Hi all,
Just a quick one really - looking at BFG stock cruiser models, which one do you think is the best in terms of Rogue Trading and what you get for the points? Assuming Vitae Life Sustainers and Voidsman quarters with no component downgrades and including the armoured prow where applicable :-
A stock Lunar comes in at 70SP, 3 free space
A stock Dominator comes in at 69SP, 6 free space
A stock Dictator comes in at 69SP, 5 free space
A stock Tyrant (using 2 x Regular Ryza and 2 x Good Craftsmanship (Range) Ryza batteries each side to more or less match BFG stats) at 73SP, 13 free space
A stock Gothic comes in at way more than 73SP due to the necessity for higher craftsmanship components to save power and space, a warcruiser drive + auxiliary plasmas so can't be a starting ship in most instances
From what I have read, the Dictator probably makes the best RT flagship but issues about affording the small craft and torpedoes would be a concern. The stock Tyrant has room to customise, and if you use Hecutors you could get better range and more space.
I must say, that of the "stock" models, my inclination would be for a Dominator...
Your thoughts and comments - and corrections if I got my admittedly quick calculations wrong - would be welcome. I know most RTs would strip out components to free up space and points, but hopefully you get my drift here.
Edited by Kadros