trying to get white crane to work

By flamingcowpie, in UFS Deck Building

ok, here is the first build of my white crane deck.


White Crane x1


Law's Somersault Kick x3 (mostly here because i want to get some use out of them, will most likely replace them later)

Slippery Kick x4

Samba x4

Side Flop x4


Master's Challenge x4


Autumn's Kiss x2

Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of time x4


Warrior Poet x4

For the Money x4

Recon x4

Hunt for Jin x4

Communing with the Ancients x4

Searching For Family x3 (would like to have a 4th but i dont have another right now)

Solitary Assassin x4

Perfect Sense of Balance x1 (will be replaced once i find a good replacement)

Brazilian Beauty x3

Long-Standing Rivalry x2 (need to get another Zi Mei starter and get 2 more)

the goal of this deck is to fill up my opponents card pool with face down cards by using warrior poet and masters challenge, then i clear my card pool with white crane's ability ( the Brazilian beauty's from my card pool to lower progressive difficulty). once my opponents card pool is full i can play as much as i want with little worry about my attacks being blocked.

the tower of remembrance is in the deck to give myself the symbol all so that i can play the sss combo using the communing with the ancients and for the moneys to allow me to make the checks.

Long-Standing rivalry is there to give my attacks a big damage bump after i have used white crane to clear the card pool.

my current concern is that the deck wont be fast enough to kill my opponent before they kill me. is anyone has any suggestions on what i should add, or take out, i am open for suggestions.

i dont know what you are gonna do with that SSS loop especially cause you cant loop. with cranes symbols...there are some mighty fine attacks with whatever source you are running off of.

In this deck the best way to stop your opponents from killing you is slowing the fastest decks down with some fun tech cards. I would recommend Torn Hero and filling out your perfect sense of balences. This is mainly because most of the best decks in the format kill on turn 2 or 3 by completely commiting out the opponents resources with stun attacks and hitting them with more attacks they cant block due to their lack of ready foundations. Torn hero and Perfect sense are both good ways to prevent this from happening.

Also, as you are dual symboling with chaos, I would take out solitary assasian and add in either trecherous offspring, maniacal laughter or both. Each gives you some decent momentum gen to not only put out your multiples faster but also to fuel white crane's R, which is one of your best defenses against finisher attacks in the format.

Adding this stuff will definatly buy you some time against most of the aggro decks that are built to turn 2 your face off.

Also, I know its probably difficult to find in your area, but Path of the master would be a great replacement for Tower of rememberence, as it not only allows you to play the E's on the SSS loop cards, but also lets you draw a card after you do so AND can provide a very spectacular damage pump.

Reversals good sir. SSS is for decks with lots of draw power. Play her symbols, play reversals. You know as well as I do, Liu Chen works just fine, White crane just takes advantage of more of his Tech then he does.

Hayamachop said:

i dont know what you are gonna do with that SSS loop especially cause you cant loop. with cranes symbols...there are some mighty fine attacks with whatever source you are running off of.

tower of remembracnce static text "after this card is added to your staging area, choose a resource symbol. While this card is in your staging area, all characters gain the chosen symbol."

it may take a little more building, but the tower lets me use the SSS loop.

Without PotM SSS loop is not a good idea. You may want to think about reveresals. They help you way more. You need to get designer clothes and robes of the grandmaster. You use speed in combo with clogging the card pool to make almost everything land. You use the White Crane's R's as much as possible. If they block with a dual symbol then its gone. They try to combo you and you pop it. Most decks are running 12-18 attacks. To be able to pop even a 1/3rd of those attacks slows down your opponent offense. Momentum gen is key for her.

I've played White Crane for 2 weeks now and I have to say that you can't play her without a kill condition card like Wrath of Heaven or Siegfrieds earth divide. It doesn't work. The amount of damage the average life card generates is below average. BUT the amount of speed an average life card can generate is insane. You need to pack Dragon of Mt LAO'S. Lots of Dragon of Mt Laos. Drop the law summersault because it is a multiple and you don't want to play multiples because it drains your momentum. I pack 3 masters challenge mainly I only need them when i need to push something through and I don't have 3 attacks in my hand.

Last thing is pick your dual symbol poisin. If you are going to go into Chaos your pulling damage pumps. You go into life you are playing disruption and speed pumps. I would tell you that it is better to go ahead and splash in chaos over slashing life if and only if you like the harder hitting attacks of Chaos better. I've played Chaos White Crane and she plays no different then most aggressive chaos decks minus the fact that the character card is almost worthless. Chaos has the turn 2 and 3 kill ability but man oh man does the support do stuff that doesn't help White Crane. You get some things that help momentum generation but that is it.

The tech is hard. I think that is why she is over looked right now. After some rules questions I asked I see that she is more control then most people think. Not only that she has the potential to shutdown Paul, Astrid, and Kazuya. But I will leave that alone for right now.

You know what else allows you to use the SSS loop? Path of the Master =D