RtL Lieutenants, painted

By edroz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Since I finally finished painting my RtL lieutenants, I thought I would post the pictures:

Wave 1: Sir Alric, Lord Merrik, Thaad the Destroyer, Gata the White Death


Wave 2: Lady Eliza, Kratz the Plague, Krieg the Relentless


Wave 3: Kar-Amag-Atoth, Dar Hilzernod, Slaggorrath




Very nice :)

I haven't studied all the Lts, I didn't realize there were two "dragon" Lts. Are they both for that dragon Avatar?


Nicely done! And since that's too short, Nicely done!

shnar said:

Very nice :)

I haven't studied all the Lts, I didn't realize there were two "dragon" Lts. Are they both for that dragon Avatar?


The figure he's painted green is Kratz; he's one of the beastman's Lts. I've always thought of him as a filthy, larger razorwing happy.gif

snacknuts said:

The figure he's painted green is Kratz; he's one of the beastman's Lts. I've always thought of him as a filthy, larger razorwing happy.gif

Well, the "official" picture shows him as green...


snacknuts said:

The figure he's painted green is Kratz; he's one of the beastman's Lts. I've always thought of him as a filthy, larger razorwing happy.gif

I concur. I've always thought of Kratz as some kind of giant mutated razorwing. Admittedly the relative size of the two minis makes him look more like a dragon than the pictures did, but I think that's more a limitation on how big they can reasonably make the minis than anything else.

These are awesome pictures! I looked for the Lieutenants in my area but my FLGS doesn't have them, and I don't need to add more to my collection, but you have done a fantastic job!

shnar said:

I haven't studied all the Lts, I didn't realize there were two "dragon" Lts. Are they both for that dragon Avatar?


D.Hilzenord is the most powerfull Lts of the Great Wyrm (avalaible only at the gold level)

****, this makes me want to get painting my leutenenants. Need more time....