Is Rogue Trader a good read even if it isn't played?

By Cerebreus, in Rogue Trader

I admit I haven't played a tabletop RPG before. Even though I own two RPG sourcebooks (one of which is Dark Heresy) and various free RPGs downloaded off the internet (not illegal copies, but RPGs distributed freely), I just don't have people to play with. The reason I got them is to read them. Sometimes, I find ideas I can use in real-life, if needed.

I hope to someday get a copy of the Rogue Trader sourcebook. Still, I would like to know something: Is it a good read for someone who is a fan of the material but most likely will not play it?

I'm quite happy with my purchase of Dark Heresy, so if someone is able to compare them, I'd appreciate it.


.... well, that's the simple answer. Yes.

I agree, if you liked reading the Dark Heresy book you will probably enjoy this as well.

Short Answer: Yes.

Long Answer: It's like Dark Heresy, except with Pirates instead of Ninjas. I go my copy yesterday and I'm still going over it. The ship rules are a little sparse on options but still pretty solid at first glance. Admittedly there are repeats if you already have Dark Heresy, but that's to be expected given that FFG is following the oWoD marketing scheme (which I frankly prefer, no need to buy both Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader when I only want to run RT.)

Excellent read. As Battlefleet Gothic fan a great wealth of info and ideas.

Yes gives a different flavour of the 40k Universe, one that is still full of possibilities and wonder and not just howling gibbering daemons...



I think its an amazing book. I've not had a chance to play the game yet but I can't wait. My group loves Dark Heresy though so I'm sure we'll have a great time with RT.

There are plenty of freebies in the support section for Rogue Trader though so check them out and if they are interesting to you RUN AND BUY IT!

it's a great read, im a warmachine player, and i cant put the book down even if i never play. but i will play...soon. i have a question for you mr. cerebrus... what potential useful information do you gather form these sourcebooks that can possibly bring you to the upper echelons in the hierarchy of what we call day to day living?

Yes, but if you don't have Disciples of the Dark Gods, pick that up first. It's probably my favourite read so far of the sourcebooks. Creatures Anathema is also as readable as the main sourcebooks.

Wiggles said:

it's a great read, im a warmachine player, and i cant put the book down even if i never play. but i will play...soon. i have a question for you mr. cerebrus... what potential useful information do you gather form these sourcebooks that can possibly bring you to the upper echelons in the hierarchy of what we call day to day living?

What, aside from calling upon the authority of the Holy Ordos of the Imperium ordained by the God Emperor, Lord of Mankind, to force your boss to give you a pay rise?

LMAO man hahahahahaha!!!!

I think the book is great for a gaming tool, but for casual reading I'd look elsewhere.

Realize, friend, a lot of people play online... using a voice-chat client (Skype, Ventrillo, Team Speak), and a virtual die roller &/or virtual tabletop, one can play with much of the same feel as face to face play.

Cerebreus said:

I admit I haven't played a tabletop RPG before. Even though I own two RPG sourcebooks (one of which is Dark Heresy) and various free RPGs downloaded off the internet (not illegal copies, but RPGs distributed freely), I just don't have people to play with. The reason I got them is to read them. Sometimes, I find ideas I can use in real-life, if needed.

I hope to someday get a copy of the Rogue Trader sourcebook. Still, I would like to know something: Is it a good read for someone who is a fan of the material but most likely will not play it?

I'm quite happy with my purchase of Dark Heresy, so if someone is able to compare them, I'd appreciate it.

I don`t know your situation, but I truly hope that you find someone to play with (if you have the time). So go and look there is bound to be others in your situation.

Rogue Trader is as good for reading only as Dark Heresy. And there exist some quite good novels from 40k that are worth checking out, like Dan Abnett.

One day you will roll those dice too. happy.gif

Another suggestion would be to check out . Tonnes of Play by Post games over there.