Massing at Sullust - Drawbridge Games - Pittsburgh PA

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Entry Fee: $20.00

Time: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Player Limit: 10


All: Extended Art Imperial Star Destroyer

4th Place: Fourth Choice of One Massing at Sullust Preview Expansion

3rd Place: 3rd Choice of One Massing at Sullust Preview Expansion

2nd Place: 2nd choice of One Massing at Sullust Preview Expansion

1st Place: 1st Choice of One Massing at Sullust Preview Expansion


All players must provide a legal Armada list, all ships, tokens, dice, and accessories necessary to play. (WE SELL THESE BY THE WAY!)

The Massing at Sullust has some interesting format changes. You can view them here:

All players must have Gatecrasher memberships:

Email: [email protected] to enter. First-come-first-served!

Address for the event is:

1003 Castle Shannon Blvd.

Pittsburgh, PA 15234

I'm fairly sure this is the only one going on in Pittsburgh. Only 10 spaces though due to store space, so definitely reserve your spot! Just a heads up that you have to sign up for the discount membership program to play in a tournament at this store - it's a $5 fee for a month signup. Well worth the fee if you're a local - it gives 10% off purchases and lets you play in the store. I know I play there weekly.

Hope that I see you there!

Edited by BiggsIRL

What day?

What day?

Haha that isn't actually in what I posted is it? Sunday.

What day?

Haha that isn't actually in what I posted is it? Sunday.

Nope. Kind of a big part of the "when" thing essential to any event posting. :)

Thanks for the heads up.

Still space to get in on this one!