SAS 3rd Place/Swissy Champ King- Grecko Roman GAHLIC BUTTAH RASSLIN!

By ShippuJinrai, in UFS Deck Building

Hey everyone. Here is the build i played at SAS. Card explanations follow the actual list.

1x King

4x Cobra Clutch +2M
4x Close Throw
4x Hilt Impact +1M
4x Konvict Kick +1H

4x Man Behind the Mask +3M
4x Torn Hero
4x Brooding +3H
4x Stand Off +3M
4x Undisputed Ruler
4x Ka Technique +3M
3x Killer Android +2L
4x Hungry for Battle
3x Bloodline Rebellion +3H
3x Paid to Protect +3M
2x Dead for 1k Years +3H


Couple comments on some of the cards.

Attack base- I chose the attack base i did for a number of reasons. First of all, my initial throw heavy builds were having tons of problems with getting stunned out and killed simply from being unable to check high enough. I cut down to 8 throws and added in the incredibly strong Hilt Impact and Kovict Kick to allow me to roll natural 4's in order to block rather than having to keep King back or hold back foundations. Second, i built the deck expecting to see a ton of stand off in the format which i was dead on with. For this reason, i made sure i had as much stun as humany possible. Close throw came in and flinging half nelson was cut. I also cut cobra twist for hilt impact. the combo e is cute but the card is very weak on its own. Hilt impact proved time and again all weekend that it is the best card in the deck with the stats, off center, stun 2, block, and sharing 2 symbols for path. Konvict kick acted as pseudo absurd strength netting me +9 total damage if it went unblocked with path out.

Undisputed Ruler- If you dont know what this card does then please go to coolstuff and search for it. Ill give you a sec... alright. This card was one of the strongest foundations in my deck all weekend. Stops lifter, stun outs from wheel kick, ALL of the combos in this format, and Astrid. Very strong card and helps tremendously in the fire and death matchup.

Killer Android- I didn't face a single kaz all day but the card was great all weekend for me. Earth's only real playable low block, 2/5 foundation, and shares 2 symbols for path. Was huge against Astrid and Heihachi for me.

Hungry for Battle- I have seen a LOT of people slam this card for the garbage stats. However, I swear by this card and will play it in any deck that can support it. It synergizes incredibly well with King in that it not only pumps throws for free but also fills the yard to use King's f. I had several games that ended on turn 2-3 without path simply because my opponent could not stop multiple hungrys. Very strong in earth despite the mediocre stats.

Dead for 1k Years- Garbage. Was good for me in 1 top 8 match all on Sunday and that was because my opponent didnt know what it did and walked a stand off into it. That being said, the block is nice and being able to randomly turn off shadow war, brooding, and stand off is cute. Definitely does not warrant a maindeck slot in this build and should have been king of the ring. Oh well what can you do.

Sideboard was very weird for me. 4x Mexican Sensation was great against problematic 7HS characters like Tira and Cassy. The remaining slots were irrelevant and show me that i need to research the meta a little better. Any suggestions.

Questions, comments, theory?

this deck sucks, King is so not top tier

Awaken said:

this deck sucks, King is so not top tier

your butt smells.

dont judge....its smeels like Gaaaaaahlic butta

The only suggestion I can throw out there is Enraged Golum in case your opponant has a way to deal with your Path of the Masters. Withouth that steady damage pump your games goes a LOT longer.

B-Rad said:

The only suggestion I can throw out there is Enraged Golum in case your opponant has a way to deal with your Path of the Masters. Withouth that steady damage pump your games goes a LOT longer.

lt only pumps fire attacks otherwise it would b eon the team. Even then, if my opponent has answers to path i can dig for stand off and just play an agressive early game and try to wear them down.

This deck makes children run in fear and women weak in the knees.

Actually, the sight of Drew does that anyway, nevermind...but it is quite awesome nonetheless.

OH does it Drew? Nyah here's why I don't play King... OR that card :P Disregard mah last post

I see very few low blocks... Otherwise, a very good deck!

Note, I assume the lack of low blocks really hurt against the zone changing Hata and probably would have tarnished a real good chance against Heiachi as well...

There are low blocks out there for King... ok, maybe not that many (note to self, I mean others, Earth/Void is the way to go!)

- dut

Killer Android! lol

dutpotd said:

I see very few low blocks... Otherwise, a very good deck!

Note, I assume the lack of low blocks really hurt against the zone changing Hata and probably would have tarnished a real good chance against Heiachi as well...

There are low blocks out there for King... ok, maybe not that many (note to self, I mean others, Earth/Void is the way to go!)

- dut

Yeah i know dut. The thing is that while there are earth low block out there, they are very bad. Android was the only playable low block for me without dual symboling and i just couldn't justify gumming up my build turns with off-symbol foundations. I know exactly what you mean against Hata and after Vik found that out the matchup was very much in his favor. Low Heavy Heihachi wasnt as much of a problem simply on the back of that deck having very few answers to stand off. Heihachi either has to kill me fast and bank on me having no low blocks or he gets shut down in the late game by stand offs and other redux. The matchup, at least from the limited testing i have done against grandpa mishima, has proven very favorable for King. Thank you for your input sir.

dutpotd said:

There are low blocks out there for King... ok, maybe not that many (note to self, I mean others, Earth/Void is the way to go!)

It's one of the many reasons I put in the Yi Shan's Dragon Tail Leg Sweeps in the deck... it is mah only low Block.

Still, this build is particularly great and I can see it wreckin' face easily. I would probably fail miserably at playing it because there's not enough shenanigans in the thing, but still.

Homme Chapeau said:

dutpotd said:

There are low blocks out there for King... ok, maybe not that many (note to self, I mean others, Earth/Void is the way to go!)

It's one of the many reasons I put in the Yi Shan's Dragon Tail Leg Sweeps in the deck... it is mah only low Block.

Still, this build is particularly great and I can see it wreckin' face easily. I would probably fail miserably at playing it because there's not enough shenanigans in the thing, but still.

Lol yeah the deck is as straight forward as it gets.