting the ship to the power and data of the landing pad, ready to rip it free if things went wrong and they needed to leave in a hurry. Tarth was in the ventral turret ready to provide covering fire for Thoulyakk if everything went really badly. In the end this preparation was unnecessary, Lok got the doors open and Thoulyakk boarded calmly and took up position in the co-pilot seat. It did prove fortuitous however due to later developments.
Jom piloted the Pigeon out of the city and into a long ice canyon running north-south. As he did so, he thought he caught a glimpse of another ship, but he could not see it again and El and Tarth were unable to spot anything. As they shot up the canyon Jom suggested they recap the plan so they were all on the same page and Lok, dropping into one of the rear seats in the cockpit, pointed out that they should be heading away from the Rebel’s location to fake a crash, and then circle around to avoid leading anyone to the Rebels.
“And the Rebel base is North East, right?”
“Yes, so we should continue south along this canyon until we find a good spot.”
“South. Yes, of course.”
The Pigeon dipped towards the floor of the canyon before pulling up and back into a graceful Immelmann turn leaving them facing back the way they had come.
Lok looked at Jom with suspicion but his attention was drawn to the canopy view where he suddenly saw two Imperial atmospheric craft flying towards them spitting out deadly red lasers. Jom cursed as the shields absorbed a few hits and twisted into a corkscrew to evade, almost scraping the hull on the canyon wall. The Imperial craft turned hard and pursued them as Jom pushed the acceleration and the Pigeon shot away down the canyon.
As the ship flew recklessly down the canyon with Jom flying by the seat of his pants and Thoulyakk scanning ahead to try and give Jom advanced warning of the twists and turns of the canyon, El and Tarth returned fire on the nimble imperial craft. Tarth clipped one wing, sending the ship tumbling into the canyon wall in a flaming explosion, but up on the dorsal turret El was hampered by the low arctic sun from the north glaring into her eyes.
Down in the cockpit the scanner reported a nice small gap up ahead and Jom weaved the ship towards it. He hoped his superior flying skill would let him pass through with the Pigeon whilst shaking off the inferior Imperial pilot behind either from bottling out or crashing, but as he approached it he realised it was crusted with ice and far smaller than it appeared.
“Sithspit!” he shouted, yanking the steering yolk hard whilst slapping the emergency retro thrusters to reorient the ship back into the main canyon. The crew lurched as the stress from the tight turn momentarily overcame the inertial dampeners, then once again as the ship shook from an impact.
Tarth spoke into the cockpit over the ship comms, “Nice flying Jom, he wasn’t expecting that and his wing clipped us, both bogies down.”
“Dropping the tracer,” added Lok.
Jom relaxed his death grip on the controls and wiped some sweat from his brow. “All part of the plan.”
Once they reached the coordinates of the rebel location they found nothing on the scanner but a barren mountainside, and saw nothing through the viewport except rock and snow. It took Tarth sitting in the ventral turret carefully examining the mountainside with magnoculars to eventually spot an unusual outcropping that might be able to conceal a secret entrance to some kind of underground base.
As the ship could not land, Jom would have to stay in the cockpit and Lok would need to man the winch he had created back on the forest world of Stithian. It was agreed that El would crew the dorsal turret and keep watch for Imperial attackers and therefore Tarth would make contact with the Rebels with Thoulyakk. Tarth had a brief discussion with Thoulyakk, suggesting that he, Thoulyakk, should say nothing and spoke only when Tarth expressly invited him to do so, even when asked questions by the Rebels. Tarth knew himself to be a poor liar, but there’s being bad at lying and then there’s blurting out secrets.
Tarth waited for Thoulyakk at the main ramp with Lok doing final checks on the improvised winch. He was wearing his olive drab thermal cloak as a poncho, carefully tucked inside the straps of his backpack and climbing harness, with his blaster rifle securely slung over his shoulders and cinched in tight so it would not swing about. He had gloves, goggles and a light helmet. Thoulyakk arrived having pillaged El’s heap of arctic survival clothing for the largest items, wearing a large deerstalker hat with ear flaps hanging loose, and a padded and voluminous coat in a lurid orange that had clearly been designed for a Besalisk, or some other large four-armed being, with the spare sleeves tied together in a knot. He clutched his bowcaster in both hands and on Tarth’s advice has concealed the lightsaber upon his person out of sight.
Tarth went first, and whilst Jom held the ship very steady despite the strong winds, Lok had neglected to mention that the winch would start out extremely fast. As Tarth dropped out of sight Lok was sure he heard a faint cry of “Fuuuuuu…” before it was lost in the wind. Nevertheless, Tarth made a clean landing and detached and released the cable to return up to Thoulyakk. This time Lok warned Thoulyakk of the fast descent as, lacking a harness, Thoulyakk wrapped the cable around his waist. Thoulyakk’s landing was not so graceful, ending up in a snow drift, but he kept hold of his bowcaster and on the upside all the snow sticking to him would make an excellent arctic camouflage if they were ambushed.
They found some tracks and followed them back to a hidden doorway behind a rocky outcrop. Knocking on the door having achieved nothing, they tried the intercom button on the control panel.
“Who goes there?” a voice Tarth did not recognise demanded.
“Erm, hello, it’s Tarth Arlos here. I’m looking for Fane.”
A long pause.
“Who is this? Where have you come from.”
“Look we got your emergency message. If Fane is there tell her it’s Tarth. It’s bloody cold out here you know.”
After another long pause, the door opened.
“Come in.”
The opened door revealed a long dark corridor carved out of ice and rock, and a body on the floor immediately within the doorway.
Tarth pulled out his comm link. “Lok, we’ve made contact with someone and they’ve opened the door. There’s a corridor with a body in it. We’re going to go in an investigate but it’s possible this is an Imperial trap. We may also lose contact with you in the rock and ice. If necessary Thoulyakk can cut the door if we need to escape, so we’ll proceed in cautiously and see what we find. I’ll check in again if and when I can.”
“Roger that Tarth”
Thoulyakk had turned the body over and showed Tarth where it had been shot. Tarth could see that medical treatment had been applied, but that it had not been sufficient to save his life. He gave it a cursory and respectful check for any useful keycards or other useful items or information but found nothing.
“This could be an Imperial trap Thoulyakk, the base may already have been overrun. Let me scout ahead quietly, but don’t fall too far behind.”
They moved along the corridors until Tarth could hear voices around a corner. Peeking around he saw a number of people moving about in uniforms that were distinctly un-Imperial, and several portable cots occupied by wounded people. Moving back down the corridor far enough to not be heard, he pulled out the comm link.
“Lok, can you read me?”
“I read you.”
“I’ve scouted ahead and they look like the Rebels. At least, there is a serious lack of white armour. I’m going to make contact.”
“Ok, good luck.”
“It seems like we still have a decent signal here so I’ll try and stay in touch.”
With that, he put away his comm link and headed back towards the Rebels. To avoid alarming them, before he rounded the corner into view he loudly spoke “Hello the base!” and was pleased to see nobody jumping for their guns at the sight of him as he appeared. So far so good, he moved into the main room. It was something of a mess, with various computer stations set up in mobile crates and the power and data cables snaking messily across the room, interweaving between improvised hospital beds and piles of equipment.
Across the room towards him came a short human woman, with lean hard muscles and short buzzcut hair. “Tarth!” she said, with relief and affection, and gave him a fierce hug. “Hello Fane, how’s tricks?” he replied with slight awkwardness, one hand vaguely patting her back and the other instinctively finding the grip of his sidearm. Fane was not usually a huggy person. Stepping back she looked up at him. “How did you get here?” she asked.
“Well we were intercepted by some ISD’s on the way in…”
“Are they still here? How many?”
“Two, last time I checked; an hour ago I guess. Then we contacted you as per protocol and got your message. We had to stop in as Kanti as the Imperials were tracking us, and then we… got into some trouble… but we managed to get away and came here.”
“Is you ship outside, were you followed?”
“There was some pursuit out of Kanti but we shot them down and faked our own crash, so we should be in the clear. As far as we can tell nobody followed us. The ship is outside, there’s nowhere to land.”
Fane turned and strode across the room to a communications officer, and Tarth relaxed. This was more like Fane, practical and detail oriented to the point of impatience and rudeness. He smiled.
Jom was startled from his daydream by the Pigeon’s comms crackling to life, an indicator showing it was a direct laser communication that could not be intercepted and must be originating for some point within line of sight.
“Unidentified ship, please proceed to the attached coordinates, there is a disguised mine entrance your ship should fit into with a hidden landing pad at the bottom.”
Jom shrugged and followed the instructions.
The landing area was deserted of people, but there was an extremely damaged small Correlian freighter on the pad. As Jom shut down the Pigeon’s systems Lok exited to inspect the freighter with a view to either repair it or salvage it as he was assuming they would probably need to evacuate the remaining Rebels. Noticing severe damage to the Port engine nacelle and multiple hull breaches, he decided repair was out of the question with the time and materials available, but there may be useful salvage. Rather than just looting the Rebels’ ship, he called up to Tarth first.
Upon hearing Lok’s request, Tarth headed over to Fane where she was speaking quietly to one of the wounded. He pulled out his emergency medpac as he did, and examined the wounded Togruta. It was clear that the Rebels were short on medical supplies as his wound was not being sufficiently treated. As Tarth worked on the patient he told Fane, “Our mechanic has found your ship, says it’s wrecked, but he wants to see if there’s anything salvageable on it.”
“You can tell him that we…”
“Here,” said Tarth, handing her his comm link and flicking open the channel.
“Hello, er…”
“Lok” injected Tarth.
“Hello Lok, sorry we’re a bit swamped with casualties at the moment so we haven’t…”
“You have casualties?!” came Lok’s voice from the comm link, “I’ll be right up.”
Apologies for the looooong delay, we've been on hiatus whilst one of our players had a baby.


The crew of the Pigeon, minus El who was staying on the Pigeon in case of Imperial attacks, worked hard; using what medical supplies they had available to them to stabilise the wounded Rebels. Sadly for the body in the entrance, and a few more they found on the beds in the far corner covered by sheets, it was too late. It was some time before the crew could step back and take stock, and Lok quickly noticed Jom was sitting down and looking rather sick. On closer inspection, Lok realised that the Duros Jom had helped first was not just wounded by battle but appeared to have a fever, and unhealthy looking pustules on his skin. Realising the seriousness of the situation, the crew gathered, although none got too close to Jom.

Assessing the situation more carefully it quickly became apparent that several other casualties were showing similar symptoms, but they were far more severe in the case of the Duros, and indeed Jom was already starting to exhibit the pustules. Whilst both Tarth and Lok had some medical training and experience, neither of them recognised this particular condition. Lok suggested that Jom, as he was already clearly infected, approach the other Duros and treat him with a high dose of Bacta, to see how much effect the universal treatment would have. Jom was hesitant, but realising it was unlikely to make him any worse and was key information for saving his life, he agreed.

The bacta treatment from the localised applicator was somewhat effective at reducing local symptoms but didn’t cure the condition. It was mixed news, on the one hand it implied bacta treatment could cure the condition, or at least the symptoms, keeping patients alive long enough for a real cure to be found, but on the other that knowledge was useless as they didn’t have enough for even one patient and they would probably need to put each patient in a Bacta tank.

By this point Jom was becoming feverish and losing consciousness. “Ok,” said Tarth, if any of us want to live we need to escape this place as soon as we can. Leave Jom to me, I’ll do what I can. You two speak with Fane and see about getting us out of here.”

At the mobile command centre the Rebels had set up, Fane summarised the situation for Thoulyakk and Lok. “Ok, I was hoping more people would respond to our message, but it may be that you’re all we’ve got so I’m going to need you to pick up the top priority. We’ve been hit hard be the Empire, all over. They took out one of our biggest bases, and whilst most of the Rebels there escaped, someone didn’t do their job right. Since the Empire took Hoth, they’ve been hitting a lot of bases that used to be secret and the Rebellion is in full retreat all over.”

She looked at Lok and Thoulyakk with a hint of despair in her eyes. “So far you’re the only people who have responded to my message, so I have to send you out again on the most urgent assignment. Huk is one of our Spymasters, and if the Empire catch him the knowledge they could retrieve from him could be deadly to our cause. He’s put down on Hok and we need you to get him. As part of the fall back plan there’s a Corvette waiting in the Hapes sector, but it’s going to leave soon, with or without him. Taking travel time into account you will have about 15 hours of activity to divide between escaping Arkania and finding and extracting him from Hok.”

She paused, building herself up to deliver even more dire news. “The priority here is that he does not fall into the hands of the Empire. His survival and escape is a secondary consideration.” Lok and Thoulyakk exchanged grim glances, but both understood the unspoken directive here. Fane went on to summarise the situation on Arkania and the various possible ways that they could get off planet.

The briefing completed, Lok and Thoulyakk returned to Jom and Tarth. Jom was lying down with his eyes shut but has regained some of his usual deep blue complexion. “I think he’s ok, Tarth explained to Thoulyakk, he’s going to take some time to recover but the infection has passed.” Lok’s mind was full of flight plans and strategy and was relieved to hear the news without thinking much further about it, but Thoulyakk looked more closely. Tarth was sweaty and slightly out of breath, and his medical kit appeared totally untouched. “How did you treat him?” Thoulyakk asked.

“Just more bacta,” Tarth lied, “and some luck I think. But it’s not very effective; there must be a better way to treat this.”

Thoulyakk eyed him suspiciously but simply said “Let us discuss this further when we are back aboard the ship,” and gave Tarth and penetrating gaze.

Lok quickly explained the situation to Tarth and the semi-conscious Jom. “Ok,” said Tarth, “I can see this is important. But we’re taking the casualties with us.” Fane started to protest that the spy master was more important than any local lives but Tarth was adamant. “He might be in danger, and if he is he might not be able to take his suicide pill or whatever contingency you obviously have for such a situation, but these people are dying right now. I won’t leave people here to die just because of a possible threat. It won’t seriously hinder our mission to take them with us, there’s room on the ship and we can drop them in Hapes.” Fane, seeing a sticking point, agreed, and Thoulyakk called up El to arrange to seal the Wookie cubs into a cabin to prevent them from getting infected whilst the others made preparations to start moving the invalids.

Whilst Tarth helped the rebels loads the injured aboard, Thoulyakk assisted Lok on working on the Correllian freighter they had found in the hanger. Whilst they would never be able to get it spaceworthy in time to make use of it to escape, Lok had other plans.

Within an hour everything was ready and both ships launched. Whilst the Correllian freighter launched full blast into space on an automated course, attracting the attention of the Imperials as it apparently made a mad dash for orbit, the Pigeon headed off subtly in the other direction. By the time it appeared on the Imperial’s scopes they were far too far out of position to respond, and she made it to hyperspace unmolested.


Once in the relative safety of hyperspace, the high tension of the situation started to drain away. Lok went to check the environmental systems to ensure they wouldn’t have a problem with far more people on board than the ship was designed for, and ended up shutting off the environmentals in the secondary hold in order to maximise the air conditioner in the main hold to keep it comfortable for everyone. Meanwhile Thoulyakk went and spoke with El through the sealed door to her cabin. She reported that the wookie cubs were doing fine, albeit somewhat grumpy after their sugar crash.

Fane came and found Tarth and Jom in the cockpit, and asked what their plan was for getting onto Hok. Tarth started by calling up the planet’s entry in the ship encyclopaedia so they could see what they were working with. Hok was an unimportant mining world colonised by Grans, mostly dessert and rich in crystals. However of most interest to the crew was the puzzling comment about half the world being shrouded in darkness. They way it was phrased it clearly didn’t just mean the world was non-rotational but there was some unnatural darkness hanging over it.

With Thoulyakk and Lok rejoining the group, they discussed plans in earnest. Tarth pointed out that identifying a lone Bothan in a planet full of Gran was not going to be hard, either for them or for the Empire. With Fane confirming they had no way to contact the spy master, the crew quickly agreed that the best plan was to slice into Imperial communications. If the Imps had already captured him, then they would break him out, if not, they would see how far they’d got in tracking him and intercept. Lok pointed out the planetary rings and suggested they revert to realspace quite far out and then they could use the rings to approach the planet undetected. A small world like this should not have a major Imperial presence, so extra-planetary surveillance would be limited.

With a rough plan settled Lok turned his attention to the sick rebels. He asked for a few volunteers and using the ship’s medical station he was able to run better tests. Within an hour he had found the nature of the problem. Loedorvian Brain Plague. Used as a biological weapon in the Clone wars by Separatists; it worked on Humans, Nemoidians and Duros. The good news was that El and the wookies were apparently immune. The bad news was that there was no listed cure.


