Koku Redemption, Will FFG honor old koku?

By Redpanda1973, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

For many older players, we're sitting on hundreds (if not thousands) of koku redemption points.

Over the years one of the constants has been that between publishers (Five Rings Publishing, WOTC, and AEG), Koku was always redeemable regardless of source.

Will FFG be accepting older Koku or even have a redemption program at all?

As far as I know they do not have a redemption program, and it isn't really necessary with the LCG distribution model.

I can throw away the koku I was hording since I was too lazy to mail it.

I doubt FFG would do this. They do not have any other programs like that after all.

The LCG model is designed to remove card rarity. Everyone is on an even playing field theoretically (number of core sets non-withstanding). So having cards only available through koku distribution would defeat the purpose of the reboot for newcomers if they have players with hundreds of points to buy rare cards that are effectively exclusive to old players.

FFG will have alternate art cards for game night kits and tournaments, with some kind of ultimate prize at worlds (usually to design a card). I doubt they would allow these promos to be released in any other way.

I would say 90% no.

Its more likely AEG would let you do something with the koku on other games.

I remember seeing a post by Dave Laderoute saying that they are implementing a plan for what to do with current Koku balances.

As far as I know they do not have a redemption program, and it isn't really necessary with the LCG distribution model.

Although I'll tell you, I wouldn't mind being able to get singles of some of the neutral cards. :P

I agree that there's an approaching 0 chance FFG will have anything to do with koku.

****... I guess I'll hold onto my piles of koku at least a little while longer, just in case FFG does something with it, like alternate art, foils or playmats, or something.

I remember seeing a post by Dave Laderoute saying that they are implementing a plan for what to do with current Koku balances.

The Foil Isawa Tadaka from Siege: Clan War is one of the prettiest cards l5r ever did. I would not mind that being available for Koku at some point.

I for one am glad to be rid of koku. Yeah, you could get free stuff, but it was a pain in the ass to collect and mail it. Often times you couldn't even get the better cards. AEG didn't have the foresight to print more of the non-unique cards.

I'm lucky with this, I'd give all my koku and all my 'glory of' to somes friends

I wouldn't mind if FFG used koku as a way to get copies of the alt-art stuff. Or their proof-of-purchase token instead of koku.

I wouldn't mind if FFG used koku as a way to get copies of the alt-art stuff. Or their proof-of-purchase token instead of koku.

It would be cool if they kept calling it Koku.

Will FFG be accepting older Koku or even have a redemption program at all?

If they decide it's a good idea, I can see them having some sort of redemption program-

However, given that the LCG model doesn't result in quite so many scattered Booster Pack wrappers lying about, they'd be fools to accept the banked piles of thousands some people have stuffed into hall closets.

FFG will very unlikely have any kind of a koku program. Save them and see if AEG offers anything but beyond that they're probably worthless now sadly.

Maybe koku could see a new transform? I could see something like giving koku cards as lower prizes in the tournament store kits where a number could turned it for the alternative cards (or even towards votes). OR just put more alternative cards in the kits.

Alt art, foils, or special advance copies of cards (like how "Secluded waystation" was a assembly card, then became common after a year).

I could see FFG *maaaybe* doing like a one time deal for some extra staple cards from the box, not alt arts or anything, but they always have extras around for customer service purposes (replacing box-damaged cards and etc.). Even that I find pretty unlikely.

I don't think there's any chance they launch an ongoing redemption program, even with koku only existing as tournament give-aways. Much easier to cut out the middle-man and just give out alt arts as participation prizes as they do now.

File it as yet another thing that FFG doesn't do for any of its dozens of games and hundreds of expansions, or its LCGs specifically, and is unlikely to take up as a practice because they got the rights to a particular brand.

Edited by BD Flory

I could see FFG *maaaybe* doing like a one time deal for some extra staple cards from the box, not alt arts or anything, but they always have extras around for customer service purposes (replacing box-damaged cards and etc.). Even that I find pretty unlikely.

I don't think there's any chance they launch an ongoing redemption program, even with koku only existing as tournament give-aways. Much easier to cut out the middle-man and just give out alt arts as participation prizes as they do now.

File it as yet another thing that FFG doesn't do for any of its dozens of games and hundreds of expansions, or its LCGs specifically, and is unlikely to take up as a practice because they got the rights to a particular brand.


No. Do you have any idea how many people have been clamoring for "completion packs" for Core sets? And how many potential new players you would piss off with such a program.

Let's just ignore that it runs contradictary to pretty much every established FFG policy. I think adjusting to FFG as a company is going to be tough for some old timers.

No. Do you have any idea how many people have been clamoring for "completion packs" for Core sets? And how many potential new players you would piss off with such a program.

Yep, well aware. Which is why "even that I find pretty unlikely." ;)

It took like...4 days after the sale announcement for people to start asking for completion packs for L5R, even if they didn't call them by that term. :P

That's certainly not going to happen.

It happens every time. EVERY TIME. So, it is generally just best to try and slap it down whenever mentioned.

It's not gonna happen. Being a old time AGoT player even before the LCG, I remember that FFG had a similar program with Gold Dragons. Guess what happened? It's not around any more.

It's not gonna happen. Being a old time AGoT player even before the LCG, I remember that FFG had a similar program with Gold Dragons. Guess what happened? It's not around any more.

I remember those from way back. It's also true that FFG is much larger now than during that time and much better at supporting its games.

I personaly don't see why anyone is thinking that buying the IP means that FFG has any interest in continuing the marketing promotions that have nothing intrinsic to do with the IP.