WEATHERING With Pencils.......Dirt, Streaks, grime, Rust, Blaster Burns......UPDATED

By Barry Harker, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Nice one ! :)

Damnit Barry! Now I'm sure you're not from this planet. Darn good work!!! :D

Damnit Barry! Now I'm sure you're not from this planet. Darn good work!!! :D

All in the Aid of those that don't feel comfortable painting there miniatures :D

Its easier with pencils !

Thanks CyCo

All the best


****, now I know exactly what my Ghost needs! I don't think a full repaint would have achieved what I was missing from the bad looking factory paintjob. This on the other hand brings the ship right back into Star Wars!

****, now I know exactly what my Ghost needs! I don't think a full repaint would have achieved what I was missing from the bad looking factory paintjob. This on the other hand brings the ship right back into Star Wars!

Hey Deathrain.

That's what I find with some of the FFG miniatures.

Some of them just need that....Grubby and Grimey

Star Wars lived in look.

And the large surface area on the ghost

Certainly needs it !

All the best.


Genius idea and fantastic results!

you seem to have some great reference points to work from Barry - do you just have a Google-fu black belt or do you have some cool books on Star Wars ships that I should be also be buying??

you seem to have some great reference points to work from Barry - do you just have a Google-fu black belt or do you have some cool books on Star Wars ships that I should be also be buying??

Don't you see, he is from the Star Wars galaxy. Isn't it obvious?!?! ;) :D

The finish you achieve is gorgeous.

Genius idea and fantastic results!

Thank you Mechawyvern :D

The finish you achieve is gorgeous.

Thanks Carrot.

Hopefully by sharing it with everyone, and showing how easy it is to work with pencils

others will give it a go if painting is to much for them.

you seem to have some great reference points to work from Barry - do you just have a Google-fu black belt or do you have some cool books on Star Wars ships that I should be also be buying??

Don't you see, he is from the Star Wars galaxy. Isn't it obvious?!?! ;) :D


Well sharing everything hopefully helps and encourages others to get creative

I may not have anything to do with Star Wars..........But.

I am a Professional Model Maker/Sculptor.

and have been working in the Film and TV creative side if things for a good few years now.

And teach from time to Time at colleges and Universities.

I like to share what I have learnt with others :D

All the best,


Edited by Barry Harker
On 29/06/2016 at 6:21 PM, Odinson said:

you seem to have some great reference points to work from Barry - do you just have a Google-fu black belt or do you have some cool books on Star Wars ships that I should be also be buying??

Hello Odinson,

Well yes, Reference is really important.

I have many many books with hundreds of Star wars studio model Images.

I have found these two to be the most valuable in reference terms, I have seen them both on Ebay.....I bought them back in the 90s new.


But I do have a lot of books.......


But as for the Ghost.

That was a case of trawling through images on the internet.

and Ill post the Images I used to Help anyone should they want to do something similar with there Ghost model :D

Edited by Barry Harker

REFERENCE PHOTOS For Weathering The Ghost

Reference for the Ghost is pretty thin.

Other than having the TV on pause and looking at how the ghost Looks.

I managed to find some fairly decent photos on line.

So here are the ones I used for reference for weathering my Ghost model.

I took what I could from the images as to where the grime and blaster stains are located.

and the rest was just creative license.









Have Fun Shading, Weathering and Griming up your Ghost :D

All the best,


Edited by Barry Harker

This topic needs to come back to the front page for all the new and timid painters.

I can't wait to try this! Thanks for the tip.

This is such a great meathod, everyone benefits. People afraid to paint can express themselves and expert painters can have another tool in their arsenal. Excellent work, especially on those X-Wings!

This topic needs to come back to the front page for all the new and timid painters.

I can't wait to try this! Thanks for the tip.

This is such a great meathod, everyone benefits. People afraid to paint can express themselves and expert painters can have another tool in their arsenal. Excellent work, especially on those X-Wings!

Thank you and glad to help out.

I like this method for its ease and fun approach

And anyone can do it !

All the best.


Just out of Interest.

Here in the UK.

We have Humbrol Mat spray clear in a spray can.

In the US you have Testors.

Are there any more ?

Here in the UK there are other manufacturers like hard ware stores doing there own version.

Is that a similar case in the US.



Was about to proffer Vallejo, but realized you said "in a spray can", I believe Vallejo just offers a full line for airbrushing.

Was about to proffer Vallejo, but realized you said "in a spray can", I believe Vallejo just offers a full line for airbrushing.

Vallejo make a superb range of paints....Perfect for airbrushing.

But I'm trying to find out about mat clear spray paint in the US.

So it makes it as easy as possible for those wanting to try this method.



Edited by Barry Harker

Was about to proffer Vallejo, but realized you said "in a spray can", I believe Vallejo just offers a full line for airbrushing.

Ha Ha yes that's right.

Vallejo make a superb range of paints....Perfect for airbrushing.

But I'm trying to find out about mat clear spray paint in the US.

So it makes it as easy as possible for those wanting to try this method.



Then honestly I believe you got it in one. Having ranged up and down the US east coast I strongly suspect Testors is about the only company putting out a fine enough (i.e. not overly thick) clear coat, (that you can actually find on a store shelf), for someone pursuing this type of hobby.... (I have a crush on parenthesis, I realize that)

Ahh thats interesting if that is the case.

And a little surprising. How easy is Tamiya Paints to get hold of in the US ?

I have used there spray paint "rattle cans " here in the UK and found them to be very good.

are they available in the US ?

All this info is good to know for others.

so thank you.

All the best,


I've just recently purchased a Tamiya fine primer rattle can at a model railroad/hobby store near me, so they are available in the US. I think they had the clear coats as well, but I bought Testor's at the time.

Tamiya, Army Painter, Citadel... there's lots to choose from, I'm sure they're all available in the US.

Tamiya, Army Painter, Citadel. .. there's lots to choose from, I'm sure they're all available in the US.

And there you go, now I feel daft. Everytime I've frequented those two racks in my hobby shop escapades it's been for paint pots, when I go for spray cans I've always steered towards the entire rack of Testor's can's #abashed

Thank you fro the Heads up on the information regarding clear Coat Spray Paint in the US guys.

All the best,