“Is he going to be okay?” Lok had brought a pair of Rebels into the medical bay, a sick man and a fairly healthy seeming woman who had been looking after him and turned out to also be his wife. Lok stared at her in surprise, having been jolted out of his reading. His eyes flicked down to the datapad that listed the gruesome details of the biological agent that was killing the Rebels, and back up to the hopeful tearful eyes of the woman.


A knock on the door startled him out of his frozen state.

“Lok,” Tarth’s voice called through the door, “can you join us in the lounge for a moment?”

When Lok emerged into the lounge, grateful for the opportunity to avoid awkward questions from his patients, he found Tarth, Thoulyakk and one of the rebels in the lounge. Surprised to see the rebel, Lok looked closely at him. He seemed familiar, and not just from earlier.

“So, right,” said Tarth, “I’ve got some information I guess I need to share.” Tarth looked nervous, maybe even ashamed. “This is Hob, one of the rebels.” Lok looked more closely at this familiar face, and realised who he was looking at just as Thoulyakk echoed his thoughts aloud.

“A Clone!” the Wookie exclaimed, rising to his feet. Although Hob was clearly an old man, with a big white beard, no hair on top, and the wrinkles of a man of at least 60, the dark tanned skin, the facial structure and the amber eyes marked him out as one of the famous Clone Troopers, albeit aged considerably from the common portrayal of healthy young adult soldiers.

“You are one of them,” Thoulyakk exclaimed, “a Stormtrooper!” Hob backed away from the huge mechanical finger that was pointed accusatorially towards him, and Tarth stepped between the pair. “Thoulyakk, not anymore, he’s a rebel now, like us.”

“Actually sir,” Hob added, “I never actually was a Stormtrooper.”

“That’s right,” Tarth added, you left before the…” he paused, “that.” he finished lamely.

Thoulyakk was unhappy, but Tarth’s intervention made him reassess his own body language and realised he was in a very aggressive stance. He settled down and re-seated himself, unhappy but willing to hear Tarth out.

“Anyway,” Tarth continued, trying to get back on track, “the point is, I’ve managed to heal him.” Lok looked startled that Tarth had managed so quickly to cure the un-curable, and then relieved as he realised that of course his assessment had been in error and the brain plague had been a misdiagnosis. “Ah,” Thoulyakk said, “I meant to speak with you about that, healing Jom earlier…” Tarth shifted uncomfortably. “Perhaps we should speak of this privately?” Thoulyakk added, nodding his head towards Hob.

“It’s ok Thoulyakk, Hob knows everything already. You remember the Jedi Thoulyakk?” More a statement than a question. Thoulyakk nodded, eyes wide, and Tarth turned to Lok. “How much do you know of the Jedi Lok?”

“Not much, they were a religious cult, right? Before the Empire.”

“Well not… they… well anyway do you know about what they could do? About the Force?”

“Some kind of… army?”

“No, they, erm. Magic. They could do magic.”

Lok simply stared at Tarth unimpressed, waiting for him to make sense. Tarth tried a new approach.

“You’ve heard of Darth Vader, yes? The things he can do?”

“He’s some kind of supreme general of the Empire.” Lok said.

“Who can do magic.” Tarth added.

Lok looked at the eccentric old man of the forest that seemed to subsist off dried bantha jerky, had recently taken to wondering the corridors of the ship without his bionic eyes in and sometimes even talked to the small mammal he had saved. Lok finally realised what he should have noticed before, Tarth was not entirely sane.

“Magic isn’t real.” Lok explained slowly.

“The Force is.” Tarth replied equally slowly. And as he said it, a coffee cup lifted from the table and floated gently through the air to land on Tarth’s outstretched palm.

“You’re a Jedi!” Thoulyakk exclaimed. Tarth winced at the word Jedi. “I’m not Thoulyakk. There are no Jedi, the Empire wiped them out.” At this, Thoulyakk turned his head deliberately towards Hob, standing awkwardly in the corner, who was already looking at the ground with a slightly sickly expression.

“The Jedi could use the Force, magic, and the Empire destroyed them. But they aren’t the only ones who could use it. Darth Vader can use it too and the Empire, and Vader, hunts anyone who can use it. If they find out what I can do, they will hunt us down and exterminate us. If you tell the Empire what I can do they will hunt you down just for having known me, and then they’ll hunt me down too.”

“Perhaps this is why they hunt us? The lightsaber.” Thoulyakk added.

Lok, deeply confused, attempted once more to enter the conversation. “That cutting torch we found?”

“Yes, the Lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi, and if the Empire knows you have it and suspect it belonged to Sauto… they may be after you to find out more.”

“How is that a weapon?” Lok asked, “I mean it cuts impressively but it’s not a blaster.”

Tarth could not muster the energy to explain it all to Lok. “Magic.” He said simply. “But anyway, yes, I think Sauto was a Jedi, and that’s why the empire took him to Courescant. Sorry, it’s Imperial Centre now.” Taking a deep breath, Tarth started again. “Anyway, look, we’re getting wildly off-topic. The point is, I can use the Force, a little bit. And I used it to heal Hob here. And some of the other Rebels. But there are still four left that I can’t heal because it’s gone too far and I don’t even know what’s wrong with them all.” Tarth exhaled, having finally said everything he needed to.

“You used Jedi healing.” Thoulyakk asserted.

“I’m not.. it’s just the Force Thoulyakk, I used the Force.”

“But you’re a…”

“Force user,” Tarth interrupted Thoulyakk. “I just happen to be able to use the force.”

“It’s Brain Plague.” The others all looked up at Lok in surprise at his statement. “I did some research and it appears to be Brain Plague. Here.” he passed Tarth the datapad he was holding, containing all the information he’d been able to gather. “It’s a bioweapon that mainly affect Humans and Duros, and a few closely related species. Thoulyakk your Wookie cubs should be safe, and El, you and myself.” He stood up. “I should get back and see if I can work out some treatment or… anything we can do.”

“Lok,” Tarth stopped the Zabrak before he could leave, “let me know if you think I can help.” Lok simply nodded and walked back to the infirmary.

Thoulyakk stood up and approached Tarth. “Tarth, if you are a Jedi,”

“I’m not...” Tarth protested but Thoulrakk continued, “would you like the Lightsaber?” He produced it from his belt clip and proffered it out to Tarth.

“No, Thoulyakk, it’s… it belongs to Sauto. In fact…” Tarth sighed. “Wait here.” And he ran off to the secondary hold.

“I’ll just go make some caff shall I?” Hob asked, and headed to the galley.

Tarth returned, carrying a cloth wrapped bundle about a foot long and a few inches across. “I figured if we do manage to rescue Sauto he’ll want his lightsaber back Thoulyakk, and, well, it’s his, but I know you’ve been learning the saber forms and, well, it’s not ready, but I’ve been working on this.” He unwrapped the bundle and held it out to Thoulyakk. It was quite obviously the an incomplete lightsaber, well constructed but made out of spare parts, scaled to fit a wookie. Parts of the outer casing were made of metal still mostly painted in the green of the Annual Pigeon. “I would have made the hilt out of wroshyr wood if I could have, I thought that would suit you, but, well I don’t exactly have any lying around, so I used some of the scraps from the Pigeon’s hull after the latest repairs. It’s good to have a personal connection to your lightsaber.” He handed the weapon to Thoulyakk, who held it lightly and reverently in his fingertips and he turned and admired it.

“Tarth… this is… this is the best thing anyone has ever done. Ever.”

“It’s not finished yet, and I don’t have a crystal for it. I mean, I can use the crystal from Sauto’s lightsaber temporarily, but he’ll need that back once we rescue him. If we can. So, it would be good to find you a kyber crystal of your own. They’re very rare, and obviously we can’t just ask around, anyone who knows what a kyber crystal is will know enough not to just sell them publically, but Huk is rich in crystals so we should keep our eyes open. Actually Arkania also had a major crystal trade and I was going to look in the market there, but, well, we had to leave.” Thoulyakk was still admiring the lightsaber and Tarth, embarrassed, filled the silence with more words. “I should warn you that Sauto’s lightsaber is really very good, a brand new crystal probably won’t be as good as using his, but, well it would be yours.”

“Tarth, thankyou. With all my heart.”

“Yes, well, it just seemed sensible. Also… do you have the Path of the Jedi? Your book?” Thoulyakk handed him the ancient textbook of the Jedi order, and Tarth flipped through it to find the section he was looking for, showing Thoulyakk a page explaining the workings of a training emitter for a lightsaber. “A training emitter is much easier to make than finding a lightsaber, with the right parts I’m sure Lok could make them. It would have the same weight and feel of a lightsaber blade but it would not cut through things, or people. You could practice without risking damaging the ship. I’m sure if we asked Lok could build us one... Or two…”

“Tarth, can you teach me to fight as a Jedi?”

“I’m not a Jedi Thoulyakk. There are no Jedi.”

“But you’ve had training?”

“I… have. A little. A long time ago.”

Thoulyakk could see the pain in Tarth’s eyes, and pried no further. Fortunately Lok interrupted the awkward silence, returning the favour to Tarth from earlier, and asked him to assist.

“I’ve done some research and compared the patients who are infected with those who have resisted the plague,” Lok explained, “and there’s a particular chemical called Dialogen that is present in extremely high levels in the infected patients and only slightly elevated in those who have resisted it. Either this means the hormone production is being driven by the infection, and reducing it will help them fight it off, or the hormone is the body’s defence that isn’t working for the infected patients so they are going into overdrive to try and cure themselves despite it not working, whereas the resistant patients have increased slightly as they have succeeded in fighting it off. I don’t know which approach we should try first, we can lower the victims hormone levels artificially and see if they fight it off themselves, although if that’s wrong they are at risk, or we can try taking a sample from an immune patient and using it as a cure, but then the immune patient is at risk because we’ll be lowering their defences.”

“Lok, I have some basic battlefield medical training and the Force, I don’t understand anything you’re telling me.”

“Right. Ok. My call then I guess. We’ll start with the first method, afterall the victim is already dying and risking their life to save their life makes more sense than risking someone else’s life.”

“So you want me to…”

“Right, yes, monitor the patient whilst I perform the operation and try to keep them alive if it all goes wrong.”



A quarter of an hour later the patient was stable but still dying.

“Well, that didn’t work, but at least we could keep him stable an he’s no worse off than before. I think that means we need to try the donor approach. His wife said she would do anything to help, so maybe we can ask her if she’d be willing to try this.”

This time things were worse, the donor who had been only too happy to help, had nearly collapsed when her Dialogen levels were lowered, but Tarth had managed to keep her stable and in short order Lok had completed the transfusion and concluded they had succeeded in finding a cure. Now that they knew what they were doing, and the relative levels of risk, Lok was able to take samples from all the remaining immune patients without endangering them, and use it to cure the rest of the victims. Exhausted, Lok and Tarth headed to the galley for some caf. They found Thoulyakk and Hob in there, Thoulyakk glaring and Hob.

“How’s the caf?” Lok enquired.

“Old and bitter,” said Thoulyakk, glaring at Hob.

“We’ve got more caf Thoulyakk, you can make a fresh batch, and add sweetener,” added Tarth.

“I was in fact not really talking about the caf but making an allusion to the clone.”


“I think I’ll just head to the refresher,” Hob added, and slipped out of the room. Before the discussion could continue the real space reversion alarm went off, indicating an imminent end to their hyperspace voyage, and Thoulyakk, Lok and Tarth headed to the cockpit.

Dropping out of hyperspace, Jom decelerated hard and pulled up slightly, narrowly avoiding the asteroids in the planetary ring they were heading towards. Skilfully dropping into the edge of the ring, and lowering the ships power, they quickly took up a hiding spot to assess the situation. The planet itself appeared as described, half desert and half abnormal darkness. From space it appeared as if half the planet was in shadow, but when considering the position relative to the star it was clear that the darkness was caused by something else. From the Pigeon’s passive scans, the spaceways seemed fairly clear, with just one large ship at the edge of their detection range, too far away to identify. With nothing apparently amiss, and without knowing if the ship they could detect was Imperial or not, the crew elected to continue with the plan of sneaking closer through the planetary ring.

Despite his expert flying skill, try as he might, Jom could not find a path through the debris. After finding innumerable routes between the rocks that curved back around, or lead out of the ring, he had to admit defeat. As a secondary plan, the crew agreed that simply sticking on the opposite side of the ring to the only ship they could detect was a decent backup plan, and Jom slowly coasted the ship on minimal power along the plane of the ring, sticking as close as he could.

As the ship reached the inner edge of the ring, the scan detection alarm, which Lok had been keeping a close eye on, went off. To his surprise, it was not the ship that was scanning them, which is what they had been afraid of, but some new source near to the planet. With some work on the ship’s passive sensors, and Jom repositioning the ship a few times to try different locations, Lok was quickly able to identify the source of what turned out to be multiple sources of scanning. The planet was surrounded by a minefield.

“I’ve worked on these before, I recognise the type,” said Lok, as the crew had an impromptu planning meeting. “It’s a simple design still in current use. Each mine scans independently for magnetic signatures, and will move towards and detonate any ship, or metal object, that gets too close. They’re too dumb to communicate or coordinate however. Cheap and simple.”

“So,” imparted Thoulyakk, “we could find a metal heavy asteroid and push it down into the net to clear a gap? Can the Pigeon take an impact like that?”

“No Thoulyakk, these rocks are huge and heavy, we’d wreck ourselves.”

“That’s no problem,” interjected Tarth, “we have concussion missiles. Knocking an asteroid out of orbit won’t be a problem. I’m more worried about if we should. Assuming that’s an Imperial ship, the question is if the minefield was laid by them to trap ships on the planet, or if the planet has deployed the minefield to keep the Imperials out. We could end up doing more harm than good.”

The crew agreed, and risky though it was, decided to get closer to the mystery ship. To their horror it turned out to be much worse than they expected; an Imperial class Star Destroyer with a patrol of TIEs already deployed. But to answer Tarth’s question, they also discovered that there was a gap in the minefield below where the Star Destroyer held its orbit. It seemed that the minefield wasn’t keeping the Imperials out at all, but quite probably laid out to ensure all traffic on and off the planet would have to pass well within range of the Star Destroyer.

“Ok,” Tarth said once they were well away from the ISD, “so at least we know breaking through the minefield won’t be letting the Empire onto the planet. But I did just think… we’re talking about dropping an asteroid onto the minefield, but if it survives, it would hit the planet. Can we check the numbers? Make sure anything we drop will burn up in the atmosphere? Planetary bombardment is not something I want on my conscience.”

“Good point, let’s find ourselves a suitable rock and I’ll run a simulation,” replied Lok.

With such a rich planetary ring, it didn’t take long to find a suitably iron rich rock that had as big a magnetic signature as the Pigeon, ensuring any mines that could detect the Pigeon would detect the rock first. Lok ran the numbers and confirmed that such a rock would burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere. They also decided to target the opposite side of the planet to the ISD, to maximise their window of opportunity to get through any hole they created before the Star Destroyer could respond.

With all the plans in place, and Tarth and Thoulyakk manning the guns in case they needed a last desperate defence against rogue mines, Jom enacted the plan. Firing the concussion missile, it hit its target, jolting the rock out of its equilibrium. As the centripetal force holding it up was reduced, gravity took hold and pulled the rock down towards the planet’s embrace. The blast was likely to have been detected be the Empire, and even now the Star Destroyer could be rerouting TIEs to investigate, but with the minefield still in place, it was too dangerous to follow the rock down until there was evidence that there was a hole to slip through. Precious seconds ticked by as the rock fell, until a rippled of explosions marked the premature termination of its descent.

“It’s tight,” said Lok, reading off the now active scanner, “but the Pigeon should get through.” Any hesitation Jom might have had was quashed at the sight of a squadron of 4 TIEs cresting the planet and heading towards them. The crew were momentarily shunted in their seats as the acceleration towards the planet briefly overloaded the inertial compensators. Jom pushed the Pigeon to its limits, racing for the safety of the planet, and ironically the minefield, before the TIEs could reach them, and his efforts, and the recently upgraded engines, were paid off not just as the ship passed unharmed into the atmosphere, but also as the TIEs cut too close to the minefield in their attempts to intercept and disappeared in a fiery blossom. Relief washed over him for a moment, until he remembered the Pigeon was hurtling towards the ground at top speed…



Jom slapped at the dash board to silence the alarm, but the blinking red light was undiminished.

“The starboard engine is, er, on fire,” he said.

Lok stared at Jom for a second, dumbfounded, then unbuckled his restraints and started running for the engine room. As he passed Thoulyakk climbing out of the gunnery turret he shouted “the engine’s on fire!” in passing. Thoulyakk passed and looked back and Lok, who was still heading aft, and turned to Tarth who was also emerging from the gunnery turrets. “It seems we have an engine on fire,” he said, calm and polite as a protocol droid. “Well of course,” replied Tarth, “everything had been going so well.” Thoulyakk headed forward to assist Jom in the cockpit, and since KT was already heading after Lok, Tarth went to check on their rebel passengers in the cargo hold.

