WEATHERING With Pencils.......Dirt, Streaks, grime, Rust, Blaster Burns......UPDATED

By Barry Harker, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Bazza! Please come back my old bean. We've been missing your talent terribly I must say.


Glad to hear you are still kicking!

Sometimes folks just drop off, that have been very active in the community and then... nothing.

Even if you aren't playing right now, as the Godfather of the painting forums there's a lot you have done for new and old painters and modders alike. Your positivity was always something that kept me going and trying harder when I've been frustrated with my work, so a big "thank you" from me.

Maybe we'll hear more from you in the future. This hobby wouldn't be the same without you.

On 11/6/2018 at 4:31 AM, Piscopas said:

That would be a devastating loss! Don't sell off your stuff until you're sure...I made that mistake with some of the games that I played in the past, and wish I had held on to my stuff.

Hey Piscopas,

Yes im holding off for now.

Put a lot of them into storage and see if I get my enthusiasm back, im sure I will. just a bit fed up with Star Wars at the moment and burnt out from work. So im taking it easy for a while and finding other things to distract me !

Keep up the good work buddy as your stuff looks as good as ever.

All the best,


On 11/6/2018 at 1:45 PM, CyCo said:

Bazza! Please come back my old bean. We've been missing your talent terribly I must say.


Hey CyCo,

Thanks Buddy. Just a bit burnt out from Work and fed up with Star Wars ! So i'm finding other things to Distract me for a while ?

With a bit of time ill probably get back into it, and start building again.......have a YT-1930 build and get on with !

All the best.


On 11/6/2018 at 2:09 PM, Force Majeure said:

Glad to hear you are still kicking!

Sometimes folks just drop off, that have been very active in the community and then... nothing.

Even if you aren't playing right now, as the Godfather of the painting forums there's a lot you have done for new and old painters and modders alike. Your positivity was always something that kept me going and trying harder when I've been frustrated with my work, so a big "thank you" from me.

Maybe we'll hear more from you in the future. This hobby wouldn't be the same without you.

Hello Force.

Thanks for the Kind Words.

I'm sure I will get back into it soon, my work load has been crazy this year !

Had so much work on that I damaged the Nerves in my right hand. so while I have been trying to take it easy and recover from that. I have still had big TV and Film projects to over see and prepare for some new ones coming in. leaving little time to play or chill out behind my desk.

Plus I have been introduced to a new game called GASLANDS. its a nice break from X wing, it has a similar feel with the game mechanics. just using cars to bash,crash and shoot each other with instead of Spaceships ?

I will get back into X wing again soon i'm sure ( need to finish my YT-1930 ) Star Wars has been a big passion since I was a nipper......just been very annoyed with all of the stupid goings on and daft politics.....particularly as I work in the industry and see some really daft things happening.

Time will tell as to how the curtain falls....and hopefully comman sense prevails.

Take care and all the best,


14 hours ago, Barry Harker said:


Plus I have been introduced to a new game called GASLANDS. its a nice break from X wing, it has a similar feel with the game mechanics. just using cars to bash,crash and shoot each other with instead of Spaceships ?

I know of Gaslands. I used to play Dark Future back in the day. Still have 2 full sets, and a ton of matchbox/hotwheel cars, either modified, or waiting for being modified/painted. I still buy the occasional car, even though I haven't played it in ages. lol

Gaslands looks fantastic, just bought the rulebook

10 hours ago, gadwag said:

Gaslands looks fantastic, just bought the rulebook

Yes Its good fun Too.

Fun Building the cars and a nice break from X wing.


All the best,


On 11/10/2018 at 4:13 AM, Barry Harker said:

Yes Its good fun Too.

Fun Building the cars and a nice break from X wing.


All the best,


Those look great! :D

On 11/7/2018 at 2:20 PM, Barry Harker said:

Hey CyCo,

Thanks Buddy. Just a bit burnt out from Work and fed up with Star Wars ! So i'm finding other things to Distract me for a while ?

With a bit of time ill probably get back into it, and start building again.......have a YT-1930 build and get on with !

All the best.


Hello Force.

Thanks for the Kind Words.

I'm sure I will get back into it soon, my work load has been crazy this year !

Had so much work on that I damaged the Nerves in my right hand. so while I have been trying to take it easy and recover from that. I have still had big TV and Film projects to over see and prepare for some new ones coming in. leaving little time to play or chill out behind my desk.

Plus I have been introduced to a new game called GASLANDS. its a nice break from X wing, it has a similar feel with the game mechanics. just using cars to bash,crash and shoot each other with instead of Spaceships ?

