Space Station and Collision Damage

By Reath28, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

How does the ordering for collision with another ship and the space station repair work?

Which of the following scenarios applies:

1. Does the ship Ram take a damage and then repair from the space station?

2. Repair from Space Station then the damage from Collision?

Any help or feedback is appreciated. I am sure it is in the rules or FAQ somewhere but could not find it.

Overlapping has you deal the damage after you've finished manoeuvring:

"This process continues until the ship can finish its maneuver [...] Then deal one facedown damage card"

Station takes place after you've finished manoeuvring:

"after executing a maneuver, it resolves an effect that depends on the type of obstacle it overlapped"

So both take place after the manoeuvre. Under Effect use and timing:

"If two or more of a player's effects have the same timing, that player can resolve those effects in any order"

Unless there's something I've missed then you can ram, take the damage for ramming, then remove it because you landed on the station.

My reading of the overlapping rule was slightly different - with the damage card being dealt during (not after ) the maneuver execution. In the OP's scenario the outcome would be the same either way, with the collision damage being immediately repaired by the station. But in certain situations (e.g. if you have a faceup Damaged Controls card) you may want to resolve them in the opposite order. My reading of the rule would not allow this, whereas yours would. But on closer inspection I'm inclined to think your reading is probably the right one.

In other words, I'm 100% certain scenario 1 is legal, but only 90% sure that scenario 2 is also a possible outcome.

I am pretty sure someone asked this of FFG and they stated that you could stack it how you wanted to. . .

I am pretty sure someone asked this of FFG and they stated that you could stack it how you wanted to. . .

Actually, with a little searching...

I had this happen at a tournament at the FFG Game Center, and the guidance from one of the game developers was that the damage from the ram occurs immediately upon resolving that overlap, and then the station overlap effect takes place. In the RRG for Overlaps, it does state that the damage cards are dealt right away to both ships. And in the Obstacles section, it states effects take place after executing a maneuver. So timing of effects is ramming first then station effect. The incident that sparked this question arising at the tournament, I accidentally rammed one of my corvettes into another one of my corvettes, which resulted in the moving one ending up on the station. Neither my opponent nor myself knew for sure the resolution of effects, and fortunately had somebody official there to clarify.

Which would confirm what I mentioned above: collision damage always goes first, station always goes second. You don't get to choose.

Excellent guys thanks for clearing it up.