My question is about the agent X- The Director . The rule book states: "If his side places it's domination token, he manages to win an additional objective, above and beyond the current struggle!" What exactly does this mean? Does this player just take the next card off the top of the objective pile... and adds it to his/her total points towards winning the game? Thanks for any answers : ) P.S. This is my first post at any forum here at FFG, CHEERS~
A question about phase 5: Debriefing
I assume you've just read the rulebook online and don't have the game. The Director card spells it out exactly. Basically, he takes the current objective and the one on the bottom of the objective deck.
Thanks very much for answering. PEACE~~
If the winning player has played their Master Spy card and taken the objective on a losing hand, does the Director still take the bottom card from the Objective pile when resolved? This came up last night and we were unsure of how to treat this situation.
Yes. Just to spell it out in case this helps answer future questions....
Blue uses Master Spy.
Red uses Director.
Red wins the conflict and places the red chip.
Agents activate their abilities in numerical order.
Master Spy goes first and claims the objective.
Director goes next and claims the objective from the bottom of the deck.
Basically, get it OUT of your head who"wins" and "loses" when you're playing. Just place the appropriate color disk when the struggle is over and then go through the powers.