Nara the Fang - the special Gencon exclusive character

By fimarach, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have finally received my English card for this character from FFG (along with her Descent rules) and I like her alot but I am wondering if I should bust her out of the plastic or try to sell her on eBay. I haven't seen any other listings on eBay for the character.

Did FFG change gears and include her in ToI after all? That kind of determines if there is a market. If there much interest from people in getting this character?

Officially, it's a promo, but not a GenCon exclusice. They released some at Essen, and Kevin implied there may be other ways to aquire them in future.

If I watched right on boardgamegeek, Nara IS included in TOI--- so imo there will be no real market for this Char.

I know I don't have Nara in my ToI.

Has there been any other info/pics of any of the other exclusive characters? Have the winners of the mini painting contest and the make-a-hero contest recieved anything yet?

Nara is not in my ToI, either. I would be curious to see her character card.

12 Health

4 Stamina

2 Armor

4 Speed

3 Melee dice

Enemy figures damaged by one of Nara's attacks suffer 1 extra damage for each space they occupy beyond the first.

2 Melee Skills

1 Subterfuge Skill

pretty handy against larger monsters, thats for sure.

Nara Character Card

That's +3 damage against the monsters that really matter... niiice!

...and +5 damage to some other certain beasties.

Just checked...not a single one for sale on E-Bay. sad.gif preocupado.gif llorando.gif ...LOL....I must find one!!

Since you needed to buy ToI, most people (like myself) are probably keeping them to play with. gui%C3%B1o.gif But I just looked and there's one for sale for $51. Makes me almost wish I bought 2 copies so I could have a figure to sell.

In germany the promo character was given to you, if you did buy an expansion of any kind out of the descent family on the fair in essen. A week later the char was sold for 30€ on ebay germany. Its incedible, i dont understand those people buying this stuff. Descent is enough fun without it.

In the RtL campaign I just started, one of the players took Nara and she is doing a real good job.

Nara is up for sale on ebay for ~50 to 60$ if you really need her now


50 bucks! That is ridiculous! She is not that needed and hopefully she is released in the next expansion. There are plenty of Heroes in the game already especially Orc characters. But 50 bucks for a small figure and a stat card for both Descent and RuneBound....whatever!

50$ for one figure *lol* it should better be pro-painted