Aura vs. Crushing Block

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hero moves adjacent to a Master Hellhound with Aura, OL plays a Crushing Block trap card on that space.

Would the hero suffer the Aura damage first before the Crushing Block is resolved and the hero pushed to another space? I guess so, but maybe there are thing I did not consider.

The rules say the damage from Aura is inflicted "immediately" when the enemy figure (hero) moves into an adjacent space. Crushing Block - I believe but I don't have it in front of me - says "after" a figure moves into an empty space. This is the exactly the kind of thin "let's define words in the English language" dispute that I despise getting involved in, so I'll just say that my vote is for Aura damage to happen first. The rest of the community can tear this one to shreds if they like.

Steve-O said:

The rules say the damage from Aura is inflicted "immediately" when the enemy figure (hero) moves into an adjacent space. Crushing Block - I believe but I don't have it in front of me - says "after" a figure moves into an empty space. This is the exactly the kind of thin "let's define words in the English language" dispute that I despise getting involved in, so I'll just say that my vote is for Aura damage to happen first. The rest of the community can tear this one to shreds if they like.

+1, except for the shredding part.

Agreed. I'd say you can also slide the hero into another space adjacent to the master hellhound and inflict Aura damage again. Though if the hero's goal is to attack the hellhound, then putting him further away will either result in him being unable to attack, or in him moving adjacent to it again anyway, so I guess there's not usually much advantage to be gained there.