WEATHERING With Pencils.......Dirt, Streaks, grime, Rust, Blaster Burns......UPDATED

By Barry Harker, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

All thanks to Barry. I finally dared to edit some of my own X-wings after seeing your "tutorial".

"Red Two, reporting in!"

image1 (600x800).jpg

image2 (600x800).jpg

Well Done Jaden, That looks great !

Glad the Pencil idea worked out for you. its an easy effective way of adding that little extra something to your models.

as you have proven :D

All the best,


Barry!! We need you!

If you get time, could you possibly re-load some of the pics you used in this thread?

There are some new painters that could use your experience.

Does anyone have Barry's email address? If so, please let him know he's still welcome here!

On 03/11/2017 at 8:24 PM, Force Majeure said:

Barry!! We need you!

If you get time, could you possibly re-load some of the pics you used in this thread?

There are some new painters that could use your experience.

Sorry Force,

Been a little to busy at work !

Back for a while now though........and going through the images and updating everything for you guys :D

On 03/11/2017 at 11:53 PM, Darth Drago said:

Does anyone have Barry's email address? If so, please let him know he's still welcome here!

Hey Drago.

Yes sorry about that, My job gets very involved sometimes and I rarely have time to sleep....let alone spent a few hours enjoying the forum.

but ill try and stay a bit more involved over the coming months.

All the best,


7 hours ago, Barry Harker said:
On 11/3/2017 at 6:53 PM, Darth Drago said:

Does anyone have Barry's email address? If so, please let him know he's still welcome here!

Hey Drago.

Yes sorry about that, My job gets very involved sometimes and I rarely have time to sleep....let alone spent a few hours enjoying the forum.

but ill try and stay a bit more involved over the coming months.

I wasn't trying to be rude if it came across that way! Sorry


Hello Drago. No its ok.

I was just explaining the last few months have been tough due to the work load.

You were not rude at all my friend. :D

Take care


I figured you were caught up in some tv/movie project.


Hey CyCo.

Yes This one was hard, infact i'm so Burnt out i'm thinking of packing it in.

10 years ago I could do the crazy hours i'm in my 40's and i'm finding it harder.

plus the Studios have Shortened the deadlines for producing everything, so the job has got a lot harder.

Producers don't seem to understand that you cant fit three months work into two weeks !

I have one more Film to do before Christmas.

Then plan what to do in the new year.

At the moment i'm catching up on sleep and enjoying reading through everyone's work :D

Take care and all the best,


1 hour ago, Barry Harker said:

I have one more Film to do before Christmas.

What film? (The Last Jedi?) (The Next Jedi??) (The First Jedi???)

Ha Ha no not Star Wars.

I Make Armour and Props...........But I cant say what i'm currently working on.

Production company's like Disney and Marvel like to keep things Hush Hush as do DC and Warner brothers.

Some times I might have to sign a clause that nothing gets said or posted on social media until after the Film or TV series has aired,


23 hours ago, Barry Harker said:

Ha Ha no not Star Wars.

I Make Armour and Props...........But I cant say what i'm currently working on.

Production company's like Disney and Marvel like to keep things Hush Hush as do DC and Warner brothers.

Some times I might have to sign a clause that nothing gets said or posted on social media until after the Film or TV series has aired,


Understand completely. Have a mate in the industry here in Oz.

Let us know when it's released though. ;)

Thanks for updating the photos! This is one of the best tutorial threads and I was pleased to get a notification that it was updated!

Edited by InstantAequitas
Forgot an I.

Just weathered a T-70. Looks great! Thank you so much for the tutorial

On 14/11/2017 at 8:00 PM, InstantAequitas said:

Thanks for updating the photos! This is one of the best tutorial threads and I was pleased to get a notification that it was updated!

No Problem and glad you find it useful.

All the best, Barry

On 18/11/2017 at 6:56 AM, Mackaywarrior said:

Just weathered a T-70. Looks great! Thank you so much for the tutorial

Excellent !

Glad it helped you out, Be great to see a photos of how it came out :D

All the best,


14 hours ago, Barry Harker said:

No Problem and glad you find it useful.

All the best, Barry

Excellent !

Glad it helped you out, Be great to see a photos of how it came out :D

All the best,



The weathered one is the one on the left. It was very minor cosmetic stuff but I wanted to have some exhaust smog on the engines. I normally will paint the astromechs the color of the astromech I use with that ship. I also add some red paint on the engines.

This thread saved my sanity through finals. I haven't had time to paint, but have been able to de-stress by drawing it all onto my poor ships. Thanks Barry!

On 08/12/2017 at 7:57 PM, IAmRhyn said:

This thread saved my sanity through finals. I haven't had time to paint, but have been able to de-stress by drawing it all onto my poor ships. Thanks Barry!

Glad this thread Helped out a bit Rhyn.

And nice to see Mackaywarrior, Looks great !

All the best guys.


I've seen a lot of new names in this forum since January, and want anyone on the fence about personalizing their squadrons because painting is too much effort to see this alternative. In other words.... BUMP.


On 3/30/2018 at 1:00 AM, IAmRhyn said:

I've seen a lot of new names in this forum since January, and want anyone on the fence about personalizing their squadrons because painting is too much effort to see this alternative. In other words.... BUMP.

Glad to see the Pencil Guide is still proving useful for some of you.

Nice to also see lots of new people on the Forum ?

All the best


Thread necro but we'll deserved!

Holy **** this is awesome. I am painting miniatures for over 20 years now but this thread feels like so next level to me!

Just painted some models in the old GW fashion but I am not sold since it looks too clean so it doesn't work for me.

But this technique... Gonna give it a try once I get home from holidays. Wanted to start a thread for my repaints when I return but this has to wait for the pencil ?

Why isn't this sticky?

Great job Barry, you are a hero

Barry! Haven't heard from you in months. Please give us an update on how things are going.

On 9/7/2018 at 5:49 PM, Force Majeure said:

Barry! Haven't heard from you in months. Please give us an update on how things are going.

Hello Force.

Yes. Sorry. its been a really busy year !

Job has been none stop, plus I have....well kind of lost interest in all of the Star Wars pal-ova going on.

We also tried Ver 2 of X wing and just cant get into it. ( Even Considering selling all of my models and conversions ! )

So I decided to leave it for a while, See if my enthusiasm comes back.

I see the Forum is going well and all of the work that everyone is doing looks FANTASTIC !

Hope all is well.

Take care and all the best,


That would be a devastating loss! Don't sell off your stuff until you're sure...I made that mistake with some of the games that I played in the past, and wish I had held on to my stuff.