Space Battle Initiative

By ashhyren, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I ran the ESCAPE FROM MOS SHUUTA adventure recently and noticed something when it came to determining initiative for the space battle and haven't been able to find anything about it on the forum. Up till the space battle, every npc had the skill for cool or vigilance listed even if they had no ranks in it, but the Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot had neither. I was wondering if this is a typo as I noticed my set has a typo in the form of repeated text on pg. 13 of the Rulebook under the part of Participants Take Turns.

To resolve the issue I quickly grabbed one of the character sheets and figured out the appropriate Attribute. But rereading the encounter, I wondered if instead of a typo, I was supposed to use the Pilot skill. Any thoughts or answers to this conundrum?

You still use cool or vigilance. It sounds like a type. It sounded like you did well.

looking at minion caracters most have no vigilence or cool skills listed in there profiles.

so what do I use?

Whichever is appropriate fort the situation. If they're caught off guard, roll their vigilance. If it's not a group skill for them, just roll their Willpower as their dicepool with no upgrades. If they are anticipating a fight roll their cool. If Cool is not a group skill for them, just roll their presence as their dicepool.

ok, so if they have a vigilence skill 1 and a will power of 2 the dice pool would be a yellow and a green for a suprised npc initiative check,

or a cool skill of 2 and a presence of 2 there dice pool would be two yellow .correct?

and does that number increase with numbers to the minions

Eg. 3 Storm troopers

would have a initiative dice pool of two yellow and a green,or would it be 3 green for a suprised npc check?

one more question.

looking at the minion rules and rival rules

if rolling and attack for the (rival or minions) and i get two or more diss advantages in there attack roll, does this count as wounds to them?(Fumbled the shot and hit there friend or somthing like that)

thanks for the help im new to the game and just cant seem to find the answers to these questions :)

Edited by algorab

As the rules state, Strain is treated as wounds. You can describe it however you like depending on the situation.

Even though strain is treated as wounds for them, you do not have to kill them when their wounds exceeds their threshold. If they took strain, you can still have them go unconscious as a PC or Nemesis would. Or have them run away in fear or something similar. The main point is that they are essentially taken out of the fight.

and does that number increase with numbers to the minions

Eg. 3 Storm troopers

would have a initiative dice pool of two yellow and a green,or would it be 3 green for a suprised npc check?

Cool and Vigilance would only increase for minions if they had either as a skill group. So for example, Stormtroopers have the following skill groups: Athletics, Discipline, Melee and Ranged (Heavy). This means that they act as if they have one rank per Stormtrooper above one. For Vigilance and Cool however they would roll their base attribute (3 green for the Stormtroopers Willpower).