As Lok entered the engineering bay, a narrow cabin at the rear of the ship positioned between the two main engines, he could immediately feel the heat pouring off the starboard engine. Cursing as the hot plating scorched his hands; he pulled open an access cover and grabbed the fuel line. Yanking it clear from its mounting, he tied the flexible rubber tubing in a knot, then cut it free, separating the engine from its fuel source and hopefully preventing any risk of blowback. “Jom, shut it down, shut it down!” he shouted through the comm. He lost the reply over the sound of the engine screaming as something overpressures burst and started spurting pressurised gas or fluid.

As KT sprayed fire suppressant and coolant into the engine housing, Lok belatedly wondered why the extinguisher system hadn’t kicked in. He checked the update screen and saw a flashing message complaining that the system was out of suppressant fluid. Impossible! He’d checked the system after the last upgrades. Had he missed it somehow? Was there a leak he’d missed, or had he simply been negligent? Had he in fact killed all of his friends and a hold full of soldiers? Belatedly he realised Jom was shouting at him over the radio.


“The repulsors Lok! Maximum repulsors!”

“Right, yes, ok!”

Versatile ships like the Pigeon contained three types of engine. There were the standard main engines, such as the one currently on fire, for navigating local space and large open spaces within the atmosphere, the hyperspace engine for travelling faster than light between the stars, and the repulsors, producing anti gravity fields for subtle manoeuvring and travel close to a planetary surface and generally for landing and takeoff. They were currently travelling far too fast for the repulsors to catch them, but if Jom could angle the ship up and use the remaining engine and as much repulsor power as Lok could muster, they might just be able to skim the surface and prevent a fatal impact.

With some quick work, Lok deciding that they didn’t really need shields at this point anyway, he rerouted the shield power into an overcharged repulsor boost. It would probably fry some circuits and wipe out their shields until they could be repaired, as the ship was never designed for this, but it was their best chance for immediate survival.

In the cockpit, Thoulyakk had joined Jom, slipping into the co-pilot’s seat Lok had vacated. Jom was scanning the surface for somewhere to put down. Spying a long straight road, he angled towards it, knowing that he would never be able to reverse the downward momentum the ship contained and that his best bet was to try and turn it into mostly sideways momentum and lose it with a long skidding stop. Lok shouted at him through the comm. “Jom, I’ve rigged a repulsor boost, just hit the shield activation button when you need the boost.”

“The shields?”

“Just… yes. Hit the shield button and the repulsors will overcharge.”

With the nose pulled up to get the one remaining engine pointing vaguely down, Jom was flying by instrument and instinct to try and guide the ship down on their chosen landing strip. If there was anyone currently using the road he prayed that they would see or hear the flaming smoking wreck hurtling through the sky and get out of the way. There was nothing else he could do. With less than 100 meters to the surface he hit the repulsor overcharge Lok had rigged, and the power tripled as more alarms started going off. The ship lurched hard but Jom knew it had been enough, the speed had dropped and they should be able to skid to a halt along the road. As the ship hit the ground, and they didn’t all immediately die in a fiery explosion, Jom shouted “Yes!”, however his elation was short lived. As the impact flattened the ship out and the cockpit became level with the ground they could finally see out of the front viewport again, but instead of the open road in front of them, Thoulyakk and Jom looked in horror at the large concrete warehouse wall flying towards them.

“Kriffing Ma…” Jom muttered, before the impact hit and he blacked out.


Tarth looked over the cargo hold to check if everyone was ok. They had braced themselves as well as they could but the impact, and then several further impacts, had thrown everyone about, and there were no seats to strap into on the cargo hold. With no major injuries in evidence, he passed hob a med kit to deal with the minor injuries and headed off to find the crew, almost immediately running into Thoulyakk and the wookie cubs. “Ah, Tarth! Tibbi, Bibbi, Zibbi and Bartholemew are unharmed, but Jom has gone outside and I must check on him. Look after the cubs for me! Zibbi, Tibbi, Bibbi, Bartholemew, go to your Uncle Tarth.” Before Tarth could protest he was covered in young wookies and Thoulyakk had departed. He headed to the port cabin, where they had spent much of the journey with El, to find her strapping on her sniper rifle.

“Ah, El, could you…”

“No way! I have been trapped in zis cabin wiz zem for hours. You can deal with them for a while!” she replied, before also heading outside.

“Ok, wooklettes, how about we play ‘let’s go through all of Thoulyakk’s possessions and make a mess!’ what a fun game that is!” the wookie cubs cheered and raced into the starboard cabin to begin pulling out Thoulyakk’s few possessions from his locker and dressing up in his bedding.

“Ah, KT, perfect. Make sure the wookies don’t leave this cabin,” he said, before running off down the ramp, ignoring KT’s protesting squalks.

Tarth joined the others outside, surveying the mess they had made. The ship had torn through three large warehouses in succession, and carved a massive wreckage-strewn groove into the ground. A few locals were standing out on the street staring in shock and horror at the destruction. Jom was distractedly inspecting the front of the ship, and looking back at the warehouses, hoping against hope that they had managed to avoid hitting any people on the way down. Circling the ship they made their way to the rear where they found the entire starboard engine assembly had been ripped clear, and they could see right into the engineering cabin where Lok was sitting up tucked up against the port bulkhead, staring blindly at the gap where the starboard engine should have been.

“Hullo Lok, glad you’re ok. I guess she won’t be flying for a bit.”


“Are you ok?”


“I think maybe he’s slightly in shock. Don’t worry Lok, we’ll get her fixed up. Actually,” Tarth said, turning to the others, “we should get moving. I’m pretty sure the Empire will be coming to investigate, and we can’t move the ship or even try to hide all of this mess. But it might work to our advantage. We wanted to access the Imperial systems. We could let them come find us then ambush them. We do have a small army of rebels already.”

“Yes,” replied Thoulyakk, “that could work, although some of the locals might warn them?”

“It is my experience Thoulyakk that most citizens of the Empire prefer not to talk to the Empire where possible since if they think you know something useful they have a tendency to keep asking questions long after you’ve told them everything, just to make sure. I’m sure if you warn them the Empire is coming they will make themselves scarce. Why don’t you deal with the crowd control and I’ll brief the Rebels.”

The Rebels were quick to get to task, and after Thoulyakk’s booming voice had explained the situation, the civilians were equally quick to disappear. Within five minutes the street was clear and silent. The Rebels had broken into 4 fire-teams, hidden in various buildings nearby. A few of the still injured Rebels had taken the wookie cubs away to a safe spot. El, with a couple of Rebels for backup, was hidden in a tall building nearby with her precious sniper rifle. In the nearest building to the Pigeon, Tarth, Thoulyakk, Jom and Lok were concealed. Lok had rigged up a remote control for the dorsal turret that Jom was manning, and had rigged up a single use of a concussion missile that he himself was in control of.

As predicted, the Empire arrived within 10 minutes, announcing themselves with the characteristic shriek of TIE fighters. Tarth was relieved to see the group consisted of just two TIE fighters accompanying a single Lambda Shuttle. He had been afraid they may face overwhelming force, and had insisted that nobody be hidden in the downed Pigeon, and they extracted all useful materials, in case they needed to avoid a confrontation and slink away unseen, leaving the wreckage to the Empire. Instead it seemed only a small force has been dispatched, more than enough to handle the crew of a light freighter but not a match for the surprising number of Rebels that the Empire would never have expected were on board.

“We want the shuttle in-tact if at all possible. Thoulyakk will lead the charge, as he’s our best fighter up close, and I’ll go with him to cover his back. Wait until as many of them are clear from the shuttle as possible.” As Tarth stared at the incoming shuttle, he couldn’t help the shiver that ran down his spine.

The shuttle landed gently some distance away, in no apparent hurry. The TIEs, as expected, stayed in the air providing cover. When the shuttle ramp descended the familiar white shapes of Imperial Stormtroopers dashed out two by tow in a standard combat dispersal. Within moments 16 Stormtroopers were dispersed in four squads of four, fanning out to cover a wide front. Once they had settled in place, two more Stormtroopers appeared, with the orange pauldrons marking them out as sergeants, with a grey uniformed Imperial Officer. They paused at the foot of the ramp to observe the surroundings and converse briefly, until they turned as one last figure descended the ramp. A female figure clad all in black, she was too far away and still hidden in shadow to make out much detail. To his horror, without looking around, she immediately looked directly at where Tarth was hidden. There was no way she could have spotted him, since unbeknownst to even his allies, he was using his force connection with his adopted Fox-Squirrel to observe the Imperial deployment, and remained totally concealed from them.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” he muttered.


Tarth’s voice came quietly over the comlink to all the rebels “On Go. Three, Two, One, Go!”

The Concussion Missile Thoulyakk had taken control of from Lok fired cleanly, to Lok’s great relief, and shot into the sky, smashing into one of the TIE fighters that were hovering menacingly at the end of the street. The high-powered munition impacted the cockpit ball and exploded, shattering the transparasteel window, warping the frame and blasting the solar panelled wings apart. The wreckage dropped from the sky, impacting in an explosive wreck onto the ground. Moments later, Jom fired the twin heavy laser turret on the dorsal mount of the Pigeon, via a remote control, at the other TIE. A less explosive demise, the TIE was nevertheless destroyed as is fell awkwardly down sideways, half its stabilisers shot out, and crashed into a yet another warehouse in this now thoroughly devastated industrial district.

The Stormtroopers arrayed in front of the shuttle ducked instinctively at the sudden destruction, but the woman in black didn’t move. Instead she looked sharply to the far end of the street and pulled a weapon from her belt. As El took the shot from the roof of a far warehouse, where she was set up with her sniper rifle, the brilliant red blade of a lightsaber snapped out, and deflected the blast harmlessly into the ground in front of her. Tarth, taking the opportunity whilst she was distracted, shot at her from the side, through a window in the warehouse outbuilding he was concealed in with the rest of the crew of the Pigeon. To his horror, a second lightsaber in her other hand snapped to life and deflected his shot straight back into his chest, burning partially through his armour and knocking him backwards away from the window.

Before the dust has settled from the opening salvo, total war exploded onto the street. Rebel soldiers concealed in warehouses on either side opened fire, quickly returned by the disciplined Stormtoopers. As battle was joined Thoulyakk dropped the empty tube of the Concussion Missile and pulled out his bowcaster. Thoulyakk picked out the officer, and took his shot, the bright green energy bolt smashing into him and knocking him to the ground. Without waiting to see the result, he headed along the building, making his way towards his objective: the shuttle.

Whilst Tarth was sitting on the floor out of the line of fire, rapidly applying a bacta patch to his wound, Jom levelled the dorsal turret to the Imperial troops. The lightsaber wielding woman dashed off the road to confront the group of Rebels led by Hob, but the Stormtroopers marked out by the orange shoulder were an obvious target. Opening fire with weapons designed to pierce spaceship shielding and thick metal hulls, he reduced them and their position to a smoking crater. At this the Stormtroopers scattered to either side of the road, getting themselves out of sight of the devastating weapons.

Patched up, Tarth peeked through the window again to catch up on the situation. What he saw was exactly as bad as he feared. The lightsaber wielding woman had crossed to the far side of the road and was engaging Hob and half a dozen Rebel troopers in a side street. Despite their overwhelming advantage of numbers, she was deflecting all their shot and already had managed to kill two of the soldiers in the few moments he had tended to himself. All thoughts of his mission to storm the shuttle abandoned, Tarth resigned himself to doing something he had hoped he never would. With good men dying, and no time to think through the repercussions, he grabbed the front stock of his blaster rifle, and using a hidden release mechanism, pulled it free. Detached from the rifle it was an eight inch cylinder of metal, mostly wrapped in leather, with a button on the side that had been hidden within the body of the rifle. Vaulting through the shattered window he ran across the road towards the woman, igniting his own lightsaber to reveal a brilliant green blade.

As he had hoped, the woman with the red lightsabers was drawn away from the Rebels by his approach, coming out of the side street to confront him on the main road. Perhaps this then was the climax of his life. Her ability to deflect and redirect blasters showed she was an expert, whereas Tarth had not wielded a lightsaber against an opponent for 20 years. She would kill him, but if he could hold out long enough maybe the others could get to the shuttle and escape. His death would buy dozens of lives, and if that let them complete their mission and rescue the spymaster maybe thousands. Another part of him remained hopeful. He had practiced when he could, moving through the forms when he was alone in the deep forests. He may not be better than her, but if he could hold his own, he was surrounded by allies… Perhaps Thoulyakk, unpractised though he was, could flank her and between them… Lesson one, clear your mind. Tarth gave up all thoughts of what may or may not be, and moved into the Ataru guard ready stance.

“Oh goody,” the woman purred, “I’ve heard so much about your kind, but I’ve never met one until now.”

Tarth kept his replies simple, he knew better than to get distracted by conversation. “Surrender Apprentice.”

“And whom would I be surrendering too?”

“Me,” he said. He knew it sounded dumb when he said it, but good banter doesn’t win lightsaber fights.

“And what will you do with me if I surrender?”

“Er…” Tarth thought for a moment, what could he do if she surrendered?

In that moment she struck out at him, lashing out with first one then the other blade. His footwork slipped as he desperately deflected the blows, and she punished him for it, smashing him with both blades and knocking him to the ground. At that moment Hob came around the corner and saved his life. Torn between the desire to finish her kill and the need to defend herself, she reacted too slowly and failed to do either. Instead of deflecting the shot on one of her lightsabers, she caught it in the arm, crying out in pain as the energy burnt through the small amount of protection her clothing afforded her.

Tarth used the distraction to recover, calling of the Force to leap to his feet. If he gave her even a moment of respite she would cut down Hob where he stood. Scared for his new friend, he shouted to him, “CT! Remember the mission!” It didn’t exactly work as intended however; instead of Hob leaving Tarth to deal with this deadly foe for the relatively “safe” alternative of storming and capturing an Imperial shuttle defended by Stormtroopers, it merely focussed her attention more keenly on the clone, no doubt curious what could be more important than herself. But it gave Tarth an opening. He lashed at her with a Saber Swarm of fast rapid strikes. She moved to defend herself as fast as she could, but with the wound in her arm slowing her she left and opening that Tarth took advantage of, moving seamlessly up into a Cho Mok. With a flash of green and the stink of burnt flesh, he cut off her arm.

Without hesitation she leapt away, using the force to jump up onto the roof of the building they had been duelling next to. Tarth sagged, relief washing into him and happy for the fight to be over, but El called in on the communicator to say that she was running along the rooftops towards her. Even with one arm, she would still be able to murder El and the two Rebels she had with her. He took off running down the street after her.


After the disaster of the Pigeon crash Lok had been in something of a daze. As battle broke out in the streets, and the sounds of blasterfire and the cries of people injured or dying rang out, something snapped in Lok. Although he often carried a blaster pistol in these last few weeks, it was more for defence and emergencies than with any real intent to use it. For the first time Lok drew the weapon with deadly intent. As Jom was opening fire with the dorsal turret via remote control, Lok leaned out of the window Tarth had leapt through, and started shooting at the white armoured figures now rushing to find cover form the ship-borne weaponry. “Oppress this you bastards!” he screamed. His first few shots went wide, but he quickly got the weapon under control. “Simple geometry,” he though, “line up the barrel, lad the target to allow for movement, squeeze the trigger. Keep firing until the ammo counter says zero or the white figured have all stopped moving.”

Thoulyakk was passing through a small room with no windows on his way to the shuttle, when he heard the sounds of Stormtroopers just on the other side of the thin wall. From the sounds of the heavy weaponry being employed by Jom they were taking shelter to stay out of the line of fire from the Pigeon. He decided to see if he could knock a hole through the wall big enough to shoot through and drive them out of cover. Punching with his bionic right arm, he found himself easily smashing through the thin wall, and straight into the head of a Stromtrooper, knocking him to the ground, dead or unconscious. Seeing how thin the wall was, he simply charged along it with his arm sticking through at head height, breaking skulls, flinging Stormtroopers aside and sewing disarray. Finally he kicked the remains of the wall down to stand triumphantly revealed.

Between his destructive assault, and Lok’s unexpected crossfire from further along the building, no Stormtrooper in the squad was left standing, and across the road he could see that somehow Tarth had produced a green lightsaber and had apparently defeated the woman with red lightsabers who was now missing an arm and fleeing. With the remains of the other squad currently being suppressed by the group of Rebels led by Fane, and his path clear, he ran towards the shuttle landing ramp and his objective.

