1 Jolly Side
3 Gloomy Side
3 Eiserne Drossel
3 Path of the Master
4 Crushing Embrace of the Jotun
4 Flooded-Nile Throw
4 Shredding Vibrato
3 Menuett Dance
4 Personality Split
4 Flexible Body
4 Maniacal Laughter
4 Perfect Sense of Balance
4 Ka Technique
3 Martial Arts Champion
4 Cursed Blood
4 Brooding
4 Treacherous Offspring
4 Valued but not Trusted
4 Midnight Launcher
Long story short, this deck kills either by shoving a few Vibratos down your opponent's throat, or by hitting them with a Menuett Dance for a bunch of damage. Killing with Vibrato + Gloomy Side interactions is incredibly complex in a format dominated by Stand Off and etcetera, but outrageously satisfying to pull off. This deck is capable of some VERY explosive turns thanks to Tira's card pool clearing, and has a pretty solid defense for a death deck in Flexible Body. The biggest gaps in the build are low block count (Vibrato doesn't count) and absolutely mind-searing complexity on your kill turns if you've been injured going in to it. Brooding is instrumental in here, lets you flip stances on demand.
All in all, a very fun, mind-breaking deck to pilot. I went 2-3 and 2-2 with it, with most of my losses being due to play errors on my own part, I'd only really had a day of practice with this build going in to the tournament, which is nowhere near enough. This is NOT a deck for the faint of heart, very frequently will you voluntarily put yourself at 8-9 life to stance flip, and if you screw up ANYWHERE on your kill shot, or an attack gets blocked (goddamn Knight Breaker and its +0H!) then you can very easily find yourself royally screwed. If you want a challenge in a format dominated by NASCAR fire (TURN LEFT WOO!) then give this a shot. Just don't blame me if your brain melts.