I will get back into X wing again soon i'm sure ( need to finish my YT-1930 ) Star Wars has been a big passion since I was a nipper......just been very annoyed with all of the stupid goings on and daft politics.....particularly as I work in the industry and see some really daft things happening.

Time will tell as to how the curtain falls....and hopefully comman sense prevails.

Take care and all the best,


I'll add to that. When I started playing X-wing a year and a half ago, I thought my Modding, and painting days were over. I lost over 200 paints and inks because they got stored for 2 years in an un insulated shed. So I've had to build my paints up from scratch. But seeing your work, put the drive back in me. I'm not at painting yet (I need to have a certain range before I dive in). But after seeing your work, and all the encouragement you give. I started taking my Broken ships, and working on modding them, and ones that aren't broken. The painting will come back. I'm just a bit ocd, and if I'm missing certain colors it bugs me so much I literally can't paint. But because of the work you done, the encouragement you've given I'm modding again, and that means painting won't be too far behind. Whether you need a long or short break take what you need. I for one am grateful for the work you've done. It really has put me back in the mode to create again. Cheers mate!

On 11/11/2018 at 9:30 AM, CyCo said:

Those look great! :D

Thanks Cyco.

Fitting really as I used Pencils on these as well to weather the streaks and grime !


Using Pencils comes in Handy on many forms of different models

17 hours ago, Aurianna De'Chardains said:

I'll add to that. When I started playing X-wing a year and a half ago, I thought my Modding, and painting days were over. I lost over 200 paints and inks because they got stored for 2 years in an un insulated shed. So I've had to build my paints up from scratch. But seeing your work, put the drive back in me. I'm not at painting yet (I need to have a certain range before I dive in). But after seeing your work, and all the encouragement you give. I started taking my Broken ships, and working on modding them, and ones that aren't broken. The painting will come back. I'm just a bit ocd, and if I'm missing certain colors it bugs me so much I literally can't paint. But because of the work you done, the encouragement you've given I'm modding again, and that means painting won't be too far behind. Whether you need a long or short break take what you need. I for one am grateful for the work you've done. It really has put me back in the mode to create again. Cheers mate!

Hello De'Chardains

Glad to here my builds helped you get back into the Hobby. I always try to be as helpful as I can as I like to share the Knowledge and help others out should they need. Over the years I have picked up many tricks, Tips and ideas. some people like to keep the info to themselves.

I prefer to pass on what I have learned. in my Hobby and in my Job. although my job has been hard as of late and.......Burnt me out slightly. And other things going on. I need to sit back and recharge my batteries. get back to building models again and enjoying the Hobby. I will say I am enjoying seeing what everyone has been building while iv been away. Great stuff on the Forum and lots of new faces too. Good to see.

Enjoy your builds my Friend.

All the best.


Edited by Barry Harker
13 hours ago, Barry Harker said:

Thanks Cyco.

Fitting really as I used Pencils on these as well to weather the streaks and grime !


Using Pencils comes in Handy on many forms of different models

Oh man dude

Amazing, looking so good

15 hours ago, Barry Harker said:

Thanks Cyco.

Fitting really as I used Pencils on these as well to weather the streaks and grime !


Using Pencils comes in Handy on many forms of different models

Dang dude. Do you post over on the Gaslands forums?

On 11/13/2018 at 6:08 AM, flooze said:

Oh man dude

Amazing, looking so good

Thanks Flooze ?

On 11/13/2018 at 8:18 AM, CyCo said:

Dang dude. Do you post over on the Gaslands forums?

Hey Cyco.

Yes I do post on the GASLANDS Forum. Very quite on that forum compared to this one....not as much interest.

still great though.


And keeping with the theme of using coloured pencils.

other uses for them........




Drawing on the rust and grime streaks after spraying the base colour..........its really easy and good fun ? Yes it has veered away from Star Wars, But I will post more of those as some time back I finished Rouge Squadron X Wings Red 4 to 10 just using pencils. and they came out looking pretty good.

will take pics and post those too.

All the best,


Edited by Barry Harker
14 hours ago, Barry Harker said:

Thanks Flooze ?

Hey Cyco.

Yes I do post on the GASLANDS Forum. Very quite on that forum compared to this one....not as much interest.

still great though.


In that case, I'm going to have to go over there and lurk a bit on their forums.


On 11/15/2018 at 1:14 PM, CyCo said:

In that case, I'm going to have to go over there and lurk a bit on their forums.


Hey Cyco.

Yes there are a lot of great builds that others have done, that are worth looking in on.

enjoy viewing all the great looking cars !

all the best,
