Overload Pulse

By Felswrath, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I'm not sure that I quite understand this, but beause overload pulse is a critical effect it resolves before the defender can use them? So it's not just a support ablity, right? If so it will be deadly on the Avenger. "What's this I rolled a crit!? No defense tokens for you!"

Page 2 of the rules book:

1) Declair target

2) Roll Dice

3) Resolve Dice

-->Spend accuracy and modify dice

4) spend defense tokens

5) resolve damage

--> attacker resolves 1 critical effect, then defender suffers damage.

6) Declair additional squadron target

Rinse, repeat.

This is actually a common misunderstanding of overload pulse and assault missiles. Since there are no timing changes on the card the defending SHIP may spend tokens before the critical effect is resolved.

Critical effects occur after tokens are spent.

The reason for this card is a damned if you do damned if you don't.

Wait, so cards that have a crit effect only do something if they actually cause crit damage i.e. the faceup card? Or does he still technically suffer a critical effect even though it only took shields, therefore no damage card drawn?

Think ive been using overload wrong then lol.

That answer is handled by this lovely video

I know I make the video but you should subscribe

Edited by Lyraeus
Wait, so cards that have a crit effect only do something if they actually cause crit damage i.e. the faceup card? Or does he still technically suffer a critical effect even though it only took shields, therefore no damage card drawn?

Think ive been using overload wrong then lol.

The critical effect happens regardless if damage was actually dealt, even the standard effect technically happens when no damage is dealt it just doesn't anything since there are no cards to flip

^ This +1

Wait, so cards that have a crit effect only do something if they actually cause crit damage i.e. the faceup card? Or does he still technically suffer a critical effect even though it only took shields, therefore no damage card drawn?

Think ive been using overload wrong then lol.

Flipping the damage card is a critical effect, Overload pulse is a critical effect, Assault concussion missiles is a critical effect. You can only ever resolve ONE critical effect if you roll at least one critical hit in your dice pool.

Edited by DWRR

I don't want to be beating a a dead horse. If you only rolled one blue crit result do you, resolve the crit and take point a point of damage or just resolve the crit?

Is your dice pool showing any critical hits, if yes resolve one critical effect.


For every hit and critical hit showing in your dice pool you inflict a point of damage.

That actually makes a lot of sense, and kinda clarifies things too.

We were wondering what the heck that crit effect to turn 2 faceup damage cards was talking about.

I was using my Overload incorrectly but not the way i thought i was. It did drain his defense tokens through his shields, but if i got through the shields i still did a faceup damage card. That part was incorrect, thank you for the tips.

To reiterate and make sure i got it right:

All Crit Icons cause damage if caused by a ship to a ship.

In addition, one Crit Effect. Regardless of the effect you picked, you still do the normal damage that was tallied up.

Crit Effects happen after any defensive tokens.

Edited by Vineheart01

You got it!!