Counter rule questions

By gideon13, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions


I am from germany so my english is not the best. I hope you will understand me anyway.

My questions are about the counter rule.

Does the counter rule only apply to NOT activated squadrons?

When my squadron already made an attack, does it still can use counter?

When i used counter, can my squadron still attack another squadron?

Thanks for your help, Gideon!


I am from germany so my english is not the best. I hope you will understand me anyway.

My questions are about the counter rule.

Does the counter rule only apply to NOT activated squadrons?

When my squadron already made an attack, does it still can use counter?

When i used counter, can my squadron still attack another squadron?

Thanks for your help, Gideon!

Your squadron can use counter whenever it is attacked, even if it has already been activated. Example: Tycho A-wing activates and attacks TIE fighter, dealing 2 damage. TIE fighter activates and attacks Tycho , dealing two damage. Tycho takes whatever damage makes it through defense tokens, and counters, killing the fighter. If another TIE fighter were to attack Tycho , he gets to counter that one, too, up until and including the volley that kills him.

Hope that answers your question!

Thanks for the fast answer. It really helped me a lot!

You're welcome. Glad you found it helpful. :)

Hello.. trying to search for anything related to Counter so let me ask this here.

If you Attack a Squadron and users its counter ability. Can you use Defence tokens against it? (assuming you have any)

Hello.. trying to search for anything related to Counter so let me ask this here.

If you Attack a Squadron and users its counter ability. Can you use Defence tokens against it? (assuming you have any)


Hello.. trying to search for anything related to Counter so let me ask this here.

If you Attack a Squadron and users its counter ability. Can you use Defence tokens against it? (assuming you have any)

Yes you can.

The reason for this, is that Counter is an Attack , and everything that goes into an Attack will go into a Counter.

Swarm that works on an Attack? Check .

Howlrunner adding 1 Die on an Attack? Check.

Obstruction that removes a die on the attack? Check .

alrighty.. thank you for the info :)