Like most players in our niche, but devout Call of Cthulhu player base I'm deeply saddened to see FFG let the game go. I'm trying to remain upbeat though and hoping that our local community can stand together.
For a while now we've been talking about taking the game out of busy and competitive local gaming stores and moving it to a very casual event at a nearby coffee shop once a month. With no further (official) prize support this sounds like the perfect time to implement that plan.
I've also been working on an alternate play format, one where players team up against a special built ancient one deck. Once I've tweaked out all the rules I'll upload it here, should be a lot of fun and offer a co-op play format, especially good for new players.
Our most recent Regional wasn't an official event, but rather a fan made one. Each of the players brought something of their own to add to the prize support kitty, a Cthulhu Pop Vinyl, a Lovecraft Book, Tokens, Figures, Alternate Art Cards, Playmats. Without a doubt one of the most enjoyable events I've yet participated in. I'm keen to do something similar next year and also for an Australian National event, a large, cheap and comfortable hotel with a function room in the middle of nowhere between Brisbane and Sydney should hopefully be cheap, functional and relaxing. It also sounds like the sort of place you'd run one of those 'Who done it?' Murder Mystery things in the evening.
One of the bigger objections I've face from potential new players is the required 'buy-in', coming from other LCG's they feel the need to purchase every possible pack, despite me telling them that a core set and one or two deluxe expansions are really all you need to get started and do well. Perhaps now with no new product coming out we might snag a hesistant new comer or two.
More likely though you'll see few people buying into the game now and most retailers will let the stock go. On the upside there will be a window where product is discounted to clear and we can fill any gaps in our collection.
So what about you and your group of players in your local community? Plans for the future?
Expected. Disappointed. Not the end!
New player here
bought most of the content and enjoying playing the solo Cthulhu Rising v2 rules from BGG.
Really enjoying it and starting with core and will be adding cards one pack (or cycle/deluxe) at a time to feel the progression of the release.
My plans are to carry on as-is enjoying solo (with occasional 1vs1 matches with friends using my collection).
Your plans for you and your group sound awesome!!!
Would love to have a game of Call Of Cthulhu full stop. Based here in Brisbane but Role Players seem to be a dying breed. Anyway, I'm on the North side if you require any more players.
We have a specific Facebook Group now for Brisbane players. Feel free to join 'Spaceresearcher'. We're looking to take the game into the casual scene with monthly meetups.
There is also a small (but growing) Lovecraft Association of Australia to talk about all things Lovecraftian -