By DidntFallAsleep66, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

After seeing the ridiculous prices that EotE Core rules are going for I've decided to purchase the F&D Core while it's at 'reasonable' prices, (AoR can REALLY wait though)... don't really need it yet and have no plans to run a Jedi game... I JUST WANT IT!! :lol:

I 'spose the races and equipment may be useful though...

The prices will drop once FF finishes the 2nd (or higher) printing. Right now those books are being sold by 3rd party, so they figure they can charge an arm and a leg.

I'm the opposite.

Starting with Force and Destiny and, though I was going to run Edge of the Empire, I've ordered Age of Rebellion today instead.

FFG should (try to) stomp on the third parties as it could potentially put people off the games.

FFG should (try to) stomp on the third parties as it could potentially put people off the games.

Well, the MSRP on a half set of dice is $15 and it's $6 (?) for the rolling app on iOS & Droid.

I doubt they really care about the [over]pricing of remaining book copies that were printed > 2 yrs ago.

With any luck, though, we'll see reprints available ca. the TFA release.

Well, going by their Upcoming Products page, there's a reprint of the EotE core rulebook on the way.

Geeze, my FLGS has EotE for 50 bucks - and a ton of them. What the hell, people?

- Wait, I just clicked on some of those prices! 3,020 bucks?!? Are they out of their goddamned mind?

Edited by Desslok

- Wait, I just clicked on some of those prices! 3,020 bucks?!? Are they out of their goddamned mind?

Issue with their program. What a number of stores do, is they set up a program to base their price on other people's prices. So when you've got 2 or more people doing it, and each one sets it to be even a few cents over whatever the highest price is, then it just keeps increasing until somebody notifies them.

Wait, I just clicked on some of those prices! 3,020 bucks?!? Are they out of their goddamned mind?

There are simply some folks that will charge excessive prices if they think they can get away with it.

I remember seeing copies of Saga Edition's KOTOR Era Campaign Guide going for hundreds of bucks simply because there was a high demand for it and WotC never did a second print run of any of their sourcebooks.

But yeah, a price tag in the thousands is probably an indicator of someone's marbles having gotten away from them.

Amazon has Age of Rebellion for $43, while Barnes and Noble has Edge of the Empire for $50. If you have a local game shop, check them first.

Wait, I just clicked on some of those prices! 3,020 bucks?!? Are they out of their goddamned mind?

There are simply some folks that will charge excessive prices if they think they can get away with it.

I remember seeing copies of Saga Edition's KOTOR Era Campaign Guide going for hundreds of bucks simply because there was a high demand for it and WotC never did a second print run of any of their sourcebooks.

But yeah, a price tag in the thousands is probably an indicator of someone's marbles having gotten away from them.

The KOTOR book was one of the more expensive books I've ever bought.

Geeze, my FLGS has EotE for 50 bucks - and a ton of them. What the hell, people?

- Wait, I just clicked on some of those prices! 3,020 bucks?!? Are they out of their goddamned mind?

Wait, I just clicked on some of those prices! 3,020 bucks?!? Are they out of their goddamned mind?

There are simply some folks that will charge excessive prices if they think they can get away with it.

I remember seeing copies of Saga Edition's KOTOR Era Campaign Guide going for hundreds of bucks simply because there was a high demand for it and WotC never did a second print run of any of their sourcebooks.

But yeah, a price tag in the thousands is probably an indicator of someone's marbles having gotten away from them.

It's the same with every version of the SW RPG. If you want a D6 Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, then you can go immediately and buy it from some crack pot who has it listed for hundreds of dollars, or you can wait a good long while for someone to post it on eBay for a reasonable price.

Like Donovan said, there are collectors out there who just look to see what other people are posting the books for (and not looking to see what they're actually SELLING for), and it leads to a circular price creep. I affectionately refer to it as "the collector circle jerk." One way or the other, it's just an indicator of someone not knowing their product or its target audience.

Now, some of the SWRPG books do creep up pretty dang high just on market forces alone. The Hero's Guide for the d20 RCR had a high price-point. Starships of the Galaxy and the KOTOR Campaign Guide also could get up into the $80's no matter how low eBay bidding started. But that all depends on how far from the print date they got, and relative popularity of the game.