Running up the ramp he found himself facing a large and comfortable looking passenger cabin. Turning around to face the front of the ship he found a tough looking airlock door blocking access to the cockpit. Since his bionic arm was consistently stronger than he expected it to be, he decided it was worth trying. With a great heave he forced the doors apart, and pushed his way into the cockpit, to the evident horror of the two pilots. “LEAVE!” he bellowed at them, however as they hesitated he lost patience and grabbing each in one hand, smashed their heads together, then dragged them from their chairs, taking the controls for himself.

The console was unfamiliar to him, but he used what he knew from the layout of the Pigeon and hoped it would suffice. He pressed the button that looked likely to engage the repulsors to get things warmed up, and the weapons mounted at the hinge of the wings fired, bright green energy lancing down the road, tearing great craters into the rockcrete surface a few hundred meters further on. “Oops.”

“Jom,” he spoke into the comlink, “how do I fly this thing?”


“The shuttle, how do I fly the shuttle?” Jom had at this point given up using the Pigeon’s turret as he had run out of targets, peered out of the window to see the rough outline of a wookie in the cockpit of the shuttle.

“Hmm, [[Manufacturer]] Lambda class, probably a [[MODEL/YEAR]]. Above you on the left should be a switch with a black arrow labelled IP PLNR. Press that.”

The ship vented steam form the engine compartment at the rear.

“No, you left side Thoulyakk, not the right. It says IP PLNR. Eye Pee, Pee El En Arr.”

After a brief flicker of landing lights coming on and off, Thoulyakk found the right switch and the engine warm-up cycle began. With the repulosrs online, and the control board lighting up green, Thoulyakk felt more comfortable, with the simple steering column setup, and began to carefully lift the ship of the ground and move slowly down the road. As he pointed the nose and weapons to the buildings on his left where the woman with lightsabers had been running, the rear drifted out to the right and close to the thin walled building where Lok and Jom were still hiding. Not trusting to his piloting skills, they fled from the building and took shelter further back.

El’s voice came over the com. “She’s doubled back and ducked into the brown building in front of me.” Thoulyakk turned the ship to point at the indicated building, but it drifted and he spent a few moments trying to stabilise it. Climbing down from her sniping position, El, joined by the pair of Rebels who had accompanied her, ran along the street past the brown building and towards the floating shuttle. She leapt the few feet up to catch the still open boarding ramp and pull herself onto the ship. As she entered the cockpit, Thoulyakk was much relieved. “Oh thank goodness. El, take the controls of this contraption before I fly into a wall.” El dropped into the seat beside him and transferred control to her own steering column. She also pressed a button that activated the targeting system for the shuttle’s weapons. “Get Tarth out of there” she said to Thoulyakk.

“Tarth?” He said into his communicator. When there was no response, he found the controlled for the external speakers. His voice boomed out and echoed between the remaining warehouses and offices. “Tarth if you are in that building you should leave, we’re going to blow it up.”


As Tarth ran along the buildings he came to another alley and turned into it to cut across the row of buildings, but his quarry had already dropped from the rooftop and used the force to fling a pile of boxes away. The throw was weak and only one managed to get as far as him, and he deflected it with his lightsaber, the bisected remains of the crate falling away to either side. But it had bought her a second and already she had gone from the opposite alley mouth and he gave chase once more. Running down the side of the buildings he lost sight of her again as she rounded the corner of the final building in the row, but he heard El’s voice from the communicator on her belt. “She’s doubled back and ducked into the brown building in front of me.” Taking a shortcut he ducked into the door at the near end to confront her.

Inside he found himself in a central corridor that ran the length of the building, the door she must have entered through was at the far end, but there was no sign of her. It was dark and gloomy, lit only by a few semi-transparent panels in the roof half obscured by moss on the outside. There were half a dozen doors off the hallway; most of them half open, with light coming through some of them from the windows beyond. He switched off his humming lightsaber and, making yet another mental note to get himself an earpiece communicator like the rest of the crew rather than the hand held model currently clipped to his belt, switched that off as well. As silently as he could he crept to the centre of the building. Closing his cyborg eyes, he reached out with the force and stretched out with his mind. He felt a mind nearby, bright with pain and adrenalin. Opening his eyes once more and tried to get a sense of direction. As his senses converged, he turned to face a section of the wall just a few meters from his current position.

Moving with the practiced stealth of a seasoned hunter but cautious of the unusual terrain of a modern cheaply made office, so different to his comforting wilderness, he positioned himself facing the wall behind which his opponent was hiding. He struck out, only activating his lightsaber halfway through the swing, but she must have been ready for him as her own lightsaber sprang to life and blocked his cut. In contrast to the stillness and silence of moments earlier they burst into motion, moving, cutting and blocking on opposite sides of the wall. A barrier to vision, the thin walls gave almost no resistance to the lightsabers, and they engaged in a deadly blind dual, each able to see nothing in the darkness but the flashing glowing blades of the red and green lightsabers moving and clashing through the walls.

Whilst Tarth knew he was not as skilled as his opponent, she was grievously injured and fighting one handed when she was used to two, whereas he was relatively unharmed and could afford to take his time, knowing that the rest of the battle was over and his allies would even now be consolidating the area and closing in to cut off her escape. When Thoulyakk’s much amplified voice reverberated through the tiny office, warning of the impending destruction of the building, she made a desperate vertical Sai Tok strike at his head and Tarth pulled back, taking advantage of her poor footing as she overreached into the wall, and using the force to pull her towards him and off her feet. The bulk of her body fell right through the thin wall, now cut to tatters by their brief but violent clash, and she fell forwards onto the floor, mirroring the opening moments of their battle. Even as she fell, her one remaining arm instinctively down to catch her fall, he knew the fight was won. In that moment, deeply immersed in the training of his youth, he didn’t even think about it as he flicked off his lightsaber blade and stuck her hard with the pommel, knocking her out cold but sparing her life.

Grabbing the communicator off his belt he quickly switched it back on. “Thoulyakk, don’t blow me up, it’s over, I’ve got her.”

“Who is this?”

“It’s me, Tarth, the fight is over, I’ve got her, don’t blow us up.”

With that he grabbed her lightsaber from the floor, just in case she should not be as helpless as she seemed, and without the mental energy to think of something better to do simply grabbed her remaining wrist and dragged her along the floor and out of the building.

As he emerged, the shuttle was in the process of landing, and the surviving rebels and rest of the Pigeon’s crew were heading towards it. As Hob joined Tarth he looked at the prisoner he dragged behind him. “Nice work, Commander. Here, I think you should have this,” he said as he handed Tarth the lightsaber that had fallen from her severed arm. Too tired to think straight, Tarth simply looked at him somewhat dumbly and took it from him, before dragging the body up the ramp onto the ship, and then finally slumped onto one of the seats, weary to the bone.


“Now what?”

The question was from a Rebel to another, but is jolted Tarth awake as he found himself dozing off. “Kriff! We need to leave!” He jumped up from his seat in the passenger compartment and went into the cockpit where the others were. “We need to leave!” he announced. They turned to him with a look of “well fo course” that he totally failed to register. “Thoulyakk, you must recover the Wooklettes!”

“Yes Tarth, KT is returning to us with them now,” replied Thoulyakk.

“Fane,” continued Tarth, “get your Rebels aboard, recover the wounded.”

“Everyone is here Tarth, everyone that made it anyway.”

“Lok, find the, whatever it is the Empire use to track their ships, and disable it! Then find whatever the backup device is and disable that too. And… iterate that until very very confident.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” admitted Lok.

“Maybe we can see if any messages have already been sent before we claimed this ship?” suggested Thoulyakk in his usual eloquent basic.

“Yes!” Tarth almost shouted, “a better idea! Do that first. Then that other thing. And whilst you’re doing that; Jom, we must flee and hide! Flee and hide Jom!”

As the others got to work, Fane guided Tarth gently back to his seat in the passenger compartment, “Thank you Tarth, we will do as you suggest, but now we really need you to do your bit by sitting calmly in this chair and present a good example to the troops. This is vital Tarth, can you do this?”

“Of course Fane, you’re quite right.” She buckled him into the crash harness of the chair and turned to leave, but as she did he gripped her arm. “Flee and hide. Tell Jom.”

“I’ll tell him.”

After a brief nap, Tarth awoke feeling slightly more coherent, the adrenaline and terror of his frantic lightsaber battle having had time to recede somewhat. Fane was seated opposite him. “We’re on our way. Your pilot is flying us to some canyons he found on the map that look promising for hiding spots, and the Zabrak, Lok, is just doing a final check of the ship for any hidden tracking devices. He found a buffered alarm message he managed to disable, and the transponder the Empire could use to track the ship. We’re safe for now.”

They sat for a moment saying nothing, each lost in their own thoughts, when Lok entered the main compartment, apparently having finished his check. Instead of the tools or electronics Lok normally carried in his hands, he was pulling his blaster pistol from his belt holster and walking determinedly towards the unconscious prisoner. Tarth moved to block him but was trapped by his crash restrain. “Stang!” He frantically released himself and leapt to intercept Lok before he executed the woman in cold blood, grabbing his wrist and pushing the blaster away. “Lok, you can’t just kill an unarmed woman!”

“Why not? She’s an Imperial, we’ve escaped, now we can deal with the trash.”

Tarth looked around, the commotion had drawn everyone’s attention and brought everyone but Jom in form the cockpit as well. He saw little sympathy in the sea of faces, and he knew there were fewer faces in this group now than there were an hour before specifically because of this woman.

“Look, just… there are some things you need to know before you can make any kind of decision. Just sit down and hear me out.” Lok allowed himself to be ushered into a seat, but kept his blaster pistol in his hand.

“Ok, so, there’s a group of people called the Sith. They are kind of like the anti-Jedi. Where the Jedi try to help people, the Sith just want to hurt people and increase their personal power. They use a different part of the force to the Jedi…”

“Tarth,” Thoulyakk interrupted, “if you are not a Jedi, are you then a Sith?”

“What?! No… It’s not. Thoulyakk the Jedi and Sith are opposites but that doesn’t mean there aren’t… Look, black and white are opposites but there are other colours in the rainbow, yes?”

“Black and white are not in the rainbow Tarth.”

“Yes, very true. Thank you Thoulyakk. Anyway, Sith use a different part of the Force, and favour Red Lightsabers. For reasons. And because they are weird and crazy and evil, there are always two of them. A Master and an Apprentice. When the Apprentice learns enough to defeat the Master they kill them and take their place as the new Master. Yes,” Tarth held his hands up to forestall many comments from his audience, “I know, it’s crazy, it seems like joining up is basically suicide. I don’t understand it, I can’t explain it, it’s just what they do. They’re crazy and evil.” Tarth sighed, having got over the first hurdle of his explanation, but conscious he could not hold his audience long.

“So they generally stay hidden, but when I was very very young, most of you probably weren’t born, but Thoulyakk… I guess you are around. Well one of them appeared on Tatooine called Darth Maul. We don’t know if he was Master or Apprentice but he was killed by a pair of Jedi. Then later in the Clone Wars, I’m sure you all know of Count Dooku, leader of the Seperatists. He was a Sith Master, and he has an Apprentice called Assage Ventris. She disappeared near the end of the war, I don’t know what happened there, but Dooku was killed a the end of the war by a famous Jedi called Anakin Skywalker.

“At the end of the war, when the Jedi were wiped out,” Tarth looked briefly at Hob, then looked away, “a new Sith appeared called Darth Vader. You’ve all heard of him. Now I wasn’t sure if he was the Master or the Apprentice as there was only one of him. I can’t imagine a Sith Master being subservient to anyone, even the Emperor, so maybe Vader is the apprentice and the Emperor the master, but given he has never demonstrated any power it’s more likely the Emperor is a puppet, either of Vader or if Vader were the Apprentice then of Vader’s master.”

The thoughts coming more clearly now, Tarth accelerated into his final stretch. “But now we have this woman, clearly a Sith, and clearly since we are all alive she is not Vader’s Master but instead his Apprentice. The important point being that this woman is the personal apprentice of Darth Vader and therefore extremely close to the most dangerous and powerful person in the entire Empire. The things she might know could save the lives of... of MILLIONS of innocent beings! To kill her now might be to doom more lived than you can count. Just consider how useful she could be if we could learn even a fraction of what she knows. Getting her back to the Rebels alive could be just as important as stopping the Empire from getting hold of Huk.”

Tarth sat back, having said his piece, hoping it would be enough. He hadn’t added the argument that it was wrong to kill helpless people in cold blood. This didn’t seem to be an audience it would sell well to. Most people looked to Fane for her opinion. “He’s right, she could be very useful, Command will want her.”

“She’s dangerous,” insisted Lok darkly.

“She’s alone and disarmed, literally and figuratively, how much threat can she be?”

Tarth leaned in, “No, he’s right, she’s incredibly dangerous even in this state. Didn’t you see what she did out there?”

“She killed a few men with her laser sword, and then you cut her arm off and chased her down.”

“Clearly you didn’t see the full show. She used her lightsaber to block blaster bolts right back at the people who were shooting at her, and then even after I cut her whole arm off, she jumped right onto the roof of a building and ran away. Even one armed, inside that last building she came close to killing me nearly a dozen times. She’s better than me, I should be dead and most of you with me. I won through sheer luck. I don’t know if she can but I’ve heard of Sith that can shoot lightning from their fingers!”

“Tarth… you’ve had a long day, I think you need to rest. I know she’s a very skilful fighter but she’s not some evil witch…” Tarth interrupted Fane’s denial by using the force to pull the blaster pistol from Fane’s belt holster into his outstretched hand pointed straight at her. Everyone stood in shock as they realised the implications of this unarmed man standing several yards away from Fane to suddenly be holding her own gun against her using some impossible force. Point made, he released the pistol and levitated it back over to her grip first.

“She’s dangerous. Far more than you can imagine. Take her seriously. But if we bind her and keep a few people on guard with weapons set to stun and ready for her tricks we should be ok. As long as you don’t underestimate her.”

With all the immediate issues dealt with, and the prisoner secured, the mixed band finally began to relax, brewing some Caf with the small on-board facilities, and taking a moment to treat their minor wounds, eat some food and generally get comfortable. Tarth took the time to examine the woman’s lightsabers.

Soon enough the shuttle arrived in the canyon’s Jom had discovered and began searching along them for somewhere to set down. “Zer is one we could fit een,” said El, acting as co-pilot. Jom slowed the ship to a hover in front of the indicated cave. A quick scan revealed it would be big enough, although it would be a tight fit. The crew of the Pigeon braced themselves for another of Jom’s daring and risky manouvers, but instead to their surprise he moved the ship away. “No, it’s too tight, I’d have to fold these blasted wings up at the last minute. We’ll look for somewhere better.” The crew exchanged glances, this was not like Jom at all, and a clear sign that the crash of the Pigeon had shaken him badly.

Rather than risk flying the shuttle around blind canyons, Lok deployed the cam-droid that they had recovered from the bounty hunters on Bandomeer. It took a while but eventually it returned with the location of an ideal cave, the only anomaly being the detection of some refined metal at the far end of the cave. After ascertaining that the metal was small, no more than a few meters in any dimension, they decided it was of minimal risk.

After landing Jom, Lok, Thoulyakk and El headed out to investigate the metal, with Tarth being left to keep an eye on the prisoner. They soon discovered, deep into the cave and around a bend, an old crate with an expensive lock. Thoulyakk having little patience for such things, sliced it off, but Lok managed to stop him before he opened the crate and examined it for any booby traps he could detect. Finding it safe, they opened it up and looked inside. It was some kind of equipment stash. Along with various items of survival gear, such as a tent and magnoculars, there were various items of assorted clothing, a small armband device that Lok declared to be a personal deflector shield, a large bulky device eventually revealed to be a personal jet pack, and a datapad. Lok pulled out the datapad and spent very little time breaking through the security to read the contents.

He found the last activite was some 14 months ago, but before that it had had regular use, mostly containing information about bounties, both advertisements for new bounties and receipts for bounties claimed. “An old bounty hunter’s stash, but long abandoned it seems.” Lok commented to the others. “Can you tell who it belonged to?” came Tarth’s voice over the comlink. Lok started and looked around, as Tarth had been left on the shuttle. There was no sign of Tarth, but the small fox-squirrel he had rescued on Arkania was watching Lok with an unsettling intensity. By this point the wizardry of the slightly crazy old woodsman was losing it’s shock value, and Lok simply looked back to the datapad. “Apparently it belongs to someone called Both Sullus” he responded into his comlink.

“What, seriously?” asked an incredulous Tarth, “as in Bothan and Sullustan? What a ridiculous name! What species is he?”

“Gran apparently, it seems he was a local.”

“That cannot be a real name, who would name their child like that. It’s like a Bith being called Hugh Wook! Although actually that could work…”

“Does it matter Tarth?”

