Turbo Reroute Circuit + Vader

By kami689, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Just quick question, another thread made me think of this and I didn't want to derail the other thread...so here we are!

Say a ship is using the Turbolaser Reroute Circuits upgrade (while attacking, you may spend 1 evade defense token to change 1 red die to a face with a crit or hit/hit icons) and then the commander of the fleet is Darth Vader (While a friendly ship is attacking a ship, it may spend 1 defense token to reroll any number of dice in its attack pool).

If you spend an evade token to activate TRCs, would you then be able to trigger Darth Vader right after? Or would you have to spend a second token to trigger vader?

I dont have access to rulebook (cant access it at work :( ), so dont know if anything is stated in it about this, but was just wondering if anyone can provide some insight.

You'd have to spend a token for each effect.

I concur. The relevant passage is (p.4, Defense Tokens):

"Defense tokens can be spent as part of a cost for upgrade card effects. If spent in this way, a defense token does not produce its normal effect."

While not explicitly spelled out, the fact that spending a token to trigger an effect is "a cost" implies that it must be paid separately for each effect.

Compare Vader's and TRC's wording ("While attacking, you may spend 1 defense token to...") with a hypothetical alternate wording ("When you spend a defense token, you may...").

Spend a token for each ability. They are costs of activations.

Ok, that is what I thought but just wanted to make sure.

As always, thanks! :)

I'm liking the look of the MC30 either scout or torpedo with Akbar and TLR. Anybody tried it yet?

I'm liking the look of the MC30 either scout or torpedo with Akbar and TLR. Anybody tried it yet?

It works well on the Scout though