When you had the word "Battlemist" in the article describing this game, my heart jumped. I read more furiously and saw more words like "Battlemist 2nd Edition".
I was never able to get a copy of Sails of War and ended up recreating it through many sources, including learning how to translate german because that was what the rules were posted in. Mr. Godwin if you read this please contact me. The only reason I ever knew about FFG was because of a Battlemist I purchased when I went to my gaming store to get minis to paint. ... Come to think of it, I never got any minis. Anyways, this game looked so outdated and dusty too, but for some reason I had to get it. Because of Battlemist and all the variants and hard work I did for it, I was given the keys to the gaming store when the proud owner decided to retire. I put much of that same dedication into other games like WoW AG, Twilight Imperium, and at the moment Chaos in the Old World.
I would love to actually contribute more than just articles. I can email you the images and variants and figures we have made with plastic molds. Unfortunately for the FFG community I made a promise to my players to keep much of this hard work for ourselves. My players felt privileged and lucky to have an awesome store to hang out at, and they told me that by giving all the work I do away for free it makes them feel less privileged or as I say "special".
Whether you contact me or not, I do want to let you guys know how happy I am to see you leaning back towards your original fan base of players rather than trying to draw Games Workshop players, WoW players, and the players of other acquired licenses. One thing many large companies are doing right now is trying to take in all genres of crowds and in the process losing the original fans that kept them alive and strong.