“Sorry, no, I just wanted to know if it belonged to someone like Bossk or Rendezvous Valentine or Bobba Fett. I’ve never heard of Both Sullus.”

With the mystery of the metal resolved, the group returned to the shuttle, taking with them everything they thought might be useful. El had pointed out that Bounty hunting wass a dangerous career and if Both Sullus has suddenly stopped using this stash after years of regular use then it probably meant he wasn’t going to be in any state to care about its absence.

Back on the ship Lok finally got a chance to settle in and start working on the ship’s systems, the whole reason they had laid the ambush and captured the ship in the first place. He spent quite some time checking through the Imperial communications network as far as he could and learned quite a lot. Firstly he discovered their prisoner was very likely the person names Assana Mai, also referred to in the communications as an Inquisitor. Tarth had asked if Lok could find out what that meant, but there was nothing he could access that explained what an Inquisitor was. He also ascertained the Imperials were indeed on the search for Huk, the Rebel spymaster, but had not yet found him.

They had located Huk’s crashed ship, directly below where the Star destroyer had taken up orbit; just on the light side of the strange split between light and dark portions of the world. They were currently coordinating search parties using Stormtroopers on the ground and TIE fighters scanning from the air. A few units had gone missing on the dark side, but that was said to be dangerous and it was assumed the Rebel would not be hiding out there if it was dangerous enough to wipe out Stormtroopers. It seems Assana had been assigned to take over command of the search after the Star Destroyer had arrived and begun the mission, and the ranking Imperial officer had meekly accepted this usurpation.

It was agreed by all that whilst they had no facilities to interrogate Assana, they could at least speak to her and see what they could find out as they risked little in the attempt. Thoulyakk left the Wooklettes on the shuttle, and Jom stayed in the pilot seat in case a quick getaway was required. Tarth left Assana’s lightsabers in his pack on the shuttle, and suggested Thoulyakk left his there too, but kept his own on him. El took her sniper rifle and set up some distance away from where they set up the interrogation, and Fane led half a dozen Rebels with blasters set on stun. She also insisted that Assana be blindfolded and suggested her hand and legs were tied together behind her back, but Tarth persuaded her that in front of her would be sufficient and more productive to a conversation.

With all the preparations in place, Fane woke the unconscious Inquisitor by throwing a cup of water in her face and stepping backwards. Assana came around slowly, but seemed to be conscious once more.

“Assana Mai,” Tarth began, “We’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“Aha, yes, of course you do,” she replied. The implicit acceptance of that name confirmed to Tarth that either she was who they thought she was, or a very quick witted liar. He treid to get a sense of her emotional state through the Force, but either through the confusion of her recent unconsciousness, some special training in protecting her mind, or most likely simply Tarth’s lack fo practice, he could not get a read on her.

“Let’s start with what you’re doing here on Hok.”

Assana seemed to quickly accept the situation and rather than try to resist or buy time she replied swiftly and simply. “I am searching for a Rebel spymaster who crashed here recently.”

“Ah,” said Thoulyakk, “we have the same goal!”

“Thoulyakk!” shouted nearly everyone there. Tarth continued, “we are asking questions, not sharing information. Tell the prisoner nothing, neither truth nor lies.”

“I am sorry Tarth, I forgot myself.”

Turning back to Assana Tarht continued the interrogation. “Where did this spymaster crash?” Assana detailed the location of the crash site and Tarth was pleased to see that it matched the information they already had, implying that she was telling the truth, at least on this topic. She went on, after prompting, to explain the search pattern they were using and other information that corroborated what they already knew about the search.

“What is does Inquisitor mean?” Tarth asked once they had run out of questions to ask about the missing Spymaster. Assana paused at this sudden change of topic. “… I am an Inqusitor…” she spoke hesitantly. “An Inquisitor? So there are more of you?” Tarth spoke calmly but unseen by the blindfolded Assana he raised his eyebrows at the others.


“And they are talented like yourself?”

“In truth I have not met many others, I am fairly junior,” Tarth was slightly alarmed by this admission, given how deadly she had proved herself to be, “but certainly at least some are, yes.”

“And what is it the Inquisitors do?”

“We… track people down.”

Tarth’s eyes narrowed. “What sort of people?”

“People of importance.”

“Like the Jedi?”

“Such as yourself Tarth?” Assana asked, with a wry smile.

“I am not Jedi!” replied Tarth quickly.

“No? Well if you insist, but I think we both know that’s not entirely true is it?”

“We’re asking the questions here Assana, not you.”

“As you wish.” Assana was clearly pleased with herself for having got a rise out of him, and in turn Tarth was angry with himself for having let her. Moving the conversation on, Tarth wanted to find out for sure just how wrong he had been with his theories about her identity as Darth Vader’s apprentice earlier.

“What is your relationship with Darth Vader?”

Assana’s mood immediately dropped at the mention of this name. “I have seen him once or twice. I have no relationshiop with him.” Tarth paused at this. So all his theories were wrong about her being Vader’s apprentice, and worse she was just one of many probably force users in the Emprie’s service. This went against all the information he knew about the Sith.

“What do you know of the Sith?”

“I know a little of their ways. Perhaps we could learn more together?”

Tarth laughed loudly at this clichéd attempt at temptation.

“I had to try,” she said with a smile.

Tarth could not think of more questions to ask about the Inquisitors yet, he needed some time to think about this as the situation was clearly very different to what he had believed. So he moved on to the final topic he considered needed addressing. “We need to get off this planet, once our mission here is concluded. You will be coming with us. If we are destroyed, you will die along with us. If our ship is captured, you will die immediately, far before any chance of rescue. Given then that you need us to successfully escape as badly if not more so than we do, perhaps you can come up with some suggestions as to how we achieve that?”

Assana barely hesitated, “of course. You take my shuttle and we fly up to orbit. I will call the Star Destroyer and inform the Captain that I am leaving.”

“And they will just let you go?”

“Yes, I have authority here.”

“It may have escaped your notice, but your Stormtroopers were wiped out, your TIE fighters destroyed and you will have been missing for days.”

“Did you leave any Stormtroopers alive?”

Tarth looked to fane, who said, “No.”

“Then it is of no concern. We were ambushed and most of my men were killed but I survived and pursued the escaping ambushers. It took me a few days but I eventually caught up and killed them. They were not the Rebels we suspected but an over enthusiastic group of smugglers. A dead end. Now I have wasted enough time and will be returning.”

“And they won’t question that?” asked Tarth

“They will not question me at all.”

“Hmm, this is an interesting plan, but what if you consider that we do not trust you even slightly to behave?”

“Then I suggest you kill me now. There is no way off this planet without my help.”

“I see.” Tarth looked at the others to see if they had any further questions. No one else had anything to say so he concluded, “we shall discuss what you have told us, but for now I’m afraid we’re going to have to stun you again.” He nodded to one of the Rebels.

“Very wise,” Assana replied; before being hit by the blue stun bolt and collapsing back into unconsciousness.


The group moved away from the prisoner, leaving a few armed Rebels on guard. As they did so Tarth asked Lok “Would you take a look at Assana’s lightsabers for me? I took them apart earlier to see if I could learn anything useful from them, examine the crystal and so forth, and found they have pressure switches built inside them. But I can’t work out what the pressure switches would trigger.”

“Sure Tarth, I mean, I’m not an expert on lightsabers, but I can trace the wires and stuff. Are they dangerous?”

“Oh, no. I mean, yeah, I guess, obviously if you misalign the crystal and put power through it you can make the power cell overload, and these are pretty high density power cells, so it would explode with quite a bang. But, you know, other than that…” Lok looked at him to see if he was joking. Sometimes Tarth could be one of the most level headed of the group, but at other times the crazy old man who had spent the better part of two decades living alone in the wilderness shone through.

After carefully opening up the case of one of the lightsabers, Lok examined the mechanisms concealed within. He traced the wiring, admiring the fine craftsmanship of this clearly handmade device, and worked out what was going on. “See here the pressure switches are underneath this crystal that is mounted here? If the crystal were to be pushed downwards hard it would trigger a power surge to run into this emitter. I’m guessing from what you said earlier that when it hits this crystal it’s going to cause the whole thing to overload and blow up. The thing is, with the case on you couldn’t really exert the required pressure, inertial force form simply throwing it about would never be enough, even if you dropped it off a tall cliff.”

“Well, that’s no worry, she can probably trigger it with the force.”

“Like… psychically?”

“With telekinesis. Either a suicide device or more likely a hidden trap if someone over got her weapons off of her but she was still close enough to trigger them. I’m glad we left them here when we interrogated her. Just in case, lets remove the power supply so they cannot be triggered or used until they’ve been put back together.” Whilst Lok disconnected the power supply from the one he had been examining, Tarth pulled apart the other with a casualness that alarmed Lok, and pulled out the power supply. Once they were both disabled Tarth stowed them and their power supplies back in his pack.

Discussing what to do next, it was universally agreed that the Spymaster was likely to be hiding on the dark side of the planet. The idea of setting up a base in the cave was put forward by Tarth, but it was agreed that it would be best to keep everyone together and mobile in case they needed to make a quick exit. To that end, rather than keep stunning her and risk not noticing if she woke up, Lok proposed they put her in a chemical coma.

“Can you do that with the medical supplies?” asked Tarth

“Sure, no problem,” Lok reassured Tarth and the rest of the group who were all looking at him expectantly.

“Oh… great. Ok, well you get that ready and as she’s going to be out for a while I’ll go feed her and check her wound.”

As Tarth headed off Lok broke into a mild sweat and quickly started flipping through the medical texts on his datapad trying to find out if it was in fact possible to put someone in a chemical coma with what he had on hand and how he’d go about doing it.

Tarth approached the prisoner, nodding to the Rebels who were guarding her. He put down the food and water he had brought with him and first checked her arm stump to ensure it was not going septic or otherwise getting worse. Satisfied that the wound was beginning to heal, although it would probably need extensive surgery and prosthetics to repair her arm fully, he decided to wake her up. Rather than the somewhat crude cup of water that Fane had used to awaken her, and knowing that she had been more recently stunned and thus unlikely to awaken from such simple tactics, he used the Force. The technique he normally used for healing minor wounds and reinvigorating a tired body was enough to raise her to consciousness. As he reached out with the force to rouse her, for a moment it was like picking up a painfully cold object - a little fear and pain swirled just beneath conscious form before coalescing into a hard, alert presence that was Asana's mind, her emotions closed off again.

Groggily she stirred. “Assana. It’s Tarth, I’ve brought you some food and water.” Still bound and blindfolded, he began the process of feeding her the simple fare of a bottle of water and a couple of high density ration bars. Whilst doing so he began to chat to her.

“You seem young Assana, maybe even young enough to have been born after the war. How did you get into all this? Did the Inquisitors pick you out as a child?”

After taking a couple of thirsty gulps of the water, she spoke. "Thank you Tarth - again the kindness you extend me is appreciated. I would not do the same were I in your position... opportunities for compassion to reduce our willingness to do what is sometimes necessary are... guarded against. As for the Inquisitorius, yes I've been with them since I was young - I know of the war, I was born during it and my mother and father were killed fighting in it... the Inquisitorius have been my ward since that time... and you, did you fight in the war?"

“Hmm, I wonder, do you ask out of genuine interest? Or do you think knowing more about me could be valuable if, as you hope, you escape back to your masters? Well, no matter, they already know. If you were to escape I’m sure it won’t take you long to find the records on me.” He sat back and looked up, remembering the past. “Yes, I fought in the war. I’m sorry for your loss. I lost many people close to me, including the man who was like a father to me. I doubt you would approve though, he died because of his compassion. From my point of view compassion is the sole reason for doing what is sometimes necessary.” Tarth paused, and pulled back from this line of thought, not wanting to start arguing ethics just yet. He let his statement stand as a simple declaration of his own opinion, with no pressure or judgement, and moved on. “Will you tell me what the… Inquisitorius,” he savoured the new word, “taught you of the Jedi?”

"You have something rare for those who have opposed me - a suitable respect for my abilities. I suspect that my escape from your captivity is contingent on your finding some advantage to me leaving or you making a mistake - neither of which seem likely, though all things are possible. So I ask out of interest. I can tell you this much - if I leave your captivity it is most likely that your life, and the lives of those you care for, are forfeit - what an interesting quandary for a once would-be Jedi..." her expression thus far in the conversation has been relatively blank, honest, accepting of her fate - no fear, but no investment of any sort really, now however as she says the words a slightly cruel smile crosses her features - enjoying her jibe just a little "... you really should be listening to your friend Lok you know, murdering me is the only sensible course of action."

Assana batted her eyelashes at Tarth in a simpering sort of a way, an incongruous flirtatious tone belying her suggestion that he take her life. "But to your question - the Jedi" she adopted a mockingly reverent tone of voice "we studied them a great deal in fact, their customs, rules - the indoctrination of children that they took at an early age... a group of religious extremists, who dealt only in black and white - a naive view of the universe that eventually lead to their downfall. They adhered to a code that removed passion and love from the world, looking to escape every one of their own emotions so that they might avoid any negative feelings they were unable to understand or control. So sure of their superiority, they existed as a group of powerful adjudicators of others, with no oversight, intervening in political matters that best suited their extreme ideology. The inability to see shades of grey in a world where so few things are absolute, is a recipe for disaster, don't you agree, Tarth?"

Tarth looked at her, his face calm and slightly amused. “Yes, I do.” He smiled. “Not about the obvious Dark Side propaganda, but in principle, yes, they failed, they died, and the galaxy fell to darkness. Were it not for their failure the Empire could not have risen and you would not have been turned into a weapon but masters you fear and hate. They failed you.” He began to gather up the food packets, his body language indicating that the conversation was drawing to a close. “But you’re wrong about me Assana. I told you I was no Jedi. There is no quandary. I was not trying to capture you back there, I was merely trying to keep myself and my friends alive. Hubris is a weakness of the Sith, and perhaps in the end the Jedi too, but it’s not something I indulge in. The opportunity to capture you came unbidden. Some would call it luck. I was taught that there is no luck, there is only the will of the Force; but I was taught a lot of things. Who’s to say.”

He stood, and pulled her blindfold back over her eyes as he continued coldly. “I saw an opportunity and I took it. I believe it is better for everyone to keep you alive; better for you and better for my friends. As such I argued, strongly, for you to be spared. But I cannot keep you captive on my own, and I cannot let you go. If they chose to kill you I will speak on your behalf, but I will not lift a finger against them whatever they decide. I act with compassion tempered by humility, the rest is easy. By all means continue to flirt with death if it pleases you, but I’d suggest you watch yourself in front of the others, there’s no noble Jedi here ready to die in order to save you from yourself. I’m the closest thing you have to a friend around here and a few hours ago I cut your arm off and tried to kill you. In an ideal galaxy, yes, wouldn’t it be great if I could rehabilitate you, free you from your masters, save you from a life of pain, hatred and anger… But there’s that hubris again. As you said, ‘shades of grey’. A live intelligence asset or a dead weapon of the Empire, either is a win. Even if you escape, we’re no worse off than before. The only way I lose would be if you hurt or killed someone here, and I will not hesitate to kill you to prevent that.”

He started to step away, then paused. “If we get a chance to resupply I’ll try to get some fresh bacta from your arm, maybe some better painkillers, but the wound is clean and cauterised, there should be no complications and modern bionics are very good.” His bionic eyes made an audible whirr as a demonstration.

You are old fashioned Tarth! The world where Sith try to corrupt all Jedi to the "Dark Side" or murder them, is itself Jedi propaganda! You claim not to indulge in hubris, then realise that you don't need to save me, I don't need to corrupt you: the shades of the force aren't contagious - and we are not so dissimilar, you and I. We could each have learned much from one another, had we met under different circumstances." Assana now blindfolded again lowered her head and arranged herself such that when unconscious she would not be unnecessarily in pain on waking "You will stun me again now but I'd have you consider one question as you go about your day: what have I done that is so evil?"

Tarth moved clear of Assana then nodded to the nearest Rebel who stunned her. Together they picked her up and carried her back to the shuttle where Lok had prepared what he needed to put her under in a more controlled manner.


As the shuttle flew into the dark zone, Jom slowed down and dropped the altitude so that in the worst case if there was some kind of total power failure they ship would not have far to fall and they would be likely to survive the crash. The sensors returned nothing from the darkness ahead, and as they penetrated into the shade, they lost the sensor data from the light side behind them as well. Once inside the dark area Jom figured they would be safe from the Imperials ability to search, and they could travel to where they suspected the spymaster to be hidden in relative safety. Without sensors however he was flying by eye, and navigation was being provided by Lok using downloaded maps and triangulation of visual way-points.