I've done price comparisons based on cost-per-page and adjusting cover prices for inflation. All in all, the FFG books aren't that much more expensive than either the D6 or d20 had been based on the bulk of the content it delivers. Of course, whether you feel that it is worth your money is a complete relative concept of value.

There are copies to be had out there for a reasonable price. With a bit of google searching I found a couple copies. Powell's had one left at 42 bucks, and some other gaming site had them retail.

That said, they're on the boat, so a little patience will net you a shiny new second printing with typos and errata corrected so I'd probably just wait if it were me.

Edited by Split Light

All we need now is somebody to rant and rail about how FFG should be offering PDFs.... :rolleyes:

All we need now is somebody to rant and rail about how FFG should be offering PDFs.... :rolleyes:

Edited by bandersnee

All we need now is somebody to rant and rail about how FFG should be offering PDFs.... :rolleyes:

I don't know how many times I've had to explain that over the last decade and a half.

Wait they don't offer PDF?!?!

I'm outta' here (stomps off)

I do wish FFG would have simply kept the mechanics is a single volume and made subsequent books assume you owned it. Kind of like what White Wolf did with new World of Darkness. You have the blue book World of Darkness, which is also the default setting, and then all the other settings are templates you add to it.

Buying the same rules three times is a little annoying. And omitting the content may serve to bring the cost of the book itself down.

All we need now is somebody to rant and rail about how FFG should be offering PDFs.... :rolleyes:

I don't know how many times I've had to explain that over the last decade and a half.

I have heard it's Lucas fault but i have never heard the whole story, can you tell it?

Thought it had something to do with EA owning online stuff, somehow tied in with SWTOR, but I could be totally wrong.

Thought it had something to do with EA owning online stuff, somehow tied in with SWTOR, but I could be totally wrong.

It's because PDFs are considered electronic media, and are therefore not covered by the licensing deal that covers print media. If FFG wanted to sell PDFs they'd have to pay for two licenses instead of one. I don't know what Disney charges for the Star Wars license (I'm betting it's not chump change) but I'm guessing that it would make the products so expensive that the market would dry up pretty fast.

Thought it had something to do with EA owning online stuff, somehow tied in with SWTOR, but I could be totally wrong.

It's because PDFs are considered electronic media, and are therefore not covered by the licensing deal that covers print media. If FFG wanted to sell PDFs they'd have to pay for two licenses instead of one. I don't know what Disney charges for the Star Wars license (I'm betting it's not chump change) but I'm guessing that it would make the products so expensive that the market would dry up pretty fast.

That sounds.... weird..... to say the least. We aren't talking about an app here, we are talking about the electronic version of a book. What would happen if (hypothetically) a publishing company aqquired the rights to publish star wars comics, wouldn't that company be able to sell the comics in cbr format?

Thought it had something to do with EA owning online stuff, somehow tied in with SWTOR, but I could be totally wrong.

It's because PDFs are considered electronic media, and are therefore not covered by the licensing deal that covers print media. If FFG wanted to sell PDFs they'd have to pay for two licenses instead of one. I don't know what Disney charges for the Star Wars license (I'm betting it's not chump change) but I'm guessing that it would make the products so expensive that the market would dry up pretty fast.

That sounds.... weird..... to say the least. We aren't talking about an app here, we are talking about the electronic version of a book. What would happen if (hypothetically) a publishing company aqquired the rights to publish star wars comics, wouldn't that company be able to sell the comics in cbr format?

It's not all that weird. When the electronic media stuff was being worked out it was at a time well before pdf's for books was common. EA has had the digital rights locked up for some time now. The technology has moved faster than the contracts governing them.

It's also possible that different file formats were negotiated at different times. Digital comics is a new thing after all, it is possible that EA may not have the rights to it because the file format itself wasn't listed in the contract. Without seeing the contract in full it's hard to know if EA just owns the digital rights to all electronic media or certain file formats that were common at the time. I'm leaning towards the latter as opposed to the former simply because Marvel does do an e comic of Star Wars and you can buy most Star Wars novels as Nook and Kindle books. But all those are newer file formats that may not have been included in the original contract. PDF has been with us for sometime after all.

Edited by Kael