The problem has never been printing the sensei, it has been having enough support for it when it is released. Some sensei's in Ivory and 20f would sit there for sometimes as long as a year without proper support, then an expansion comes out and the deck is golden.
And some never got there.
The Susumu Clout mechanic basically vanished after the set it appeared in (I think it got one or two cards that interacted with it the set after and then no more).
Rae for the Phoenix started getting the cards it needed to (kind of, almost, not really) justify its economy-maiming drawback... after it cycled out of legality. Koiso utterly shredded your freedom in designing your deck in exchange for the ability to kill one of your own cards in an effort to maybe kill one of theirs.
Gidayu for the Mantis did very little to justify its drawbacks.
Suikihime Sensei (a multi-clan option, incidentally) was basically a coaster and never escaped that status.