Lok noticed an indicator flashing out of the corner of his eye, but as he looked over to see what it was, the flashing stopped. Had it been the ventral stabiliser power indicator? Everything appeared fine again. They continued flying for another few minutes and as he looked over to the ridge on the left Lok was using to triangulate a main indicator light flicked on in the central console. Jom snapped his head back but again the indicator had stopped indicating and everything looked normal on the dashboard.

“Lok… could you run some diagnostics? Just check the internal sensors are running ok.”

“Sure,” Lok said, as put down the chart he was using and plugged his datapad into the interface port on his part of the console. He ran a quick diagnostic and it seemed to come back ok, but some of the responses were unusual, some form of imperial code he did not know. He couldn’t tell if the engines were responding correctly. He felt a feint tremor and looked around. Was the starboard engine sounding off? The self diagnostic was coming up clear, but he’d thought things were fine on the Pigeon and it had been a disaster. He wanted to be totally sure. He ran a more in-depth probe but even before the response came back he felt a shudder from the starboard engine.

“Guys, I think we should maybe head out to the light side and put down, I want to check out the starboard engine.”

“Aren’t we pretty close to ze crash site now? The Imps are likely to be patrolling quite thoroughly over there,” responded El.

“Maybe, but we only have to peep over the line a fraction and set down.”

Tarth joined in, “Well it’s risky, but it’s your call if you really think it’s necessary Lok.”

“I do.”

With that Jom turned the ship and headed over to the nearest point on the light side of the planet.

“Maybe whatever is messing with the sensors is having some effect on our electrical equipment as well?” posited Tarth.

As Lok nervously ran another diagnostic and tried to understand what was causing the noise he was hearing, the wooklettes in the main cabin cried out and Thoulyakk dashed back from the cockpit to find them crying and huddled together near the rear of the cabin. He gathered them up and returned them to a seat, but they clung to him. Whilst they could not understand basic, the only language he was able to speak, he still understood Shyriiwook, the native tongue of the Wookies that they spoke a very childish version of. They were clamouring about something that had spooked them but were unclear what it was and were pointing to an empty portion of the bulkhead opposite.

“Cut the Starboard engine Jom, it’s going to go!” Lok shouted in the cockpit. Eyes wide Jom obeyed and shut down the starboard engine, the lopsided thrust now pushing hard to drag them off course and Jom had to fight to keep the ship flying straight. For once he was grateful for the large wings that in space flight normally just got in the way but here in atmosphere helped him to control the vehicle. In just a few more kilometres they reached the light side of the planet and Jom dropped the ship to a fast and hard landing, then powered down all systems.

A few minutes after landing Lok pulled himself out of the service hatch. “I don’t understand, everything looks fine now. I’d have thought even if the effect was caused by the dark side whatever was making all that noise would have done some damage.” The others looked at him blankly. “You heard the engine making noise, right?” They looked at each other blankly, “what noise?”

As the ship headed back into the darkness, Thoulyakk was back in the cabin with the wooklettes and Lok brooded in the cockpit co-pilots seat, looking angry and embarrassed. Tarth was seated behind him at an auxiliary crew seat, and despite his tiredness he was tense in his seat. Out of nowhere he heard a voice in his head, “Tarth, when last we spoke I asked you what I have done that is so evil?” Tarth leapt from his chair, half falling onto the floor as he scrambled to get through the broken doorway into the cabin. “Stun her! Stun her!” he shouted at the Rebels guarding Assana. Looking down at the clearly unconscious form strapped into a seat at the back of the cabin, they hesitated confused. Not willing to waste time explaining he brought up his own blaster rifle and hit her with a stun blast. Thoulyakk looked on aghast as the vital signs readout that KT was tracking went dead, but after a dangerously long period a faint blip of a heartbeat returned. Tarth knelt in front of her and reached out with the force, but he could sense nothing of her mind, she was deeply unconscious, right on the brink of death. Relaxing he let himself fully sag to the decking below.

“Tarth!” said Thoulyakk, “what was that?”

“Her voice Thoulyakk, I could hear her in my head.”

Thoulyakk paused, thinking hard. “Is it possible these problems we have been having are not mechanical in nature, but a manifestation of our fears?” Tarth stared at Thoulyakk in wonder. “Of course! There’s nothing wrong with the ship, it’s just getting into Jom and Lok’s heads. Whereas I’m not worried about the ship failing, I’m more concerned about her,” he gestured at Assana.

Before they could discuss it further, Tarth’s eyes widened and he sprang to his feet, then pushed off the decking just as the ship pulled up hard into a vertical climb. Everyone in the cabin was thrown against their seat restraints, some rebels who weren’t strapped in tumbling out of their chairs. Thoulyakk was not strapped in and had the four wookie pups in his arms. He curled himself around the Tibbi, Bibbi and Zibbi protectively as he fell, his back smashing into the rear bulkhead of the cabin with a brutal impact, but Bartholomew had been climbing on his shoulder at the time and fell away in mid air, falling headfirst towards the bulkhead. Before he could crash into it, Tarth snatched him out of the air, then landed feet first to stand on the now horizontal rear bulkhead.


Jom was disturbed when Tarth had leaped to his feet and fled the cockpit, more so when he heard shots being fired, but as pilot that was someone else’s problem, his job was to fly the ship. A ship that had been acting up since they entered this dark region. Just as Jom considered the worst possible thing that could happen would be if all power suddenly died mid flight with no warning, it did. Everything on the dashboard went blank. Terror gripped Jom, this should never happen as redundant systems were built in to prevent such an occurrence. Too scared to think rationally, Jom pulled hard on the stick in the hope that maybe the flaps would work and as they were in atmosphere he could maybe control their dive.

From Lok’s perspective Jom had simply gone insane, the ship was travelling at nearly full thrust when out of the blue Jom pulled back hard on the stick and send them all skyrocketing upwards. He started shouting at Lok about some kind of total system shutdown, but Lok could plainly see that everything was behaving normally except the pilot. He pressed the button that would transfer control of the vessel from Jom’s controls at the pilot station to where he sat in the co-pilot’s seat and started to level out the ship, but Jom screamed at him and pushed the button to transfer controls back again and started pulling them back into an insane climb. Fortunately at that moment Thoulyakk half ran half climbed into the cockpit and grabbed Jom from behind, restraining him and allowing Lok to take control uncontested and settle the ship back onto its proper course. Once the ship was level, Tarth joined them, now holding all four wooklettes.

“Jom,” said Thoulyakk calmly, “the ship is fine, there is something preying on our fears and making us see things that aren’t real. Close your eyes, listen, you can hear the ship is still running fine.” Jom obeyed, and when he opened his eyes he could see that the control board was lit up normally. Before he could comment further they were interrupted by a shout from the rear of the ship. With a gesture of exasperation Tarth dumped the wookie cubs onto Lok and once again ran the length of the ship to seek out this latest problem.

At the rear he found the two Rebels who were guarding Assana shouting and pointing their blasters at one another. They were raving almost incoherently about treachery and betrayal. Tarth inserted himself between the two of them and tried to calm them down, but the man facing him quickly changed the target of his fear induced anger to Tarth and started raving about how everything had gone wrong when he turned up. Then he shot him.

As Tarth collapsed on the floor, his attacker realised the blaster had been set to stun, as he had been guarding Assana with the intention to stun her if she awoke. The Rebel switched his blaster from stun to kill, intent on a fatal follow up shot, but fortunately Thoulyakk interrupted him by picking up both the Rebel guards and bashing their heads together, before dropping both bodies to the floor.

As Fane went around locking the Rebel troops into their seats, and disarming them, all the while reassuring them all that what they were experiencing was not real, Thoulyakk roused Tarth, forced some caf down him, and half-dragged him back up to the cockpit.

With the invasive fear effect seemingly now under control the de-facto command team, the crew of the Pigeon plus Fane and Hob, discussed how best to find their missing spymaster. Fane explained that if he was alive and on the run as they suspected, he would be listening for standard signals broadcast over a com. They concluded the best plan then was to fly a search pattern, broadcasting the signal Fane would provide. In order to work out how far the signal could penetrate the strange sensor damping effects of this region, El suggested that they drop a few people on the ground with a radio and then the ship move slowly away, constantly checking how well they could hear each other, until the signal broke down. Then they would know the range the signal could penetrate and could plan the search pattern to ensure they left no gaps. El’s initial idea was to send Tarth and Thoulyakk, being the most comfortable surviving outdoors, just in case there was a problem, but they were both uneasy about leaving the ship together with the wooklettes and Assana in the same place, so Tarth suggested he would go, being the most experienced, and take El with him, leaving Thoulyakk on the ship.

As they left the ship, Thoulyakk handed Tarth an emergency flare form the ship’s emergency supplies. Tarth felt it was unnecessary, since his lightsaber would be a more effective beacon, but he was not one to turn down equipment that might prove useful, so he accepted it and clipped it to his belt. As the ship lifted off Jom started flying in a spiral pattern so he could keep and eye on the pair on the ground as he moved away form them. As Lok and El began to communicate and test the signal Thoulyakk leaned over the Fane, “Ms Reroon, what is this five by five they speak of? Is this some kind of navigation grid I don’t know about?”

“It’s special radio code Thoulyakk, it means the signal strength is good and the clarity of voice is good. We expect it to drop as we get further apart.”

“Ah. And this is better than just saying “I can hear you fine” because it sounds more military.”


It took them a while to slowly spiral out until the signal dropped to unreadable levels. Jom marked the distance at about a kilometre, but already El and Tarth were lost to view in the all-pervasive darkness. Jom turned the ship and headed back towards the starting point, and Lok tried to get back in contact now that they were closer. Alarmingly, he could receive nothing. Jom pushed the throttle up to get back to them as quickly as possible, and as they approached, the radio still receiving nothing, a bright red flare lit up in front of them.


"... reading... difficul... ... ... [static] ... repe..? " the latest test transmissions from Lok were impossible to understand and finally faded into static. Half a click away the bright lights of the shuttle engines curved around a spiralling arc away from the pair. Standing on the surface in the darkness, El tried the communicator one more time: "Stolen imperial shuttle... stolen imperial shuttle do you copy?" the radio was nothing but silence. Tarth leaned toward the Twi’lek "Perhaps 'stolen imperial shuttle isn't the best call sign to use.."
"Ah, eets not as eef anyone can 'ear us out ere"
As her sentence finished Tarth felt a chill run down his spine, the slightly damp ground underfoot shifted uneasily under his weight. Glancing around he thought he sensed something... far away the shuttle began to turn.
El suddenly snapped rifle up to her eye-line, she scanned the horizon. "Did you 'ere that?" Tarth had heard nothing "No... El, remember what this darkness does to the mind"
"I know I know but... not everything can be eemaginary per'aps?"
Tarth glanced around nervously "What did you hear?"
"I... I thought I heard..."
Tarth couldn't hear the end of the sentence; an icy cold flowed up from the surface of the planet, and what little light penetrated the darkness before was now absent - he stood utterly alone in an infinite blackness, the distant lights of the shuttle nowhere to be seen. "Eluthsa?!" his voice echoed in the dark. Turning around he searched for any sign, trying to keep his mind calm, coming back to his original orientation he started; a single figure now stood before him dressed in dark robes, face obscured. "Padawan" a voice Tarth hadn't heard for a long time; it was impossible. "You have failed our order young one." A slight flick of the wrist saw the handle of a lightsaber fall into his old master's hand - a yellow blade sliding out from the hilt.
Tarth produced his own lightsaber and ignited the blade, but made no further move. The glow was enough to light up the face of the being facing him, revealing the partially masked orange fleshed face of a Kel’dor, his master Wes Wat. He could hear the sound Master Wat made as he breathed through his mask. Kel’dor required a different atmosphere to breathe than most sapient in the galaxy, and a lifetime ago that sound had become as familiar to Tarth as his own heartbeat.
“You’re not real. Master Wat is dead.”
“Oh I assure you I am quite real, although you are correct in saying I am dead. Dead by your hands.”
Tarth breathed calmly, the irrational fear of a child he was long past would not affect him now. “That’s not true. Master Wat ordered me to leave.”
“You were weak, or you could have saved me. You failed me and you failed the Jedi order.”
“THE JEDI FAILED ME!” Tarth shouted at the figure. “They failed me and they failed the galaxy!” Tarth had been trying not to engage, to keep his cool with what was obviously another manifestation of fear, but 20 years of repression and silence was hard to maintain in the face of such provocation. “They became arrogant and forgot their own teachings. They were meant to be peacekeepers not warleaders. They forgot their own purpose, overreached themselves and were destroyed for it, and when they fell the tore the whole galaxy down with them. Look at what they left us!” He gestured into the blackness around and above him, but it was clear he meant the galaxy at large, with all the suffering and violence it contained in the grip of the Empire.
“Then you should have done something about it!” retorted his master.
“I was a child!”
“You were WEAK!”
Master Wat leaped towards Tarth, lightsaber blazing. Tarth stood his ground under the assault, defending himself vigorously. He had duelled hundreds, maybe thousands of times with Master Wat, and the moved were familiar, but where Master Wat had once been graceful and instructional, he was now vicious and punishing. He quickly overwhelmed Tarth’s defence, forced him to defend high then took advantage of his exposed lower regions and slipped in a quick cut to Tarth’s left thigh. It wasn’t deep, but it was almost cripplingly painful to move. As Tarth withdrew to gather his defence it pulled open the cauterization and blood started to flow. He recovered as he nearly fell, having started the fight light headed from his earlier stunning, and now with a damaged leg, he had little to no chance of winning this duel.
As he backed up slowly, keeping the calmly advancing Master Wat out of saber range, he felt a gentle tugging at his waist. Looking around he saw nothing, but he was reminded that this was all a vision. Somewhere out there he was standing in a soggy plain in the darkness with El. Closing his eyes he reached out with the force to sense what was around him. Close by he felt the familiar presence of El, close enough that he was sure it had been her tugging at his waist. All around him he felt other strange presences, less than living creatures they were nevertheless some kind of presence in the force. Most of them around him were drifting aimlessly back and forth, like detritus floating in the middle of the water being pulled gently back and forth by the movement of the waves above. But there were two brighter more focussed presences. One was quite far out, circling slowly, but the other was directly in front of him wearing the form of Master Wat.
Opening his eyes he was still locked in the vision, still confronted by the deadly lightsaber of his master. Aware that he very well might be waving his lightsaber around in real life, he was keen to move the battle away from El. Unable to run, he gathered the force into himself and made a great force enhanced leap over his opponent’s head. He had hoped to leap again, but his first landing was bad, further tearing his leg wound, and he barely managed to roll up and away from Master Wat’s blade. The vision of his master was not attacking aggressively, content simply to keep the pressure on Tarth and drive him forwards.
As he limped two smaller figured emerged out of the darkness ahead of him. They were seated on the floor facing one another playing a game with their hands and dressed in the simple robes of Jedi younglings. As he drew near they turned to look at him, revealing terrible wounds to their faces and bodies that had been hidden from him. From behind Tarth the taunting voice of Master Wat spoke. “Behold more children you failed to protect.”
“Master Obi Wan told us not to return.”
“So you left them to die.” Master Wat lashed out at Tarth with his lightsaber, forcing him to defend himself and back away.
“I did what I was told!” retorted Tarth as he parried more blows.
“Is that what the Jedi taught you? To quietly follow orders?” Those last few words punctuated vicious blows, driving Tarth’s own blade further out until the final cut slipped through his defence and cut him a searing wound across the abdomen.
Realising he had no chance to win a lightsaber battle with his old master, Tarth calmed himself and re-centred his blade. “The Jedi taught me to accept when a situation is beyond your control. They Jedi taught me many things, but the Jedi are dead now. Master Wat is dead.” He closed his eyes, focused on the Force presence, a small point in the middle of the illusory Master Wat’s chest. This wasn’t just his imagination, although it was drawing upon it. There was some kind of presence behind all this, and his attack had always been stronger than his defence. He leaped forward, deflecting the yellow blade, and pierced the force presence he detected.
The entity unravelled, and with it the vision. The infinite blackness surrounding him collapsed down toward the ground, but instead of revealing the dark soggy plain, he found himself now standing in a well appointed modern apartment. There were large windows revealing the apartment to be high above ground level in an urban sprawl of equally high rise buildings. El was crouched in one corner. She started at him, as if he had just appeared, “Oh, eets you Tars.” She turned back to what she had been working on, a panel in the wall. Reaching out with the Force Tarth sensed that this was indeed the real El. He still felt the drifting Force presences around him, still at the same level, indicating perhaps that he was still on the ground. But the one remaining bright and focused presence was now far below him, moving upwards in a square shaped spiral; perhaps climbing a staircase?
Testing a hypothesis, he casually cut away part of a window and the wall below it, and experimentally tried to see if the ground extended invisibly behind the floor of the apartment into the apparent air. It seemed that vision or not, he would fall if he stepped outside, and given that he did appear to still be wounded from before he did not trust that he would survive such an event. He had faced one of these creatures, and now it seemed he had joined El’s vision to help her face her own. He looked around the apartment with renewed interest, it must surely be important to her for some reason. The decoration was showy but lacking in substance, not something he associated with El, but there was a holo on the sideboard of three Twi’lek, blue skinned Rutian like El. He seated himself on a chair and cleared his mind, allowing the force to flow into his wounds and stimulate healing and recuperation.
“El, where are we?”
“Ah,” she said, trying to concentrate, “we are in mah zister’s apartment.” Tarth raised an eyebrow and looked around some more. Given what he had recently experienced, he did not wish to pry.
“We are in a fear vision El, yours, and it’s much worse than before on the ship. There is something below us and it’s coming here, it’s likely to appear to you in the form of someone you know, or knew. Do you know who it might appear as?”
“Ah can guess,” muttered El.
“Just remember that anything they say is not true, and just a manifestation of your worse fears and darkest thoughts.”
“Will do.”
“What are you doing there?”
El sat back exasperated with Tarth’s distractions. “Zere eez a bomb on ze door which eez gonna blow uz up when ze door openz, ah am tryin to dizarm eet.”
“Ah. Can I help?”
“Yes, open zis box.” Tarth cut open the indicated box on the wall with a slash of his lightsaber, and El returned to work. Tarth reached out with the Force and sensed that the presence was now level with them and heading towards them. “It’s close…”
“Got eet!” said El, and rolled backwards away from the panel she had been working on, grabbed her sniper rifle, and came up aiming at the door. Tarth stepped to the side, well clear of El’s line of sight, but closer to the door. Without any preamble the door hissed open and a Twi’lek stepped in. Facially she looked much like El, but where El was scrawny and battle hardened, this other girl was curvaceous and soft. She wore and long tight dress that sparkled in the light and drew attention to the graceful curves of her body, and moved like a dancer. Seeing El she froze. “El”, she said, a simple statement of fact.
“Jan” replied El the same, then shot her. The newcomer Jan was already diving to the side as the shot fired, and with practiced skill produced a tiny and very expensive looking blaster pistol from the small bag she had carried in her hand, returning fire and hitting El in the shoulder.
Tarth stepped out from the side and swept his lightsaber down through the presence he could sense at the core of this apparent Twi’lek. As she dissolved in front of him he realised he recognised her face. He looked back to the holo on the sideboard where a younger version of her face was pictured centre frame between the two other, older, Twi’lek. He looked at El, questioning, but unwilling to voice his prying inquiry into her personal life. But El saw his look and spoke, “Yes, that was my sister.” The usually heavy Ryloth lilt he had come to know was completely missing from her accent now, she spoke instead in a clipped and well enunciated accent more appropriate of the highly civilised Core worlds. Was this an affectation to disguise the pain and stress she was suffering from, or was the voice he had come to know the mask and this her “true” self showing through under the stress? “Your accent El,” Tarth said as he limped over to tend to her and the room around them began to fade into darkness.
“Ah, yes, this is how I used to speak. But circumstances change, you find yourself in a different society and you find yourself adopting the mannerisms… Where are we now? This is not the plain we started on.”
Tarth looked around. What had at first appeared to be the starry night sky was in fact the glitter of crystals overhead, reflecting the green glow of his lightsaber, and the rock floor below confirmed that they were in a cave. Reaching out with the force Tarth could sense more of the mysterious presences further out, but none nearby. Instead, he could feel some very different presences, bright in the force, all around him. Opening his eyes he realised the cave walls were laced with kyber crystals.
As he began to head towards the closest outcropping, Tarth was interrupted by El. “Tars, do you see zat?” Her accent had returned to normal. Tarth looked into the gloom that she was pointing into, and pulled out his glow rod, switching off his lightsaber and using the more directed beam provided by the glow rod to examine the gloom. El was indicating a small tripod, with an electronic device on the top, flashing with small lights. Beyond the device lay a narrowing in the cave. Tarth and El approached, El too badly strained for any real caution, and Tarth limping badly and holding his belly tight and wincing at each small step. “It could be some sort of Imperial monitoring device. This cave is full of the crystals needed to construct lightsabers, and if the Imperials have found it they may have left a device to detect any surviving Jedi who find their way here.” As they approached the device, an old looking Gran appeared in the narrow part of the cave beyond.
“Hey, who are you? What are you doing here?”
Tarth looked at the old Gran, the plain robes that he wore were nondescript, but a different style to what most Gran he had seen wore. He was also a little short for a Gran. Considering the very strange circumstances they were in, he made a leap of logic.
“Ah, Huk, I am Tarth and this is El, and we are friends of Fane, and we’ve been looking for you. Er…” Tarth suddenly thought, “actually maybe you don’t know Fane. Fane Reroon? Well she’s a Rebel who is very keen to find you.”
“I know of no Huk, nor do I know you or this Fane of whom you speak,” retorted the Gran.
“Well I admit I wasn’t really prepared to find you right at this moment, but I’m sure Fane has some special codes or whatever to convince you. You know, spy stuff. My friend and I are rather badly injured, and we don’t have the energy to do the whole secret handshake thing, even if we actually knew the secret handshake, so let’s get you out of that little getup and see if we can get back to our ship from this cave, wherever this cave actually is, then you can do the secret spy things with Fane.”
The Gran looked confused and unimpressed, but he examined the dirty wounded pair and his eyes fell upon Tarth’s lightsaber, now held unlit in his hand. Seemingly coming to a decision his hand moved to a metal box he was wearing and flipped a switch. The hologram disguise of a Gran fell away to reveal the furry face of a Bothan.
“Good, good,” Tarth said, “let’s get out of this cave and find the ship.”
“I’m afraid not my friend, this planet has strange effects, and you are not really here. I need you to memorise this number. It is a code that will allow you to home in on my signal. This cave lies some three kilometres east of my ship’s crash site. Remember this code, and you will be able to trace the signal.”
Tarth and El looked at each other, and after their recent experiences took this information in their stride. They split the code sequence in half, each repeating their own five characters under their breath repeatedly as the cave faded around them, leaving them back on the surface where they had started.
Apologies for the double update, but I've been struggling to keep up as we've been playing more frequently recently and I lost track of what I had posted here.


