RTL-OL-Deck based dungeon kickout

By Sinso, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Atm we are hacking our way through a bronze campaign, it's our first go at RTL.

Yet somehow we wound up entering a rumor dungeon, knowing you're kicked out after two cycles through the OL-deck in normal dungeons.

Yet Rumors seem to be a little special, the OL mentioned the last map to be fairly lager than the usual dungeonlevels.

So, are there special rules to the dungeon kickout by OL-Deck-Cycling? Or do we have to rush it? [1 1/3 times through the deck]

On the same matter, is there a special rule for legendarys?As they are added to the 3 levels of a regular dungeon i see absolutely no way in which we would have been able to get through the bronze one.

Thanks for your time and typin in advance. :-p

It is two cycles per dungeon level , and it doesn´t matter whether it is standard, Rumor or Legendary. Only the Keep levels are excluded from that, obviously.

Big Remy said:

Grimzak said:

We played yesterday RtL and couldn't find an answer to the following question:

Every Dungeon has three (random) levels. To get the heroes out of this dungeon, you have to get through the Overlord cards twice at one level.
When the hereos advance to the next level, the OL cards deck is shuffeled again and complete.
What happens to the Threat markers the OL gained during one level? Are they still in play at the next level or is there a reset?

First, you do not reshuffle the OL deck between levels. The OL's deck is only ever shuffled in a RtL dungeon if he runs through the deck.

Second, you keep your threat between levels, as well as any Power cards you have in play.

What do you want to be clarified? Both statements (Remy´s and mine) are valid and not contradicting.

The rule was brought in to prevent players at Gold Level cycling the deck til Gold was over knowing that even if the OL got loads of Conquest he would only have time to spend it on one upgrade. It's a smart enough rule, but if the players are playing the game rather than exploiting the mechanics it's not necessary.

Grimzak said:

Big Remy said:

Grimzak said:

We played yesterday RtL and couldn't find an answer to the following question:

Every Dungeon has three (random) levels. To get the heroes out of this dungeon, you have to get through the Overlord cards twice at one level.
When the hereos advance to the next level, the OL cards deck is shuffeled again and complete.
What happens to the Threat markers the OL gained during one level? Are they still in play at the next level or is there a reset?

First, you do not reshuffle the OL deck between levels. The OL's deck is only ever shuffled in a RtL dungeon if he runs through the deck.

Second, you keep your threat between levels, as well as any Power cards you have in play.

Now i'm surprised... Can anyone please refer to a rulebook or FAQ in order to clarify this?

FAQ pg 9
Dungeon Levels
The Dungeon Level Setup rules on page 17 are misleading. The Overlord should shuffle his deck and draw a new hand only at the start of the first dungeon level, not every level in a given dungeon.

FAQ pg 9
The Overlord's Deck
If the Overlord cycles through his deck twice in the same dungeon level, the heroes are ejected from the dungeon and are forced to flee it. Note that the Overlord's Keep is not subject to this rule.