Crushing Blow(marshal)

By edcy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If marshal meets multi-attack , does "crushing blow " work ?

text: "Exhaust this card when a monster within 2 space of you and in your line of sight performs an attack that deals no heart....."

1. flail, A(marshal) suffer 2 dmg, B(ally) without dmg

1. flail, A(marshal) without dmg , B(ally) suffer 2 dmg

2. breath/blast, A(marshal) suffer 2 dmg, B(ally) without dmg

2. breath/blast, A(marshal) without dmg , B(ally) suffer 2 dmg

Whenever a figure attacks multiple figures (target or affect, doesn't matter) there is only a single attack. The attack only "deals no damage" if it deals no damage to anyone.

It would be different if it said "Exhaust this card when a hero within 2 spaces of you suffers no damage from an attack..."

I have another question. The card says that you can choose monster within 2 space from you as a targer. Usually you can target only figures on adjasent spaces for meelee attack (unless you have reach). So is this the time to use "Golden rule", that individual cards should override core rules?

Anytime any attack is made, you must still be able to hit that target. You NEVER ignore range unless it explicitly tells you to.

That is, crushing blow can only be used to its full potential if you combo it with a reach weapon. Otherwise, you can only attack adjacent monsters.

Edited by Zaltyre

Well yes, I guess that's reasonable. It could easily be worded differently and include "ignore range". Anyway, I would probably ask FFG just in case.

Well yes, I guess that's reasonable. It could easily be worded differently and include "ignore range". Anyway, I would probably ask FFG just in case.

I'm 100% certain. A similar question has been asked before. I'll see if I can find it.

EDIT: Found it. The poster's 4th question was about abilities like "I am the Law" and what happens if you're not within range when it's time to make the attack. Nathan's response at the bottom of the page was pretty clear:

" Each of these cards allow the hero to perform the attack, however, they still need to follow the standard rules for performing the attack (LoS, range, adjacency, etc). If their current weapon does not allow them to perform the attack, then they can’t do it."

Edited by Zaltyre

Thank you, Zaltyre. Got another confirmation from FFG (wow, that was quick!).


… If that attack deals 1 or more heart

Can I consider that this skill can work with 1 heart at least ? (or without x )


… If that attack deals 1 or more heart

Can I consider that this skill can work with 1 heart at least ? (or without x )

I'm not sure I understand your question. If you're asking if Crushing Blow works on a miss, the answer is no. "Deals 1 damage" is contingent upon the 5th step of combat. If the attack is a miss, the attack resolves at step 3 and step 5 never happens.

sorry , i have a question about shockwave....

it say ".... … If that attack deals 1 or more heart …"

and thx for your answer ~ :D