As Jom brought the ship back to where they had left El and Tarth, flying off memory and dead reckoning since none of the instruments were working, the green blade of Tarth’s lightsaber lit up ahead of him, glowing in the darkness and giving him a spot to zero in on. Lok was still trying to raise El on the com, and briefly received some communication through the static.

“…et down ‘ere, we need immedia…”

“El? Do you read me?”

“…ounded. I say again we…”

Turning to Jom, Lok said, “I think they’re in trouble Jom, we need to get down to them fast.”

Prepared for battle, Thoulyakk waited by the ramp. The lightsaber he had adopted that had been discovered in a concealed compartment of the Annual Pigeon clipped to his leather equipment belt, and bowcaster slung over his shoulder. As Jom sped the ship through the darkness, he lowered the ramp and Thoulyakk carefully descended it, holding onto the hydraulic ram to keep from being blown off by the buffeting winds as the ship sped through the darkness. As Jom slowed, Thoulyakk saw almost too late a large rock looming up ahead. Black on black, there was no way for Jom to see it without instruments. As the ramp clipped the rock, Thoulyakk leapt clear, landing in relative safety on the soggy ground, coming to his feet mere meters form Tarth and El.

As the ship’s ramp bounced off the rock below Lok was thrown violently against his seat restraints. As Jom stabilised and brought the ship around towards the glow of Tarth’s lightsaber, Lok raced down to the ramp to assess the damage. As soon as he saw it, his heart sank. The edge of the ramp was dented and folded backwards; there was no way it would be airtight for space travel. Once again they were trapped on this world.

Thoulyakk found Tarth supporting El, who was pale and sweaty and looked half unconscious. Tarth himself was clearly badly wounded, his leg was soaked with blood and his shirt was in tatters with another wound of some kind in his abdomen. Too tired to comment on Thoulyakk’s impressive and dramatic entrance, Tarth simply said “Help me get her to the ship. Quickly, we cannot stay here.”

As Thoulyakk took the weight of El from Tarth, and started half carrying her back to the ship which was now coming in to land, he paused as he heard the sound of surgical instruments clicking onto a sterile metal tray. A sound he knew all too well. As he looked around there was a feint flicker of light, as of a fluorescent light. His distraction was interrupted by Tarth snapping his fingers in Thoulyakk’s face. “Thoulyakk, stay with me buddy, the visions are stronger here. El will die if you don’t get us to the ship right now!” Invigorated by this Thoulyakk threw off the vision and heaved El onto the ship. As Tarth climbed into the body of the ship he pushed Lok towards El, but yelled over his shoulder towards the cockpit, “Jom, get us airborne! Go now!” As the ship began to lift off, he cast around for somewhere to sit, saw the seats immediately around him full of rebel troops locked into their restraints, and opted to just collapse on the floor instead.

Lok helped Thoulyakk lower El gently onto another part of the decking, and then pushed the Wookie away, telling him to see to Tarth. He checked her over but quickly assessed that she looked worse than she was. She had been shot in the shoulder but the personal deflector shield she had bought after the incident with the pirates had absorbed much of the power of the blow and it was more painful than damaging. Mostly she seemed to be in psychological shock. He dressed her wound and applied some bacta, but most of her problems were beyond his ability to heal right now.

With El stable, he turned to check on Thoulyakk and Tarth. From the way Tarth had pushed him onto El, he had assumed Tarth was not as badly hurt, but he found Thoulyakk somewhat overwhelmed. Tarth had a horrendous gash deep into the meat of his leg, which appeared to have been partially cauterised. A similar but less serious wound was across his belly. Tarth was now unconscious, possibly from fatigue, pain and stress, or possibly because Thoulyakk had jammed bacta straight into his wound. Pushing Thoulyakk away he started cutting away clothing and cleaning the wound with water taken from a Rebel’s canteen.

On closer inspection determined the wound had fully cauterised, then been ripped open, then somehow partially healed up. But with the cauterisation on a wound this deep it would never heal right even with bacta. He was going to have to excise the burnt flesh to reveal living flesh that the bacta could then aid in re-growing to fill in the muscle mass he’d lost. It would probably scar, despite the wonderful powers of bacta but, glancing up at Tarth’s bionic eyes, Lok figured the old woodsman would probably not much care.

A little while later, after some sweating and cursing and a lot of improvisational surgery, Tarth and El were conscious and being fed caf in the cockpit and the others were trying as gently as possible to interrogate them about what had gone on below.

Lok took the lead. “Tarth, El, what happened down there? El has been shot and Tarth, did you cut yourself with your own laser sword?”

“Not mine,” muttered Tarth darkly.

“Was someone else down there? More Inquisitors?”

Tarth found no help in El, who was staying steadfastly silent. Whilst they had made no verbal agreement, he knew neither of them wished to discuss what had taken place below. “The fear visions. All you need to know is that they are stronger down there, what you see is real. But the visions are created by living creatures, and just as you can be hurt they too can die. Our foes were imaginary but our wounds are real. More importantly,” Tarth added to move the conversation somewhere less uncomfortable, “we found that little Bothan we’re after. He’s sending out a signal and we have a code, I’m sure Fane could do secret Rebel spy stuff to track him down.”

“You… found him or you had a vision of him?” asked Lok, standing and moving towards the main cabin to fetch Fane.

“Both” muttered Tarth, who then looked up to see Lok had frozen in the doorway. Peering past Lok he discovered why. Assana stood in the middle of the cabin, her one arm wrapped awkwardly around the shoulder and chest of Fane with Fane’s own blaster pointed awkwardly into her guts.

Assana spoke in a weak voice. “Put the ship down, now. You will let me go, and your friend will live.” Whilst Lok began to negotiate, Tarth considered his options. Assana was their only ticket off-world, and releasing her would be to doom them all. Equally if she did as she said and released Fane, there would be nothing to stop them from turning the ship around and blasting her from the skies with impunity, so she must be planning to do something terrible to them to assure her escape. Whilst he didn’t want any harm to come to Fane, she was a committed Rebel and was surely willing to risk her life for the success of the mission or she would not be here. He had a thought that he would probably be able to disarm Assana, she would be hard pressed to keep control of both a blaster and a prisoner with only one arm, but even disarmed she could be dangerous and he was too injured to move quickly. He needed Thoulyakk to act in his stead once he had created an opportunity. He winked and Thoulyakk and tried to waggle his eyebrows to imply he had a plan. Thoulyakk made the most gentle of nods in response.

With a sudden jerking motion of his hand, Tarth ripped the blaster from Assana’s grasp using the force, catching it as it flew towards him. Seeing his chance Thoulyakk moved, but instead of charging Assana and tackling her to the ground, Thoulyakk drew a stun grenade and hurled it at her. Tarth barely had a moment to register this before the stun blast hit him and he fell unconscious for the third time that day.


“Wake up!” Tarth opened his eyes, he was being shaken by Hob. He looked around; most of the people in the compartment were unconscious. Thoulyakk was hanging limply from the ceiling, where his bionic arm was jammed into the bulkhead. His body shielded the seat where Hob had been sitting with the Wooklettes, which explained how they were all conscious. The only other person moving was Lok, who was leaning over Assana, with an emergency revival pack in his hands. “Live you Kriffing Witch! Don’t you dare die now!” Tarth pushed Hob away and weakly crawled over to them. “What happened?” Lok looked at him with panic clear in his eyes. “After Thoulyakk’s grenade I stunned her a few times to be sure but…” He trailed off, simply summing it up with “There’s no pulse.”

“Sithspit,” muttered Tarth. “We really need her though, don’t we…” He pushed Lok’s revival pack aside; clearly he had been unable to restart her biorhythms. Putting his hand over her chest, he closed his eyes and felt for her force presence. Just a few weeks ago he would never have been able to try such a thing, but in that time he had been forced to call upon the force more times than in the dozens of years before and slowly but surely the old skills had been coming back to him. He found her, just clinging to life with the tiniest connection. Gritting his teeth he pushed as much of his own energy as he could into that connection, then blacked out.


Tarth awoke yet again, his head pounding. He wasn’t as young as he used to be and falling unconscious this many times in quick succession was probably very very bad for him. Hob quickly got him up to speed. KT had revealed that Fane had been watching over Assana, who had woken up but feigned unconsciousness. When Fane investigated, alerted by KT to the change in her vitals, Assana had used the Force to mind trick Fane into releasing her. From there she had taken Fane’s own blaster and held her hostage. During Lok’s brief stalling negotiation Assana had boasted that she was conditioned against chemical sedation. Fane was now unconscious and secured in the rear of the cabin and El was watching Assana. Jom and Lok were just waiting for Tarth to share the part of the code he had memorised so they could begin tracing the spymaster.

Tarth passed the code over to Lok, and explained that when they got down there they would need to split into two teams. Some people would need to make contact with Huk, but Thoulyakk and Tarth would have business of their own in the cave. Tarth refused to explain what this business would be. Once they found the entrance to the cave, Tarth insisted on being the first down, and verified that, as he had hoped, the mysterious invisible entities were keeping away from the area. Lok had asked to take the pilot’s position to familiarise himself with the ship, and so Tarth and Thoulyakk were joined by Hob and Jom.

Once they entered the main cave, Tarth sent Jom and Hob on to make contact with Huk, and stayed with Thoulyakk. He bade him sit in the middle of the cave, and seated himself opposite. “Thoulyakk, this cave is full of kyber crystals, the vital component in the construction of a lightsaber. This is what the lightsaber I made for you is missing, and the final component we need. Normally when a Jedi finds their crystal they will form a connection through the force. I don’t know how it works with a non Force user, but… the force is in everything. Even if you cannot feel or use the force, it is still within you and every living thing. I have a few ideas about how this could work. To start with, I want you to close your eyes, ignore smells and sounds, cut off all senses and try to feel beyond your senses. You’re feeling for a connection, some kind of sensation in one direction that might indicate a link to one of these crystals. Some people describe it as a warmth, a static tingle, maybe even a feint breeze. Just, try to empty your mind and feel.”

They sat that way for some minutes, Tarth focussing as well to try and sense any connection between Thoulyakk and one of the crystals. He could faintly hear Jom and Hob talking presumably to Huk in the distance but he shut it out. “I… feel something…” Thoulyakk said quietly.

