Dark Heresy Careers, Origins and Backgrounds in Rogue Trader

By Peacekeeper_b, in Rogue Trader

The origins seem to translate directly over with little to no updates (other then recalculating wounds) and by comparison, DH careers have 3-4 less starting skills/talents, but if we were to create a "random talent/skill chart" and a "random number of random talent/skill chart" similar to 1E of WFRP it seems easy enough to port over these careers.

We could make these charts divided by origin and career, with a certain number of them rolling on the career talent/skill chart and one or two on the origin skill/talent chart.

As for the backgrounds from The Inquisitor's Handbok and Disciples of the Dark Gods, I think a few fit in as birthright (for example, I would put Untouchable as a birthright) while others (tranch war veteran) would be under trials and trevails.

Two other questions come to mind. 1) How to adapt alternate career ranks to Rogue Trader and 2) other then then "rogue" in the Rogue Trader career, where is the Rogue Trader RPG scoundrel, rogue, thief character at?

Most of the origins from DH easily fit over or in the same step/slot with ones already presented in Rogue Trader. Scholar Progenium fits over Imperial World (IMHO) while Feral World filts over Death World. Mind Cleanse is a bit more difficult but could be placed over Void Born or adapted as a Birthright option.

I think the scoundrel-thief character is going to be how the player plays the character. He could be defending the interests of the Imperium one minute and looting a rivals fledgling colony the next. If there is profit to be made in an endeavor, the Rogue Trader could be whatever he wanted to be.

However, I think the Seneschal, with his skill sets and options, would make a good scoundrel a'la Han solo.

MMMM the concerns are valid. I think the origin path makes a good for whats skills a character may have picked up as part of his background, but temperament is important too. Unlike WFRP the imperium is a monolithic society and maybe the channels by which one can become a rogue trader are more limited and less varied, but there does seem to be a lack of a sense of archetype... All rogue traders are to some degree multi skilled, high resource driven leaders of men. But the mudus operandi differs, possibly to the classic role playing types Fighter/Rogue/Caster (tactitian/Technician/Diplomat?)

Pesonally the one Im creating is a less of a scoundrel more of a Academic-Explorer/ Conquistador. Trade matters to him very little- only reaching near frontier is his goal (His backers can send the cargo freighters... he has no time) His ship Reflects this (Librarium/ Observation dome and barracks - with a nice plasma battery), But the skill sets restrict it somewhat...

I am found of the RT-System as well and really like to adept it to DH...

but why any dice rolling?

I would replace the "Select World of Origin" form DH with those presented on RT (with some slight changes Deathworld for turning it into a primpitve option...along offering the deathworld option).

You could even still stick with the "25 as base number" and hand out 100 extra points instead of rolling around dice. After that, it is "back to DH" with 400xp and background packages and all. The other choices (birthright, travails, etc) could be made available for xp as "package" as well (200 or 300 xp should be fine).

No fuss, just fun. And the figures would actually have stats that would allow them IMPACT. Making clear why the Inquisition chose THEM and not the next "Joe Average"

Last but not least, the "if your background offers you this talent and you gain it again, it means you are +10 or TALENTED" would actually but and end to fact that the majority of clerics do not come from imperial worlds...