Wonderful News!

By David Spangler, in Runewars

Having just read the game description, all I can say is, "Wow!" This game looks so awesome. I was in a game store the other day looking at a copy of the new edition of Space Hulk , and I noticed that it had 3D-tiles which created a very attractive play environment. But Runewars takes this to a new level with 3D terrain tiles. I can see we'll need to play with towels to protect everything from the drooling.... happy.gif And I imagine there will be some folks I know who will try to create a mammoth experience by tying Runewars together with Descent . Indeed, for the true die-hards, cross-over rules that allowed each Runewars faction to run Descent dungeons (i.e. to play the role of the Overlord) would make this not just a board game but an immersive experience with heroes going from dungeon crawl to warfare and quests and back again.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this. **** this recession! I need more income!

Fantasy Flight . . . what pacts with demons have you created to make such awesome products . . . . ?

Just when I thought you couldn't possible do better than your last release . . . . you slap me in the face for my lack of faith.

Any thoughts as to a release date - should I ask the bearded, fat guy in red that I want it in my legging?

I don't know - I already have all the Runebound and Descent products - I'm not sure how I can justify yet another game containing the same old faces (particularly as they will likely be pushing out expansions for this as well).

Twilight Imperium meets Warrior Knights meets Warcaft the Boardgame (at least the joined hexes part) meets A Game of Thrones....

Combined with a nice Fantasy theme...

Neat Miniatures....

If it gets a 6 Player expansion this will dominate my Game Group quite a while.

Keep them coming FFG.

My wallet for you FFG!Let's see ME Quest,Chaos in the Old Word & now this babeo.gif . Just too tempting to pass up.


Old Blue said:

Any thoughts as to a release date - should I ask the bearded, fat guy in red that I want it in my legging?

I'm a retailer, and I received a soliciation from FFG for a January release date on this product.

It can't come soon enough! I want to play!

JerusalemJones said:


'm a retailer, and I received a soliciation from FFG for a January release date on this product.

It can't come soon enough! I want to play!

Mahalo for the info happy.gif

I've become so interested in this Game I purchased RoundBound & several card expansions just get in the spirit of the thing. gran_risa.gif I hope this gets released before I feel compelled to start on Descent gui%C3%B1o.gif


If it's a Jan release date, then rules may be online by late November, early December, if FFG follows a recent trend.

Hagard said:

Twilight Imperium meets Warrior Knights meets Warcaft the Boardgame (at least the joined hexes part) meets A Game of Thrones....

Combined with a nice Fantasy theme...

Neat Miniatures....

If it gets a 6 Player expansion this will dominate my Game Group quite a while.

Keep them coming FFG.

I'd rather not have too many warrior knights in the game! I found the game execution somewhat lacking compared to the other ones described here (except for Warcraft, which I have never tried). The order phase was so random it was a much bigger mess than any dice rolling mechanism could have achieved.

And you forgot Starcraft who is a very beautiful design from Corey Konieczka IMO (although it somewhat lacks fluidity).

It reminds me a little bit of Games Workshop's "Mighty Empires", though I assume it's not going to have the old "why not take the time out to play a hearty game of Warhammer Siege" optional rules.