Descent WART Tileset v1.1 can be found here
It is what you have been waiting for: A tileset for TileSystem which includes Well of Darkness, Altar of Despair, Road to Legend and Tomb of Ice expansions. This is a great tool to make new quests (at least the map portion) for Descent JitD.
Since its too big (15MB) to fit on the BGG forums in a single file, I have split it up into 4 parts. Each can be unzipped separately.
TileSystem is available for download
Ideally I would like the descent tileset to look as good as the doom tileset (simply wow)... but I am just not that good.
This continues the good work of rogerfcw. Your tileset has gone far.
Many thanks to Chris Brown (Acolyte Rivan) for (previously) hosting the scans. They were a great help.
If there are any missing pieces/errors/suggestions, post 'em.
Side Note: The first letter of each expansion (ignoring "the"), in order of release, spells...WART, and when Sea of Blood (SoB) comes out, it will be WARTS.