I know they said the rules themselves will be quite a departure from Battlemist, but for those of us unfamiliar with it, what was Battlemist actually like?...
What's it like?
And is it (as I understand it) basicly Twilight Imperium Fantasy? Seems a bit odd as there's only 16 board pieces.
Battlemist Rules Summary:
Goal: Collect 5 (or was it 10?) Stars (Victory Point/ That can be used as MANA for Spells (more Stars = more Spells or more powerfull Spells)
Phase I (Council of Mages)
Replenish Stars
Draw 1 Actioncard (Handlimit 7)
The Council (Vote for Events 1Vote +1Vote per Big City)
Phase II (Economy)
Harvest (Get Resources in Areas you Control (have a Unit Present))
Recruit (Build Forces: Swordmen 1Wood 1Iron, Bowmen 2Wood 1Iron, Horsemen 1Wood 2Iron)
Place Units (Unitlimit 3 per Big City, 1 Per City)
HERO (you may build one Hero for 5Wood and 5 Iron in your Homeprovince)
Grey Guild (Buy one Star: Price Depends on Stars in your Possesion)
Phase III (Individual Phase) (i am not going to list more details for each phase)
(Roll Dice for Initiative)
You can send your Heroes on Quests (to find Stars)
Move Your Armys
Trade (Action Card) or Trade with the Union 3:1
Cast Spells (Cost Stars (but they replenish in the next phase)
Phase IV (Upkeep)
Per Unit pay 1 Grain
Per Horsemen 1 Iron (do not forget the Grain from Per Unit)
Per City / Big CIty 1Iron 1Wood
The Expansion added Sea specific things and new Victory Conditions (as well as more to do for your Heroes) (if i remember correctly)
So yes it felt like Twilight Imperium in a Fantasy Setting but now think more like
Twilight Imperium plus Warrior Knights plus Warcaft The Boardgame (The Joined Hexes to balance Resource Distribution thats why you only need 16 Elements (most are 2,3 (and some 4) Joined Hexes ) plus Game of Thrones (redundant because this is more like Twilight Imperium III plus Warrior Knights)
Mahalos for the summary
a forgot that you could build towns and citys (cost as much as a hero (city must be build on town)
and every race had special abilitys (spells that cost stars to cast)
Song of Fire * (Wizard Council) Destroy 2 Resources of an Opponents Stockpile
Eyes of the Hawk *** (Before Battle) Your Archers may fire twice this Round
Fun to play.... but the Questing System was a bit dull (Simplyfied it was: draw a card...hooray a star...or resources..)
I just hope it's not even remotely like Quest for the Dragonlords (and I really doubt it'll be at all similar). THAT is a real stinker of a game.
A quick search resulted in
so if you want to read the old rules head there
regarding Questing:
ok it was draw a card if it is an artefact ignore it
if it is an adventure travel to the given destination or battle a monster
completed a quest- draw a card if it is an artefact take it (travel back to your homeprovince)
it it is an adventure.... tough luck ... travel to the given destination or battle a monster etc....
ach go read the rules....then read the description of runewars and you will gain more insight...
Awesome. Thanks for all the info!...