Triggering Skills...

By Wulfgar61, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Our OL objected to stacking skills last night and I see his point. However I cannot find a ruling on it. So the OL is restrcited to one card paly per triggering event. That we know.

Are characters allowed to use multiple skills per triggering event. Specifically Knight/Battle Cry which both fire on a Declared Battle Action.


Yes, all effects per triggering event are applicable. Note that all effects stack as well. For example, if you play the Feat card that gives you Reach on Hawthorne, he now has Reach 2 (instead of Reach 1).

If you wanted to argue about playing cards per triggering event, then it would be applicable to Feat cards, not to Skill cards. OL Cards and Skill cards are not the same. An OL plays his cards, where-as a Skill card is permanent. Feat cards though are similar, so I could see a ruling that says "Only 1 Feat card per hero per triggering event."



Although, it's already limited to 1 feat card per hero per turn, I thought.

Oh, didn't know that. We've never really played with Feats, so I'm just going off of memory of the rulebook :)


I believe technically the heroes are only allowed to use one feat card per turn, although my game isn't playing with that rule. Right now I got a guy with Knight, Battle Cry, Unmovable, and the Mithril armor, so when he declares a battle action, he spends 2 fatigue, regains it back, and gets half his move, 3 attacks, a guard order, and +1 armor. It's pretty sick, and having the wings of regiroth allow him all the move he needs most of the time, flying over whatever he needs to.

I believe how the ruling is on multiple things scheduled to happen on the same trigger is that the player triggering them gets to choose the order they occur in, so you can regain the fatigue before or after spending it as needed.

Heroes can activate all applicable skills. You should also keep in mind that the overlord is not limited to one card per triggering condition; he is limited to one event card per triggering condition, and also (separately) limited to one trap card per triggering condition, and also limited to one spawn card per turn, and to one power card per turn. But you can play 1 event card, 1 trap card, 1 spawn card, and 1 power card all in response to the "at the start of your turn" triggering condition, for example.

Also, for the record, joshuapavon is correct; by rule, each hero can only play one feat card per turn (though you can play one on your turn and another one on the overlord's turn).

shnar said:

For example, if you play the Feat card that gives you Reach on Hawthorne, he now has Reach 2 (instead of Reach 1).

Only if you're playing Road to Legend. The Reach ability doesn't have ranks in vanilla.

(Of course, Aura has never been defined as having ranks outside of RtL, and that didn't stop Shiver in ToI from having Aura 4, so you could argue that this change was intended to apply to vanilla and they screwed up. But it was possible to get Reach from two sources before RtL, and the feat card published after RtL still just says "Reach" and not "Reach 1," so I'm guessing this is another one of those things they arbitrarily changed in RtL just to be different, along with Undying and Ironskin.)

Hammerdal said:

I believe how the ruling is on multiple things scheduled to happen on the same trigger is that the player triggering them gets to choose the order they occur in, so you can regain the fatigue before or after spending it as needed.

Interesting. I had thought of those things (skills predicated on action declaration) as being 'costs' and 'benefits'. So you must pay a cost first, and can reap benefits second.
However they clearly all use the exact same wording "When you declare a(n) X action, ..."
Therefore yes, you can regain the fatigue before or after spending as you prefer.