So, new to the game. Never got into 1.0 but decided to take the leap with 2.0 and pre-ordered a couple Core Sets. Was reading the PDF rules in the meantime and most of it seems pretty straightforward other than Duplicates which were a kind of confusing sticking point for me.
Some vigorous google and forum searching later I THINK I understand them, but the one thing I couldn’t find an answer for was how Duplicates interacted with change of control over an element. For instance, if a Greyjoy player were to play “We Do Not Sow” to discard a unique Location that I had placed a Duplicate on, I would then discard that Duplicate. Could they then use “Euron Crow’s Eye” to steal that location from the discard, even if I still technically had it in play?
Or more generally, if a card comes out that straight allows another player to take control of an opposing element in play and the element they chose was duplicated, would discarding that duplicate stop the change in control? Or would the opposing player gain control of both the element AND the Duplicate. Or Would players split them and now both players would have the SAME element (and how would THAT work with unique elements?)
Yeah—I’m confused. Help?