No vital statistics?

By hellebore2, in Rogue Trader

There are no height/weight options in the book.

Now I'm sure there will be people that apologise for this by saying 'make it up yourself', but that can easily apply to everything.

Height/weight options give a good indicator of the kind of body types characters will have. A Void Born won't be 300lbs etc.


Hellebore said:

A Void Born won't be 300lbs etc.

Why not? Just because you are born in the Void doesn’t mean you always look like Jack Skellington before he died.

The main problem I had was that they blanketed that every type of world produces people of X height and weight. To me the chart should have been a roll to determine what line to roll on for your culture, then you have a selection of your cultural ranges to roll on, then you roll for variation on the average. They should not have taken the approach that every feral world produces four size ranges,, that's silly.

ItsUncertainWho said:

Why not? Just because you are born in the Void doesn’t mean you always look like Jack Skellington before he died.


In fact I think that a certain shipsmaster in one of the Gaunt's Ghosts novels has been slaved to his bridge for decades and he's a fat tub of lard hooked up to the ships cogitator systems.

Void Born's aren't always skinny as it seems...