New to RT: Most glaring rules deficiencies?

By Nikitian, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters


Having been introduced to RT as a player some time ago, and having some GMing experience in other systems (including a bit of DH 1st edition), I've been thinking of trying it out as a GM. As such, I must ask: What are, in your opinion, the most glaring rules deficiencies that are in dire need of houseruling one way or another? Basically, where is the base system somewhat weak or occasionally failing to deliver that should be addressed by GM? What is the general consensus on the matter?

For example: I've skimmed the forum, and found several outcries and solutions to ship combat ("mathhammer" variants of various kinds). Reading the books as a player I recall finding that, from statistical standpoint, Miloslav Warp Engines were plain better than normal ones, even without factoring in the power/ship space differences (they are actually less dangerous because of the reduced voyage duration length). 'Endurance' Motivation seems underpowered, but that is probably more of a problem with 'Fortune' being so far ahead of everything (although, on second thought, this might be less glaring problem than otherwise thought). Rules for 'Accurate' on non-Basic weapons seem lacking in comparison to those pertaining to Basic weapons (esp. between Needle Rifle& Needle Pistol, both supposedly being excellent assassin weapons). Et cetera. What else?

As I'm just starting to GM RT, I figure a lot of such things will just come into the open naturally, as the game progresses, but I think the players would very much prefer if I could give them a preliminary list of houserules before the game starts, if at least on the most important issues that need addressing. I'm pretty sure I can dig up someone else's existing houserules, or brew something on my own, but the biggest problem is the lack of knowledge where to look and what is wrong with a particular rule. Thus, asking for your advice born from experience.

What comes from the top of my mind:

  • If you have the patience to do so, I'd use the weapon traits from the Black Crusade or Only War.
  • For troop combat within the hundreds scale, I'd use BC's horde rules.
  • For troop combat within the thousands scale (with exception of business-as-usual boarding actions), I'd use Battlefleet Koronus rules but disregarding the movement system (you either are or arent within combat range of another unit and this can be handled easily through roleplay).
  • For increased focus on space battles, I'd use Mathhammer which makes some ships less fragile and combats longer. I personally don't use it (most of times my players and I just want a quick resolution, but this may change now that their new Dynasty has a transport for ship).

With enough playtesting you're going to run into many problems with the rules. It might not affect your first game of it though. Your players will muddle through and learn the rules, and they'll learn the exploits, but it won't ruin the fun. If you run a second game, though, you'll want some serious changes.

Okay, several things, mate.

First, using the Mathhammer rules for ship combat is recommended. The rules as written are broken. Worst offence I ever saw was a group of starting PC's (level 1) destroying Da Wurldbreaka (Ork Battleship, intended as a late game boss) in one round.

Second, the mass combat rules in BFK are not well done. Recommend using the ones in Black Crusade instead, as they are considerably cleaner. I think they're in Tome of Blood.

Third, the colony creation rules in Stars of Inequity have one severe flaw: there is no way to repair damage to a colony's stats. Every mishap permanently reduces the colony's viability, and that makes it much less likely to resist further damage. Cue the death spiral. This is easy enough to fix, just let the PC's run a minor endeavour to fix the damage.

Just my 2 thrones worth,

- V.