My whole detailed essay on the subject disapeared as i was about to post, so i short, any tips on which characters to play. I am playing 2 hero game and i am 6-0 down only a couple of those are terribile luck.
I am playing with varikas the dead and Elder Mok due to the way their skills sync up. Limited movement and some low test attributes are the main weakness i see, but free fatigue +1 for each character each go is possible in this combo and i like this thought to reduce downtime resting.
Also it always seems like i open a door too early or have to rest before opening it so my heroes are ready to engage the new room. this waste turns and add fate/doom.
Any tips to bring more success, it might just be poor judgement each game and there is no way to tell without video but any advice would be welcome to hero choice. different number of heros, strategies?
many thanks