We have troble to understand when player can take action between battlefield phase. Is this scenario below correct:
4. Battlefield phase
Active player declares attackers, and decides which of his opponent’s zones they are attacking.
Player B attack from his battlefild 3 x UNIT with summary power total 7
Actions may be taken by either player. - no one take action
Defending player declares defenders.
Player A declare that VALKIA THE BLOODY to be defender.
Actions may be taken by either player.
After player A play SEDUCED BY DARKNESS on the one of the attacing unit.
Damage is counted and assigned, without yet being applied.
Player A applied 2 damage to 1 of attacing unit
Player B applied 4 damage to VALKIA and 3 damage to quest zone
Actions may be taken by either player.
Player A take action from VALKIA Spend 2 resources to move any number of damage on this unit to a target corrupted unit. He move that 4 damage to corrupted unit of player B
Damage is applied and its effects resolve. Characters leave play if they are out of hit points. Burn tokens are placed on the capital if necessary.
VALKIA LiVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actions may be taken by either player.
Is that correct?