L5R T-shirts?

By Kanpeki, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So, AEG once had Clan stores where they sold Clan Mon shirts, hats, etc. Anyone know if FFG is going to do the same? Anyone know if AEG still has some of those for sale? I can't find anything about it on their store, but then that might be part of what is disappearing, eh?

Or am I just old and losing my mind?

L5R used to have shirts all over the place. I had a bunch but at this point I think I have pretty much warn through all of them. I would be up for some new ones.

I wouldn't expect FFG to have t-shirts for L5R any time soon. Do they even do such things in the first place?

I wouldn't expect FFG to have t-shirts for L5R any time soon. Do they even do such things in the first place?

Not for retail sale. They give out shirts at Worlds, that is about it.