Brick Quest!!!

By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I so don't have the number of lego's needed to do this - BUT - could always use the tile system from descent and play this...

I think it's really cool - thought I'd share.

And I thought Descent was time-consuming.

lol - could you IMAGINE as the OL having to setup the level - then re-setup the next one if you were doing two in a row that day!!! I thought descent took a long time to setup!!!!

I do like however the system they use to keep loot and items and track of health/stamina etc...

Wow, it looks pretty cool.

If I had enough lego tiles, I would build a Descent-Dungeon with it :D

I like it. Don't have the Legos to do it properly, or the money to buy them, but I like it.