UFS Hard Mode: SAS Death Tira

By Sketch2, in UFS Deck Building


1 Jolly Side
3 Gloomy Side

3 Eiserne Drossel
3 Path of the Master

4 Crushing Embrace of the Jotun
4 Flooded-Nile Throw
4 Shredding Vibrato
3 Menuett Dance

4 Personality Split
4 Flexible Body
4 Maniacal Laughter
4 Perfect Sense of Balance
4 Ka Technique
3 Martial Arts Champion
4 Cursed Blood
4 Brooding
4 Treacherous Offspring

4 Valued but not Trusted
4 Midnight Launcher

Long story short, this deck kills either by shoving a few Vibratos down your opponent's throat, or by hitting them with a Menuett Dance for a bunch of damage. Killing with Vibrato + Gloomy Side interactions is incredibly complex in a format dominated by Stand Off and etcetera, but outrageously satisfying to pull off. This deck is capable of some VERY explosive turns thanks to Tira's card pool clearing, and has a pretty solid defense for a death deck in Flexible Body. The biggest gaps in the build are low block count (Vibrato doesn't count) and absolutely mind-searing complexity on your kill turns if you've been injured going in to it. Brooding is instrumental in here, lets you flip stances on demand.

All in all, a very fun, mind-breaking deck to pilot. I went 2-3 and 2-2 with it, with most of my losses being due to play errors on my own part, I'd only really had a day of practice with this build going in to the tournament, which is nowhere near enough. This is NOT a deck for the faint of heart, very frequently will you voluntarily put yourself at 8-9 life to stance flip, and if you screw up ANYWHERE on your kill shot, or an attack gets blocked (goddamn Knight Breaker and its +0H!) then you can very easily find yourself royally screwed. If you want a challenge in a format dominated by NASCAR fire (TURN LEFT WOO!) then give this a shot. Just don't blame me if your brain melts.

This is a lot different then my deck that I have. It's nice to see a death tira that works though.

I loved this deck, it is HARD mode but it's worth the effort. This is why Dave is one of my alltime favorite deckbuilders going back years...he can make stuff like this work. Crazy awesome sir.

Vik, you say the sweetest things. :P

Shajir, what's your take on her look like? This crazy psycho has probably my favorite mechanic currently in UFS, I'd love to see other builds and approaches to her.

I would suggest Undisputed Rule r , because it can get you out of jams even Valued but not Trusted won't save you from (it can hold off Astrid by stripping the Weapon keyword away, for example), but I am at a loss as to what should go (sorry).

Yeah, Undisputed is now in the board as of after SAS. Launcher was in to give me an out against Rashotep blanking Tira, but it was never really relevant. TBH Undisputed is probably maindeck worthy, possibly over MAC, but it's debateable.

I would have it main over MAC, it's a hard choice but Undisputed is literally great against everything, unlike MAC which can be a dead card in certain matchups.

Thanks for sharing the deck. Learned a lot.

VikramS said:

I would have it main over MAC, it's a hard choice but Undisputed is literally great against everything, unlike MAC which can be a dead card in certain matchups.

Id disagree with you here vik. when the number one deck is winning by outpacing/building the opponent based on tons of card draw, mac is too important for any symbol that can run it. I love undisputed probably more than anyone else on these boards, but i cant justify swapping it for mac main. Yeah its dead in some matchups. But in the matchups it isnt dead in, it is crucial and can spell the difference between your opponent launcher/breakering you or them saying "go."

My death tira is use midlauncher and multiples it and ussually kills with multipled menuet dance+PotM. It didn't work cause I didn't have enough drossels and Flexible bodies. it worked well but it was missing some key cards like the 2 deadly rings i just got from csi. it's very agro and uses mostly high attacks with some discard. your seems faster with a good foundations. I like my attack line up more though. ei 2dr ML knight raper tira's dance i tend to throw lots of damage and i don't depend on the action card... it's just icing on the cake if I need it
The main dif in foundations is that I use war between sisters and nina's support so i can do stuff from my discard pile... your deck looks more effective.

Unfortunately I took the deck apart... I'm going to remake it with PotE though it should

Ive been playing death tira for awhile now. Its a really good deck and I personally feel its very top tier. Im wondering what the life deck at the SAS looked like. Or how its attack line up looked.

ShippuJinrai said:

VikramS said:

I would have it main over MAC, it's a hard choice but Undisputed is literally great against everything, unlike MAC which can be a dead card in certain matchups.

Id disagree with you here vik. when the number one deck is winning by outpacing/building the opponent based on tons of card draw, mac is too important for any symbol that can run it. I love undisputed probably more than anyone else on these boards, but i cant justify swapping it for mac main. Yeah its dead in some matchups. But in the matchups it isnt dead in, it is crucial and can spell the difference between your opponent launcher/breakering you or them saying "go."

Maybe 3x of each with a 4th copy of each in the side? That might work.