“Good Thoulyakk, can you sense a direction?” Thoulyakk pointed with his left arm out towards the cave wall, and Tarth looked in that direction to see a single kyber crystal embedded in the wall. They rose from the floor and headed over to it. “This one?” Thoulyakk nodded. Tarth pulled a tool from his belt. “I borrowed this from Lok. Gently pull it form the wall. Kyber crystals are normally very easy to remove, especially by the right person. With little effort Thoulyakk removed the crystal from the wall. It was deep black, with an almost oily sheen, but in the depths of the structure a hint of red was visible. It looked almost sinister, if that could be said of a piece of mineral, but Tarth could sense no dark side energies from it. It seemed as pure in the force as any kyber crystal he had known, untainted by the darkness and fear common to this half of the planet. “Now then, it’s quite possible the Empire will trace our activities here, and find this cave, and I do not wish to leave the crystals for them to take.” Tarth produced another tool. “Help me remove the rest of them.”

Jom and Hob rejoined Thoulyakk and Tarth as they were finishing up, along with the Bothan spymaster Huk. “Tarth, it is a relief to see you in the flesh but… what is it you are doing?”

“Hullo Huk, glad you’ve joined us. We’re not leaving these crystals for the Empire to find so we are removing them.”

“But the crystals...”

“Are what kept the spirits away, yes? That was my theory. Oh… You think once we remove them…” Tarth reached out with the force and felt for the presences he was becoming familiar with. “Ah… time to go. Er… run!”

With that, all 5 of them began running for the shuttle. Jom stumbled, and his large red pupils visibly dilated in shock as something the others could not see. Thoulyakk wasted no time but grabbed him up by the back of his flight suit and ran for the shuttle ramp. “Lok, we must depart immediately!” his voice boomed as he cleared the top of the ramp. As he settled the thrashing Jom on the deck there was a tearing sound and a sickening crack, as invisible teeth ripped into Jom’s forearm, raised protectively over his head, and brutally snapped at least one of the bones in his forearm.

Tarth pushed Thoulyakk away and his green blade flashed through the air over Jom. From where he connected with whatever invisible presence that was preying upon Jom’s fears there was a hiss and oily black smoke appeared. Jom went limp and, satisfied his work here was done, Tarth bounded back down to the foot of the ramp to stand in a defensive stance. “Lok!” Tarth shouted, “We need to go!”

“I’m trying!” shouted Lok in return, “It’s not working!”

“Make it work!” Tarth yelled between swings as he continued to strike at the invisible presences that were closing in upon them, oily smoke exploding into existence whenever he struck one.

Thoulyakk jammed a stim-pack into Jom’s neck, and whilst it did his work carried the limp Duros into the cockpit. As he dumped Jom, now semi-conscious, into the co-pilots seat, Lok turned to him desperately. “Jom, what is wrong with this ship, why won’t it fly?!”

With half open eyes and in a somewhat scornful voice Jom retorted, “Have you considered enabling the fuel pumps so that the engines have something to run on?”

Lok’s face flashed red in embarrassment at his oversight and partially in anger at Jom’s derogatory tone, but he quickly activated the pumps and moments later the ship was soaring through the skies.

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Assana, sitting in the cockpit of the now stationary shuttle, activated the com with her personal encryption. “Captain, I have completed my assignment. The Spymaster is in my custody. I have more to do here, and your services are no longer required. You may depart and continue on with your previous assignment, I shall deliver the prisoner to Imperial Centre myself.”
“Inquisitor! We had feared something may have happened to you, is everything all right?”
“Quite all right. The ship we investigated belonged to smugglers who believed we had been tracking them. They put up fierce resistance but I tracked them down and eliminated them. Further clues during this pursuit led me to find the Spymaster. As I said, I will return him myself once I am finished here. You are no longer required here, carry on with your mission. You may also deactivate the minefield, we shall no longer be needing it.”
“Inquisitor, orders from the Emperor himself were to return with the spymaster as soon as possible.”
“I am aware of what orders have been issued. Do you understand the orders I have given to you?”
“Yes Inquisitor.”
“Very good Captain.”
Assana closed the channel, and Lok checked to ensure no further signals were being sent. “I have done as you required. He will not question my orders, but if my actions are reported then others will.”
Once Assana was unconscious and restrained again, the crew of the stolen Imperial shuttle waited tensely as Lok monitored the Imperial data net. They could see that orders were being sent out and the Imperials were withdrawing from the planet. The shuttle was parked in a cave on the light side of the world, although now the natural darkness of night had fallen, and they were concerned that having communicated with the Star Destroyer and therefore given away their position, the Imperials might send an investigation, especially if Assana had slipped some kind of signal into her communication. So far there was no sign of any such activity.
After a quarter of an hour, the communicator signalled an incoming call for Assana form the Star Destroyer. A quick discussion resulted in the decision to ignore it, as long as the Imperials still appeared to be withdrawing in good order. After the caller gave up, a text message was sent to Assana from the Captain. “The Emperor commands you contact him immediately.” At this they agreed that they could not ignore this, as the Captain was unlikely to leave until he was assured that Assana had received his message, lest he be blamed. Assana was revived yet again. “You have much to learn about the treatment of prisoners, this is inhumane.”
“I have been unconscious five times today, most of that because of you, and have spared or saved your life at least three times,” retorted Tarth.
“Touche,” she acknowledged.
They quickly caught her up with the situation. “I can write back and he will be satisfied that he can prove he has passed on the message, and he will be satisfied, but if I do not report in someone will come looking for me, probably immediately. They may send more Inquisitors, or possibly my commander.”
“And who is your commander?”
“The Inquisitorius is not a normal part of the Imperial military, it is under the direct and personal command of one of the Emperor’s most trusted and high ranking servants, a man called Darth Vader.”
“Aha!” exclaimed Tarth, “I was more right than I realised!” Getting back to the matter at hand he continued, “But how long would it take for him to get here?”
“I do not know. It depends where he is. Last I heard he was away from Imperial Centre on a mission, he could be close.”
“Very well, send your message, we shall have to hope the Force is with us and he isn’t too close.”
Once Assana was unconscious yet again, having put on a space suit as requested before being knocked out, Lok and Tarth got into an argument about their next steps.
“I can’t fix the ramp in time, only the cockpit airlock. The ship will be spaceworthy but everyone outside of the cockpit will be in vacuum the entire trip and have to wear spacesuits. Let’s go back to the QT-P2T and assess. If I can get a replacement engine we can have her in the skies within a day.”
“Lok, we do not have a day, Darth Vader could be here in hours. We have to leave as soon as the ISD hits hyperspace, in whatever state we are in.”
“He’s just one man, regardless of how important he is.”
“Lok, he is the most dangerous man in the Galaxy, he single handedly wiped out the Jedi Order. He makes Assana look like a fluffy kitten. We would all be dead, or worse, before we even knew he was on-planet. I know you want to recover the Pigeon, I do to, it’s a great ship and I know you guys invested a lot of money and effort into it, but we can’t risk it. We can get another ship, steal one maybe, but not if we are dead. Maybe when this blows over we can come back for it, the Empire won’t be interested in a wrecked freighter.”
Lok was willing to continue the argument, but the rest of the crew agreed with Tarth. Lok stomped off to put on a spacesuit, one of many they had found in the shuttle’s lockers. Ostensibly this was because they would not be able to use the cockpit’s airlock once in space so those people in the cockpit would be staying there for the duration and he would need to be outside in order to fix anything that went wrong with the ship, but it was also to sulk.
Once the Imperial datanet reported the ship had left the system, and the long range sensors showed the minefield was falling apart, individual mines dropping from orbit and burning up in atmosphere, the Imperial shuttle, piloted by Tarth whilst Jom was recovering from a broken arm, gingerly left the cave and, once clear, up into space. Nothing intercepted them on the trip out and they set a course for the Hapes Cluster and a rendezvous with the Rebel Alliance.

The trip to the Hapes cluster took two uncomfortable days. The passengers in the rear compartment, living in spacesuits and feeding through tubes had it the worst, although the crowded cockpit was not exactly fun and relaxed living. The only people not completely frustrated and bored were Thoulyakk and Tarth, who spent the time huddles in a corner surrounded by tools, crystals and half-built lightsabers.

Towards the end of their journey Huk spoke to the crew of the now-lost Annual Pigeon, with Lok listening in from the rear of the ship over the comlink. He had been asked previously for any intel on a prisoner called Sauto Slex, being held on Imperial Centre, the capital planet of the Empire formally known as Coruscant during the days of the Old Republic. He had indicated that he may have something, and he presented it to them now. Firstly he told them that as far as he could tell the prisoner was being held in the Inquisitorius headquarters. With what they had recently learned about Inquisitors this was concerning, but Tarth seemed unsurprised by this revelation.

He produces a map of the relevant section of the planet-spanning city. The base was in the lesser temple district; just north east of the Imperial Palace which had once been the Jedi Grand Temple. Further he had a plan for how they might get onto the planet. He had a regular supply shipment route set up, which was fully legitimate but was intended to one day serve for just an occasion such as this. He could provide them with the shipment and credentials and get them on world, but the rest would be up to them.

Tarth admitted he had already been considering how to get onto the planet. He preferred Huk’s plan, but for the sake of collaboration he spoke of his own for consideration. He told of a smuggler he had once met called Dash Rendar, who had bragged he could get onto the planet undetected by flying very close to an automated super-transport and hiding in its signal shadow. He admitted that Dash had appeared to be something of a braggart, and he wasn’t convinced the man had every actually done this, but with Jom’s flying skill it seemed feasible at least. The others agreed it was worth considering, but overall everyone preferred Huk’s plan.

Tarth also pointed out that the temple district was very close to Invisec, officially known as the Alien Protectorate Zone, a notorious slum with very little security within. If they needed somewhere to lay low, especially the obvious non-humans, that might be ideal. Getting out again could prove difficult though.

Huk then asked them for a favour. If they could get on the planet, he had a contact that they may be able to meet. He would provide them with a stash of equipment belonging to Huk. Most of it would be useful to their endeavour, however there was also a data chip included that Huk desperately wanted returned, and if they could get that back to him he would reward them.

The only final missing element was a ship. With the loss of the Annual Pigeon, and only a damaged and blatantly stolen Imperial Shuttle for transport, they lacked any way to actually travel to Imperial Centre. Huk had nothing to offer them, but agreed with their existing plan to try and trade the shuttle with the Rebels, who would be able to put it to good use working against the Empire, in exchange for a less conspicuous vehicle.

It was a great relief to all aboard when the shuttle finally dropped out of hyperspace into the Hapes Cluster. Huk immediately got to work contacting the Rebels, and within short order they were able to locate and approach the scratch fleet of Rebel ships meeting up in the depths of space. An eclectic mix of freighters and transport ships, with the occasional snub-fighter wing flying a patrol, the command ship, to which the stolen shuttle was directed to dock, was an old Correlian Corvette.

Boarding the ship they were met by Commander Burin Cole who quickly invited them to refresh themselves in private quarters before joining him for a debriefing. Tarth insisted first upon explaining the nature of their prisoner Assana and her abilities, with Huk backing up his extraordinary claims, and waited with the shuttle until a suitable security detail arrived to take custody. As Tarth had requested, this included a droid that would hopefully be immune to her mind altering abilities.

At the debrief half an hour later, they raised the issue of getting a replacement ship. Commander Cole had already been briefed by Huk and was happy to trade, and offered them a VCX-350 medium transport ship. Indeed he had already begun transferring what medical supplies they could spare to act as the cargo for their cover mission. Lok, still quite pink form a thorough scrubbing after two days trapped in a vacuum suit, quickly jumped on the opportunity to take the next shuttle over and start inspecting the ship.

The rest of them then went down to the debriefing proper, and told Commander Cole all about their adventures. Tarth tried to leave out any mention of his Force abilities or his use of a lightsaber, but Thoulyakk blithely blurted out his secrets, earning him reprimand from Tarth that was somewhat restrained due to their being in public.

With the debrief concluded, Thoulyakk moved on to a matter close to his heart. He asked if the Rebels would be able to take care of the Wooklettes. Further he requested that they be transported in a separate ship to the one that Assana was being transported in. The extreme levels of paranoia the crew were exhibiting around Assana was starting to rub off on Commander Cole and he was beginning to look nervous. Tarth decided this was probably for the best.

Finally the crew of the Annual Pigeon caught a small shuttle over to the VCX-350 to rejoin Lok, bringing with them all the gear they had salvaged from the downed Dynamic freighter. They found Lok deep into his investigation of the ship’s systems, emerging from an overhead circuitry bay. He summarised the situation swiftly, the ship was spaceworthy but pretty worn out and in need of some attention. There was also a persistent noise coming from the starboard engine nacelle that he had not managed to track down yet.

Huk was putting the final touches on their fake transponder, and asked them what they wanted to name the ship. Lok suggested Kova, which was readily accepted. When asked, he admitted that in his language it mean “bucket”.

Finally with everything transferred it was time for Huk to leave them and take the Wooklettes with him. It was a heartfelt goodbye, with the four young Wookies hugging each of the crew in turn. El resented being referred to as “Uncle El” but accepted the hugs in good grace. With that final departure there was now nothing standing between the former crew of the Annual Pigeon and their most dangerous mission to date. Jom set course for Imperial Centre.


Getting onto Coruscant was surprisingly straightforward; Huk’s credentials had proved invaluable. There was a slight difficulty when the cargo manifest did not quite add up to the available cargo, but that was solved quite easily when the crew replaced the stimpacks they had taken. With their official duty completed, they set about looking for a somewhere to park. Lok scanned the holonet and found a suitable place that if you knew how to interpret their advert, as Lok did, was offering a comprehensive and discrete security package for those who wished to remain off the grid. It didn’t come cheap though. As they flew Tarth pointed out the window. “The once proud Grand Temple of the Jedi, now the Imperial Palace; containing, amongst other things, the Inquisitorius headquarters. That’s where we need to go.”


When they landed, their personal security and assistance droid, provided by the parking company to answer their questions and watch over their ship, gave them directions to a good shopping district, as well as warnings about heightened gang activities. The crew of the Kova set forth to gather supplies and meet up with Huk’s contact.

Moving between sections on the public transit system, Tarth noticed a young human boy paying close interest to the group, although the boy quickly looked away when he saw Tarth looking at him. Tarth surreptitiously kept an eye on the boy and concluded he was definitely watching them, especially when they changed to a different transit route and the boy changed with them. The boy was wearing an incongruous yellow armband, and as he looked around Tarth saw another young woman also wearing a yellow armband, although either she was not interested in them or she was doing a better job of concealing her intentions. When they reached the shopping district, Tarth led the others to a wide open space, knowing the boy would have to stay well out of earshot unless he wanted to be extremely conspicuous. As planned, the boy lurked where he could keep an eye on them, but too far away to listen in to their conversation.

The group discussed the problem, and identified that the young woman, apparently innocently engrossed in browsing a nearby stall was nevertheless still within line of sight of them. Calling their assistance droid back at the hanger for some local intelligence, they learned that the yellow armband was commonly worn by the street gang the “Yellow Flashes”. They didn’t want to end up the target of a gang robbery, so they could not just ignore the boy, but likewise wanted to avoid a fight if possible. They decided the best plan would be to confront the boy and interrogate him.


Billy knew, intellectually, that the most dangerous part of following anyone was coming around a blind corner, but the bumbling offworlders had seemed like very easy marks to him. As he dangled from the bionic arm of a massive hairy alien, thankfully being held by his shirt rather than his neck, he would have considered this a lesson well learned, if he had not been distracted by his overwhelming terror. A hairy human with awful robot eyes that seemed to stare into his soul was asking him questions, whilst a Duros, he knew that species, stood watch. At the back was a fearsome looking alien with a circle of horns on his head and his face completely covered in tattoos stood silently at the back, watching everything. This monster was clearly the leader, letting his minions do all the work.

Afterwards he couldn’t really remember the exact questions they asked, but they clearly had caught him following them and wanted to know who he was and why he was following them. Billy was smart though, and disciplined enough to remember his training. Deny everything, admit nothing. And it worked, instead of being murdered and left in a dumpster for the trash droids to find, they let him go. He heard them discussing an appointment at a nearby store as they walked away from him, and he knew he had a moment spare to check in and still catch up with them.

He ducked into the shelter and anonymity of a nearby Ithorian Noodle Bar and pulled out his com. This was a pretty big deal, these offworlders dressed like nobodies, but getting up close he had seen they had some pretty expensive bionics, so probably had far more wealth than they wanted to let on. He called the boss directly.


Lok, standing with the others around the corner from an exotic Ithorian café, looked up from his tablet. “Well the good news is young Billy here isn’t very good at secure communications. The better news is that the Yellow Flashes have a fairly robust data network, right down to profiles on all the gang members, which is now my fairly robust data network. I’m sending Billy here a message from that woman we saw earlier reporting a sighting of us heading in the other direction, and she is back patrolling the transit network, so we should be in the clear now.”

Now in the clear, the group split up to do some shopping, and agreed to meet up again later to continue on to Huk’s contact.